Words I'd ban from the gun community

Don't know the origins of "driving a rifle", I assume mrs daisy came up with that one but "kit" is an old term the Brits use for gear. I believe the more recent surge in the use of the term comes from working with the Brits downrange over the past ten years, at least that's the case for me I heard it working with some Brit sas guys on a couple raids in shit town a few years ago, first time i'd heard the term

Thanks for the history lesson, for me seeing "piece of kit", I just automatically think someone is saying, "POS", a term I've used strongly for 45+ years. I just can't shake it!
Thanks for the history lesson, for me seeing "piece of kit", I just automatically think someone is saying, "POS", a term I've used strongly for 45+ years. I just can't shake it!

Ahhh that makes since I suppose. I do use the term at times but when I do I always use as in " oh that's good kit" or "alright fucktards grab your kit and let's roll" I don't think I've said piece of kit
Satan has come up with a bunch of kit for those that shoot "pills," or push them.
A nice big rusty spike from the UP railroad for nailing down the nut sack, if they have one, a soggy jackpine stump to sit on with lots of pitch in it, a dull rusty knife and a gallon can of gasoline.
Nail down the "pill" shooter on the stump, douse with gasoline and then give them the rusty knife. Hope they make a spark. Regards, FM
Satan has come up with a bunch of kit for those that shoot "pills," or push them.
A nice big rusty spike from the UP railroad for nailing down the nut sack, if they have one, a soggy jackpine stump to sit on with lots of pitch in it, a dull rusty knife and a gallon can of gasoline.
Nail down the "pill" shooter on the stump, douse with gasoline and then give them the rusty knife. Hope they make a spark. Regards, FM


Just making the "message" longer..
How about the term "troll"? I swear that has become the most misused term in all internet communities. I mean if it was used in the proper way, then I wouldn't care. But apparently if anyone disagrees with you, they are automatically a troll.
How about the term "troll"? I swear that has become the most misused term in all internet communities. I mean if it was used in the proper way, then I wouldn't care. But apparently if anyone disagrees with you, they are automatically a troll.

I'm sure you hear that a lot.

Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2.
Without mentioning "anal" and "lube" being used in the same sentence this thread is worthless.
Edit: This post should not be construed as a personal attack on VJJPunisher.
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IT's hard to care about all these dumb terms when your really out shooting. When I'm shooting I don't hear about all the guys "driving" their tactical sniper sticks sending pills doing their parts all day long dumping clips at CQB with silencers on their sexy she-male boom boom sticks turning turents after they get proper reticule alignment engaging targets and spotting impacts.

According to most on this site you have to have mil/mil 100x scopes on top of a 6.5BMG to successfully engage deer at 50 yds.........

Can't we just shoot our damn rifles. I bypass all the stuff I don't want to hear about. Not re-live it.
(e..g. "Dude....nice stick ya got there." )

"Nice Stick"? Really? Nice "STICK"?
That's hilarious, because all this time I thought people were complimenting me on my personal manhood.
First time I ever saw it spelled out. Hmmm. Now I'm just embarrassed.
Note to self: Gotta stop going to the range naked....
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I'm not a big fan of using the term "stick" to describe a rifle. It saves no typing, and just sounds dumb.

The term "system" is way overused. My personal transportation system is a complex interaction of an automobile, tires, fuels, roads, law enforcement, and operator training. It's still just a fuckin' car when I'm describing it to other people.


Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

muscle break. that one always annoys the shit out of me

The misspelling of "brake" has become so common that, on the rare occasion when I see it spelled correctly, I actually pause for a moment as if something is wrong.

Has anyone ever really broken a fucking glass rod, with their God-damn index finger?

Yeah, in high school chemistry class many years ago. It took a lot of force and cut up my hand. It'd make for a rather piss-poor trigger on a high-end rifle, but probably would be fine to most mil-surp black-rifle guys ;)



"Molon Labe" , especially when they spell it out with greek letters they have no clue about.

"CQB", specifically the misuse/overuse of it. Unless you are in the military and or LEO and there are other people shooting back at you as you move through the objective, you're not doing CQB.

"Advanced marksmanship", like there is another level and you can forget about doing the basics well.
"Molon Labe" , especially when they spell it out with greek letters they have no clue about.

"CQB", specifically the misuse/overuse of it. Unless you are in the military and or LEO and there are other people shooting back at you as you move through the objective, you're not doing CQB.

"Advanced marksmanship", like there is another level and you can forget about doing the basics well.

What do you think of moving downrange, while sending rounds downrange, at the local range which really isn't a range?
Are you referring to fire and maneuver and or individual movement Techniques (IMT)?

I'm referring, in a mocking tone(mainly because of a situation I was very unfortunately eyewitness to on more than one occasion), to when someone, without any experience in either, and a total lack of military service or any law enforcement experience(either one must include actually getting shot at while on duty) as well, uses the phrase "downrange" every chance he/she(because women have lied about military awards too) can get in a self-promoting attempt at trying to be some type of bad-ass to any person, animal, rock within earshot.

Stories might include that time where he/she was a ninja on a recon operation, that turned into a direct action assault on a Taliban/Al-Qaeda/Abu-Sayyaf/Chuck E. Cheese's/Bed, Bath, and Beyond stronghold, using a M-2 strapped to a camel.

Be prepared for variations, as it's important for him/her to keep the enemy guessing for the sake of OPSEC.
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So I guess I need to start going to the range drunk, wearing a sleeveless tee-shirt and instead of firing at the target, I'll just stagger downrange and punch it in the face. Back to paper targets for me. :)

Dying laughing over this one MtnCreek.

I hate:

1. Saying "and don't look back" when talking about your amazing purchase that everybody should follow.
2. Tacticool - absolutely referring to yourself
3. Mall Ninja - yep, same thing as above
4. Any time someone refers to their gun "wearing" an optic
5. Any time some lazy fuck says "my google fu isn't working but whats better NF, S&B or Vortex"
6. YMMV - I know, probably not a big deal but who started this? Why can't "you might get different results" be used?
"Sharpshooter", when used by the media or other uninformed idiot to describe a military or LE precision shooter. No, dumbass, a Sharpshooter is the guy who went to the range on qualification day, can't shoot too well, but didn't shoot himself or anyone else he wasn't supposed to, and got a scare badge for qualifying. As in, slightly better than a "Marksman", but not enough hits to make "Expert."
Thats all very well but how can you ban the words Tactical and Sniper were such people and items or Tactical dicussions exsist.

I am P'off with the words zombie and sick and friggin Airsoft, when you you type in the word sniper into to youtube you get a few documentories come up and then pricks about airsoft and bloody video games, Geezzzz it gives me the SHITS.

surely friggin youyube could move that shit under the heading GAMES, 600 pages of Bollocks just to find a documentory.
I clicked on something about painting rifles the other day and ended up with an airsoft video and at the same time I saw all this military kit all spread out and the heading was something to do with sniper kit and that was bleeding airsoft too,
and every armchair fking Rambo just has to use that phrase LOADOUT.
