Wounded Warrior Project anti-gun controversy

Do I care? Not at all, it is a business. Watch dogs can give them whatever rating they want yet ill take personal experience over a watchdog site. I can remember getti g a care package from them before I even came home. They helped me with the VA, they got me and my wife (among others) plane tickets, a hotel room, transportation and Super Bowl tickets. Hell they even had an agreement to get me LASIK eye surgery last year. All without a penny out of my pocket, and with a thank you. They still send me under armor gear on a regular basis. So under the guise that they're doing it for the vets? No clue what your talking about, they've done more for vets than any organization I have ever seen.

Well at least it's good to know someone has benefited. Unfortunately I've seen the numbers for WWP and I have to disagree. Fisher House does just as much and more and doesn't use their charity as a profit machine to pay admin and celebrities.
might as well throw in my other most unfavorite corporation I mean charity: komen for the lawsuits.

google komen and lawsuits to get the whole story. basically they are big bullies out for keeping "their" money.
I saw a video about this on youtube few months ago Wounded Warrior - AntiGun! by James Yeager. I have few friends who regularly donate to charities like this, so this was s surprise. They are actually turning into a gun-ban group I heard.
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Guys, it's a business, a profit maker, under the guise of helping vets. They do enough of that to justify all the fundraising and publicity they do. Dunno how many of you clicked on the Navigator links in the posts above mine, but here's a snapshot.

(FYE 09/2011)

Total Contributions$70,145,724
Program Service Revenue$0
Total Primary Revenue$70,145,724
Other Revenue$3,912,624
TOTAL REVENUE$74,058,348
EXPENSES (Adjusted)
Program Expenses$31,782,076
Administrative Expenses$4,669,208
Fundraising Expenses$21,306,030
Payments to Affiliates$0
Excess (or Deficit) for the year$16,301,034
Net Assets$30,357,444


They had a profit of over $16 million that year, and paid the CEO $319,652- which is not out of line for a for-profit company of that size. Which they are, plain and simple. Our local grocery store has WWP bottled water. We live in a small patriotic town and the stuff is flying off the shelves.

Sad. They've gotten their last dollar from me, ever.

I'm a Vet, and I don't contribute money to 'charities', but rather to Veterans' fraternal organizations, like the Legion, the VFW, and the Marine Corps League. They have helped me substantively and I pay it forward.

Seeing the overheads, legitimate of not, that the 'charities' generate, I'd rather give my time and effort, and see 100% of it reach the Vets, than cop out with a check, and turn my back on how it's allocated. I decide where my contribution goes, not some pecking order of highly paid management types. These days, I can't do as much as I once could, but I do have some good reason to be proud of what I've managed.

At my level of contribution, policies regarding gun ownership don't even enter into the conversation. My volunteer activities have been with VAVS, but mostly with the MODD.

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This can't be emphasized enough. Wounded Warrior Project is a SCAM. Tell your friends, tell your families, tell your boss, run for the hills, flee for your lives... ahem.

Start here: wounded warrior project scam (bing search results).

Then here (from not too very long ago): Wounded Warriors Project A Legal Scam | Veterans Today

I used to donate to HHV until I found this: Help Hospitalized Veterans - charitywatch.org

There are a LOT of scams out there.

Donate wisely. But do whatever you can.
I would like to start a thread on here for these guys in need, with 100 percent going directly to them! Maybe I should ask frank? We could call it Snipers Hide Vet fund that would cover all in the uniform.
I would like to start a thread on here for these guys in need, with 100 percent going directly to them! Maybe I should ask frank? We could call it Snipers Hide Vet fund that would cover all in the uniform.

Not sure if they are still as active, but Mark Cuban's "Fallen Patriot Fund" is a great resource for guys in true need of financial assistance, not the typical scam artist "wounded warriors."
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