Fieldcraft Wrapping barrel with burlap = accuracy change?


Full Member
Jun 20, 2011
Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati
Got a coyote hunt coming this weekend and I'm using my 223 AR with stainless heavy barrel. Don't really want to paint it but have a few extra feet of burlap from last years Halloween costume. Was thinking about just doing a simple cover of burlap from forearm out to muzzlebrake, and I don't think with the heavy barrel this would affect poi or accuracy, but just wanted to confirm. Any help or info would be appreciated.
Re: Wrapping barrel with burlap = accuracy change?

I haven't noticed any kind of shift with my rifles using camo-wrap, but I do know that a wrapped barrel and it's possible POI shift is a consideration that is taught at school. If I were you, I'd have at it and then if possible reconfirm the zero (something that I guess should be done before any hunt anyways). I know that I sure wouldn't want to miss a coyote kill because of a unknown POI shift. Always better to be safe in regards to any changes to your weapon.
Re: Wrapping barrel with burlap = accuracy change?

Just a little thought, burlap lights on fire really easily, might want to avoid getting to close to the muzzle brake. Probably a non-issue, but might make for fun surprise.