Looking to sell or trade ATN NVM14-3A together with ATN 8X-lens. $1950 for both or will consider a wide variety of trades.
Both the NVM14 and the lens have only been used a few times, great condition, no scratches, glass is in perfect condition. I don't have the accessories that came with it, just the additional lens. Works amazingly well both in active and passive mode, trading it because CA doesn't allow use for hunting so don't have much utility for it.
Happy to consider offers that are just scope (as long as it's a fair trade), scope + cash or scope + really any other cool stuff you want to throw in, pretty flexible!
Both the NVM14 and the lens have only been used a few times, great condition, no scratches, glass is in perfect condition. I don't have the accessories that came with it, just the additional lens. Works amazingly well both in active and passive mode, trading it because CA doesn't allow use for hunting so don't have much utility for it.
Happy to consider offers that are just scope (as long as it's a fair trade), scope + cash or scope + really any other cool stuff you want to throw in, pretty flexible!
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