Suppressors YHM Resonator - why not?

The yhm has its quick mounting system welded in, it's not removeble and replaceble with a regular direct thread adapter.

The Omega mounting system does not work with the resonator.
I'm interested in the Resonator, especially since it threads on to Omega adapters. I'm curious about a few things:

1. Since the poster above said you can't change the mounting system, does that mean it has no direct thread option?
2. How's the accuracy? Is the POI shift repeatable?

There are two Resonators being discussed here, the original, which has a non-removable YHM QD mount, and the second edition R2, which has the Omega mount thread pattern and can take any of the many QD and direct thread mounts available in that pattern.

There are omega direct thread adapters right? They should work. I'm pretty sure YHM makes them as well. In fact, I'm almost positive the can comes in DT format.

The Turbo K came with the YHM QD mount and a DT mount, but I'm pretty sure the T2 and R2 just come with the YHM QD mount.

YHM, SiCo, Rex Silentium, Dead Air, Energetic Armament, Hansohn Brothers and, i'm sure others, offer SS or Ti direct thread mounts for the the Omega mount thread pattern (1.375"x24).
I have a resonator. It's my only can so I can't really compare to other cans. But I can say it's really good and did everything I wanted.

I filed single no trust and it came back in about 80 days. Was very happy with every part of the process and the end result.
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Where did you buy from?

I got mine on Silencer Shop. Went through Top Pack Defense in Sun Prairie WI and the shop was great. Walked me through the Kiosk and everything super quick and easy. Price was about $420 so maybe you can find cheaper but to me the Kiosk and skipping transfer fees is worth the cost.
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I got mine on Silencer Shop. Went through Top Pack Defense in Sun Prairie WI and the shop was great. Walked me through the Kiosk and everything super quick and easy. Price was about $420 so maybe you can find cheaper but to me the Kiosk and skipping transfer fees is worth the cost.
They are 502 on, there is a kiosk near me too at the range of richfield....also in WI! Also, what are you shooting in on? And any accuracy issues? Im looking at this one due to price and sound suppression seems great, and would be used for for rifle matches and general shootery.
They are 502 on, there is a kiosk near me too at the range of richfield....also in WI! Also, what are you shooting in on? And any accuracy issues? Im looking at this one due to price and sound suppression seems great, and would be used for for rifle matches and general shootery.

I know there is a Resonator model 2 which is more expensive. IDK if the version 1 went up in price or if shops are selling the R2 and that's the price you're seeing. I have the first model.

My groups shifted a little from bare muzzle to Break+Resonator. But accuracy over an average of 10 5 shots groups increased by about .18 MOA. So could just be random chance but it certainly didn't hurt overall accuracy. This was shooting on my HOWA 1500 in 6.5 CM. Multiple different loads tested. None decreased in accuracy.

I do have an AR 15 I want to test it on. But unfortunately with Deer season my land (Open to public) is filled with random strangers and shooting there would be very rude and semi-dangerous. I did try going to a public range but it was just before deer season so the 20 or so lanes were totally full with about 50 people waiting. I left without shooting.

Only had the can for about 2 months and only 1 real shooting session with it. My only real advice is grab a suppressor cover as Mirage gets crazy if you shoot fairly reapidly. I always double up on ear protection but I took the muffs off because of this. No point. The break was pretty effective and not very loud either. Much better than my other 2 muzzle breaks. New break for AR was $60 which is super nice. Some brands charge $200 plus for the breaks which adds up if you own multiple guns.
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WOW!!! 80 days!!!??? That's Awesome!!! I have 2 that im waiting on. 1 Dead Air K that ATF checks have been cashed and 1 YHM Resonator that I am just waiting on. I have heard nothing about the checks as of yet.
Has anyone found a good cover for the Resonator yet? I still have one in jail, but a cover is on my list.

Also wonder if YHM will offer the ability to change an R1 to the R2 mount style. I doubt it, but that would be nice. Had I known the change was coming I might have waited. But I knew the wait was long so I got in line... still there 6months later.
Has anyone found a good cover for the Resonator yet? I still have one in jail, but a cover is on my list.

Also wonder if YHM will offer the ability to change an R1 to the R2 mount style. I doubt it, but that would be nice. Had I known the change was coming I might have waited. But I knew the wait was long so I got in line... still there 6months later.

What do you mean change from R1 to R2 mount styles? The R2 can take other company's QD mounts, but the YHM QD mount that comes with the R2 uses the same muzzle devices as the R1 does.
I think I worded that wrong. The one I have in jail is a original resonator that only takes YHM mounts. I was wondering if it can be retrofitted to the R2's ability to take different style mounts as well.
I think I worded that wrong. The one I have in jail is a original resonator that only takes YHM mounts. I was wondering if it can be retrofitted to the R2's ability to take different style mounts as well.

I highly doubt it. The R1 is completely sealed, no way to change the mounting system. You are stuck with YHM system or "locktighting" your muzzle device into the can and essentially making it a direct thread can.

I love the YHM mounting system though. I use it for most of my rifle cans.
There's a board member who makes suppressor covers that work very well. @hunter-steve will make custom length and diameter covers. I have a couple of them that have held up to several years of matches. When it's time to replace them, ol buy more from Steve
It's my understanding that disassembly and cleaning isn't really and issue with centerfire suppressors and I can't recall reading otherwise. That said, I'd never have a rimfire can that couldn't be. Rimfire is amazingly dirty out the muzzle. Please don't tip off the EPA :whistle:
You don't need to be able to disassemble center fire cans. Don't shoot rim fire through them and you won't need to clean them. Most center fire cans are not able to be disassembled.

You guys might want to read this thread:

and my post on it:

edit: Here's a list of user-serviceable take-apart suppressors I put together.
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Definitely an underpriced can. Lots of value in a YHM suppressor these days. I have a YHM Titanium Phantom .30 that cost me over $1,000 five years ago and I’ve beat it up quite a bit and I have no complaints. I’ve had lots of good experience with YHM customer service as well as direct ordering mounts. A+ company in my books. You can’t beat their mounting system either, it really is top notch.
Have you shot the Resonator and Ti Phantom side by side for comparison. I am looking at the new R2 and a old stock Ti Phantom for my 10.5" 300BLK pistol & possibly my 18" 223 wylde rifle and am wondering if it worth an extra $150 for the Ti. Listed weights seem like only an ounce or 2 difference and less than an ince in length. This will mainly be used for range targets and HD on the 300BLK pistol with possibly hunting hogs or coyotes.
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Have you shot the Resonator and Ti Phantom side by side for comparison. I am looking at the new R2 and a old stock Ti Phantom for my 10.5" 300BLK pistol & possibly my 18" 223 wylde rifle and am wondering if it worth an extra $150 for the Ti. Listed weights seem like only an ounce or 2 difference and less than an ince in length. This will mainly be used for range targets and HD on the 300BLK pistol with possibly hunting hogs or coyotes.
I’ve never shot them side by side. I think the Ti phantom is a great can, but it’s not rated quite as durable as the new resonators are, if that matters to you. The R2 is full auto heavy use rated, and the Ti phantom is rated for limited full auto.
I’ve never shot them side by side. I think the Ti phantom is a great can, but it’s not rated quite as durable as the new resonators are, if that matters to you. The R2 is full auto heavy use rated, and the Ti phantom is rated for limited full auto.
All in all and after talking with Zach at YHM I will just go with the R2. Given how close they are in specs and with what you say - Might as well save $150 and get a newer model.
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