You know, I’ve tried to stay out of this one, but the very fact that we are all discussing people having rights taken away from bogus charges, criminals being released back out into society and so on is proof that the time to storm has long passed. The gov is a business. We have already lost. As pointed out earlier, even if you are squeaky clean people could make it so that you aren’t fairly easily, as it has already been pointed out. We don’t have a cop problem, we don’t have a gov problem, we don’t have a drug problem etc. what we have is a greed and morale problem. The very moral fabric of this country has been lost. Change society and many of these issues go away. I don’t exactly know how you do that but the corruption is real and only seems to be getting worse by the day. There are plenty of good people still in gov, plenty of good cops still out there and so on but they seem to be dwindling and that is an issue. If we don’t change course somehow soon, the US will be the next Venezuela x10000.