Your business. Your rules. You HAVE the right to not sell to potential enemy combatants. ANTIFA denied gun sale by Oregon FFL.

Blue Sky Country

Urban Cowboy
Full Member
    Great job and well done, Florence Gun Shop of Florence, Oregon, for being on the alert to enemy political affiliations and denying sales to individuals who represent a clear and active threat to the safety of America.

    Regarding this ANTIFA dude: You do NOT believe in the 2nd Amendment and the US Constitution. Stop using it to try to argue about your point. You have no point. You and your ilk are a threat to this country and businesses have every individual right and choice to not sell ANYTHING to you. You want a gun? Move to Gaza or Syria.

    Gun shops and private sellers are recommended to run a quick check of every potential buyer's name on social media presence. If anything funny comes up, DENY SALE. You don't owe them any explanations nor are they entitled to one.

    Nah dawg... You gotta leave my store. I don't have to explain anything to you. LEAVE.


    FLORENCE, Ore. -- A Florence man is hoping that a gun shop owner changes his mind about doing a background check.

    Mark Iannicelli says the Florence Gun Shop won't give him one, meaning he can't get the gun that he bought online when he lived in Colorado. Iannicelli said a routine background check, required to get his already purchased gun -- has turned into a major headache.

    "It's because I had given him this business card, and he said he didn't feel good about it because he didn't support Antifa, and I explained to him it's more like a movement,” Iannicelli said, referring to a card he had presented to the gun store owner that included links to several websites about self defense, including one operated by a Portland-based Antifa group. “You know I have never actually gone up there and marched with Antifa, but he was adamant he wasn't going to sell me the firearm."

    Iannicelli feels his second amendment right to bear arms has been violated by the Florence Gun Shop making him unable to complete his gun purchase. Iannicelli felt the shop denied his background check because of his personal business card that included a link to a website affiliated with Antifa. In addition, Iannicelli said a gun store should not be able decide whether or not to give a background check based on political affiliation.

    He believes he will never be allowed back into the Florence Gun Shop following arguments with the management. Iannicelli said at the end of the day, he thinks he is being cheated by store staff.
    Mr Creampuff should open a shop and sell to antifa fags.

    Some pictures are indeed worth more than a thousand words and this one right here pretty much screams out multiple serious psychiatric issues as well as a very good chance of going lonewacko Elliot Rodger on a Christian school or conservative moms' anti-grooming town hall meeting at the slightest provocation or personal slight:


    There is a reason why the ability to "judge by the book cover" is engrained in the human mind. It comes from a long evolutionary process of being able to identify potentially dangerous threats in the wild and stay very clear of them.
    Fuck that guy. Not to long ago a gun shop in Arizona refused to sell a gun to that commie fuck who married Gabby Giffords. Fuck Mark Kelly and every other anti-gun asshole lying to buy a gun.

    Iannicelli feels his second amendment right to bear arms has been violated by the Florence Gun Shop making him unable to complete his gun purchase.

    Hey, dipshit (directed at Lannicelli antifa dude)... A private entity CANNOT violate your Constitutional Rights, because the Constitution is a document that limits what the GOVERNMENT can do. Constitutional restrictions do not apply to private entities.

    It ain't about the "feelz," ya moron.
    "I feel like I’m being you know ripped off I feel like because i have to pay two or three times more than the average citizen and have my second amendment rights violated,”

    What in the hell does that even mean? Zero reference. Or was that just the shrooms talking?

    Sounds like an episode of paranoid schizo kicking in. The creep probably thinks that the Colorado based online dealer that he made the purchase from singled him out and charged him 2x-3x more than others because he is ANTIFA... Mofo is nuttier than squirrel turds and WILL hurt somebody one day and one way or another.

    He also states that he feels that FGS "cheated" him... Cheating would be if they had charged him any fees and then refused service as well as not return his money. But they didn't do that. They simply do not want to do business with him nor want his treasonous presence in their store, simple as that...
    Sounds like an episode of paranoid schizo kicking in. The creep probably thinks that the Colorado based online dealer that he made the purchase from singled him out and charged him 2x-3x more than others because he is ANTIFA... Mofo is nuttier than squirrel turds and WILL hurt somebody one day and one way or another.

    He also states that he feels that FGS "cheated" him... Cheating would be if they had charged him any fees and then refused service as well as not return his money. But they didn't do that. They simply do not want to do business with him nor want his treasonous presence in their store, simple as that...
    I agree completely. It was a rhetorical question to illustrate what you just said.
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    Some pictures are indeed worth more than a thousand words and this one right here pretty much screams out multiple serious psychiatric issues as well as a very good chance of going lonewacko Elliot Rodger on a Christian school or conservative moms' anti-grooming town hall meeting at the slightest provocation or personal slight:


    There is a reason why the ability to "judge by the book cover" is engrained in the human mind. It comes from a long evolutionary process of being able to identify potentially dangerous threats in the wild and stay very clear of them.
    Is he/she/it the twin... Brother? Sister? Thing? of our esteemed assistant sec'y of "Health?"

    Some pictures are indeed worth more than a thousand words and this one right here pretty much screams out multiple serious psychiatric issues as well as a very good chance of going lonewacko Elliot Rodger on a Christian school or conservative moms' anti-grooming town hall meeting at the slightest provocation or personal slight:


    There is a reason why the ability to "judge by the book cover" is engrained in the human mind. It comes from a long evolutionary process of being able to identify potentially dangerous threats in the wild and stay very clear of them.
    That’s a dude?
    When I started working at a gun shop/range part time and then full time while working my regular full time job. The owner and the other three guys all told me…


    And I/we did.

    It’s like a bar/tavern owner. They also can refuse service at anytime and there is nothing anyone can do about it.