Re: Your farthest hits ever?
I scored a hit on a 12"x12" plate at 1760 yesterday, with my 308. Even better, it was only my third shot! However, I wasn't able to do it a second time, even after trying 10-15 shots more.
Load was 175smk, 45.5gr Varget @ 2775fps.
I've ever tried hitting the mile target at TVP with my 308 before, and occassionally seen splash "around" the target, but there would often be 25feet or more distance from one impact to the next.
Yesterday, there were a couple "no calls", but for the most part, every shot was really close to the target.
I was using 31 mrad total elevation. I was able get 19 mrad with my scope, but had to zoom out to ~15 power to expose enough of my reticle to get 12 mrad showing, to hold over with. I had 5mrad left wind dialed, but had to hold off another .6 or .7 mrad on top of that.
Time of flight was about 4 seconds. I had plenty of time to break the shot, focus on a good follow-through, get the scope back on target, dial my scope back up to 25 power, and watch for the splash. It really would have been great if I could have hit it again.