"Dems love the CIA and FBI, CDC, and censorship." - yup, that's why O overturned Smith-Mundt Act.
Bring back the Smith-Mundt Act.. censorship is a part of disinformation and propaganda.
I was almost shocked when I saw Russia Today/RT News being broadcast in the US, but wasn’t aware Obama overturned Smith-Mundt Act. Very interesting.
If you study the back story on Smith-Mundt, the conversations they were having in Congress were that the State Dept is packed full of communists and can’t be trusted with any messaging or propaganda efforts.
This is also very interesting because right after the CIA was created in 1947, they asked Frank Wisner with Project Mockingbird to counter the Soviet IOJ propaganda program. The problem was the CIA and OSS prior to it were packed full of Soviet doubles, so they took Mockingbird and turned it against us anyway.
This is how we got Walter Cronkite, Life Magazine going full commie, ABC, CBS, and NBC packed full of pinkos preaching Marxist agitprop for generations. They commandeered the journalism programs in universities, making it cool and edgy to go after the US fundamental principles and our superior industries, while giving the Soviets wide berth.
Chalk that down for another Obama-Russia collusion in the matrix. The Russians understand the value of propaganda and turning a people against themselves better than most, especially since they don’t have any other levers against the US.