Thats whats going to be worked on. I think a big part of the idea is not allow Hamas, or something similar to re imbed them selves like they were.
I wish I had the magic answer. I don’t.
Well the answer wasn't anything the J-state has been doing with > $310,000,000,000 of our money and weapons.
That's the real number too.
There are more members of Hamas today than on 06 October, and the genocide has only been "successful" in converting fence sitters to sympathizers, sympathizers to supporters, supporters to enablers, and enablers to actors.
I'm not talking just inside the J-state either... this is worldwide. (Clarification- there are more al Qassam members inside Gaza today, and there are many more supporters worldwide)
It's like the J-state used our occupied government to implement the Yinon Plan for decades all over the region, spilling our blood and spending even more of our money... and never even cared enough to pay attention or learn anything about full-spectrum modern warfare.
They just kept cashing our checks, lobbing bombs into their concentration camps, and stealing people's houses.