The fact that there has been no arrest… no specific person of interest named and that they are bloviating about backpacks nd candy wrappers and burner cell phones and Greyhound busses and the wrong weapon… chasing ghosts buying silencers in Connecticut…
Makes me wonder if they are simply running in circles at the NYPD?
They are supposed to have the best detectives and crime-fighting assets in the country if not the world… but ask yourself this: The last 10 years has seen massive retirements. And under the last several POS mayors has basically gone full-DEI…
I just toss this out for shits and giggles:
Are they just completely baffled? Stumped? Chasing Their own tails? So totally staffed with the woke transgendered diversity that they can’t find their own asses in a closet with a flashlight?
We are going on 5 days-ish on the most high-profile assassination since, well…. I can’t remember. In virtual broad daylight. On camera. And they got…
Apparently nothing.
Now maybe I am totally wrong here and they are about to pounce on the suspect and solve the biggest murder since… I can’t remember. Maybe they are playing 3D chess with the Dr. Moriarty of assassin’s. Maybe they already know who it is and retrying to round up a whole gang of street Ninjas… and nail the Round Table of professional hitter Jedi knights.
But then again… maybe they retired all the good detectives and are diversitying this whole thing into the cold case file.
Just my observation for the evening.
PS. There aren’t “professional assassins” out there. There just aren’t. Yes… we have some military assets who are good at stuff. But their chain of command is too panty-waist to authorize anything. And there aren’t guys sitting around in their mansions waiting for the call to go ice someone. It’s a pulp novel and Hollywood stuff. Even the “Mafia” types were never “Assassins.” Every one of them they caught up with was just basically a thug and they were called in because they were either expendable or borderline sociopathic or too dumb to spill any beans when caught. So these videos of “amateur vs. pro” are just silly. Closest thing I can think of, historically, to professional killers was a group of FBI agents in the 1930’s, mainly out of the Kansas City area, that Hoover would send in when he wanted someone dead. “Jelly” Bryce was one. Herman Hollis might have been another. But the idea that there are “professional” assassins out there and that you can make YouTube videos differentiating amateurs from professionals is laughable!