Another which optic for my precision gas gun thread... building a new rifle with a 20" Krieger hbar so should be a hammer. Main use will be targets out to max 800, DMR type matches, field shooting, maybe some deer hunting, etc. Will have an offset red dot for close in/night work. Currently have 3 optics that I'm going to try on it to figure out which one to use: Razor G3 1-10, PST G2 2-10, Razor LHT 4.5-22 ffp. As an aside, one of my all time favourite gas gun optics is the Bushy LRTSi 3-12, I have one on a 6.5 gasser and it's great but they are hard to come by these days. I also had a NX8 2.5-20F1 mil-xt and quite liked it. I run Razor G3 6-36s on my bolt guns but they're boat anchors so out of consideration here.
Although I think the 1-10 is a pretty ideal optic on a general purpose 16" rifle, I don't think it's what I'll end up running here as it's not ideal on 10x (very usable but obviously not optimized for that) and I'll have an offset dot for close-in use. I like to have the option to dial for longer engagements or smaller targets and the 1-10 isn't great for that with the capped turrets and relatively large center dot.
I currently have the PST 2-10 on an 18" .223 with a factory barrel that is decently accurate (1.5 moa 10rnd groups) but not a precision rig. I quite like this optic and have had no issues engaging my field targets (not great backstops, not high contrast so harder to resolve, etc) out to 700 yds and have been successful at times with it out to 830 but that's a push given the target is the same size as the rifle's ability to group and depending on the day it can be quite hard to spot splash. I'm not a huge fan of the reticle and wish that the windage, at a minimum was capped or locking but I can also live with them as is.
The Razor LHT is kind of a wild card in that it's more of a "precision" optic than I'd normally think of putting on a gas gun (that is more of a "field" gun and not a strictly target rig). I have one on my NRL Hunter/hunting rig and think it's possibly the best crossover tactical/hunting optic out there but always figured it as too much scope for a .223 gas gun. It's only when I started comparing specs that I realized it's only 3/4" longer than the PST 2-10, is 4.5oz lighter, has a much better reticle, locking elevation and capped windage. I guess the question is, unless I decide I like the 1-10 in this application, would I be crazy to use the LHT instead of the PST 2-10? Other than price I just don't really see a downside for my intended use.