So, some time ago I was working on a new build and launched the buffer retainer and spring. I was able to find the buffer retainer but try as I may I was unable to locate the spring. I checked my bench, I checked and double checked open boxes around the bench. I don't know how long I spent on my hands and knees with flash light and magnets looking under the bench and everywhere else within reason with the room. I finally gave up and borrowed a spring from another lower parts kit to finish my build.
So tonight I'm assembling parts for another build and pulled out the lower parts kit that I borrowed the spring from. I decided to give it another try and broke out a flash light and magnet. I went back through the boxes and was ready to get down on my hands and knees and look under everything. I was at the corner of the bench where the spring went flying months earlier and looked down and what do you think I saw? You guessed it, the buffer pin spring laying in plain sight on the carpet! I couldn't believe it. Since loosing it I've worked on several projects in the same area and never saw it. Tonight it was right there, how could I have missed it.
Have you ever had a similar experience be it a spring, small roll pin or anything else?