So, my lapua dasher brass got its first annealing on an AMP annealer after 3 firings. The same lot of bullets, primers, powder, same powder charge, same exact seating depth. I had about 40 rounds left over from the 2x fired brass. Those still group 1 hole. the annealed brass is shooting about .75-1 moa. Of course, i figure this out 1 day before leaving for a match. I would use my barrel tuner to dial in the groups again but then i'd be dipping into my rounds i need for the match. Thank god i have an option. Threw my 6.5cm barrel on the AI, zeroed the berger 140 hybrid ammo, and its shooting 1 hole as usual. I hate not being able to shoot my dasher but oh well.
Has anyone else experienced this? i found a thread on Accurate Shooter that seemed like someone else has experienced this. The conclusion was, i need to play with the seating depth to tune it back in, then after a couple firings, the original seating depth will work again.