We don't have "hate speech"; we don't have disinformation or misinformation; we have free speech here.
Now we understand in civil society, we want to maintain a certain level of decorum; we need to be civil with each other when engaging in conversations as normal people do. When we converse, we don't always agree; I like Tits, and Mazerblade likes his boyfriend's ass, and that's ok.
I can say he likes his boyfriend's ass because it's my opinion based on my many years of experience reading his posts. And the fact, for like 18 years, I asked him for naked pictures of his supposed baby's Momma, and none ever appeared, so that led me to believe it's a guy, not a girl, hence my response. Mazerblade could be the biggest Rump Ranger on this site, and it shouldn't matter to anyone viewing it. Now, if he reported me for this, it would get rejected. Because a forum is all about exchanging ideas and I am simply presenting my opinion, I have an idea it's correct, but I am not 100% certain. Because I am not 100%, you can't rule on it, as I haven't completely ruled it out, I am wrong, but I could be right. Get it.
If you get called a dumb ass, or some other variation of that, it's not hate speech; it's that person's opinion of you. Simple, not hate, just a judgment call. Judgment calls are made every day about a variety of topics, so don't sweat it. You can make one too, but don't make too many because of you devolve into a name-calling post, both get removed. We can disagree; just try not to fight it out in public beyond two pages.
You have an ignore button, rather than tattling on someone for calling you a bad word; I know words hurt today as much as sticks and stones. apparently, fear not; you can take matters into your own hands and prevent them from ever darkening your door again. If you put them on Ignore, you hide their words. Hiding words mean you can't be offended by them cause they will be invisible. Invisible means you won't see the hurtful content directed at you.
I get it, we want the forums to be our picture of perfect, but perfect is different for everyone. I envisioned this as a squad bay, not a safe space.
In a civil society, we need to be conscious of each other when talking; however, that doesn't mean we can't have emphasis or some extra hyperbolic language attached to speech. It happens; I do it a lot to emphasize my point, so don't sweat it.
Doesn't mean we can motherfuck everyone we speak with here, but if it's warranted or someone is acting a bit hard-headed, a well-placed cuss word never hurts anyone.