I worked up two loads, same bullet, same case, same case specs, different powders. Both grouped sub-MOA for 5 or more shots at just over 2700fps in a bolt gun.
One powder was IMR 4064 and it's my "established" load and the other, which I just tested two days ago, was Vihtavuori N550. Both powders are somewhat close in the burn chart rate but not the same, with VV being slower. Accuracy isn't as good if I use something like Varget.
Caliber is 308, 20" barrel. Neither shows any pressure signs although in really high temps, over 90 degrees F, the 4046 load caused the bolt to be a tad harder to lift. When I tested the VV load, the highest grain count was the winner, 46.5 grins. With 4046, the winner was 44.5 grains and while it's been a bit, I do remember that higher velocities didn't group nearly as well.
I'm honestly not sure what question to ask because sometimes you just don't know what you don't know. I'm rather surprised the accuracy for both powders were identical at the same velocity which peaked my curiosity. I don't understand why that's the case other than both powders (in different amounts) possibly create the same barrel resonance at that velocity.
Does that mean the barrel is essentially tapped out at that speed? If I wanted to eek out a bit more fps yet retain accuracy, would I look at a different powder and if so, how do I determine what direction to go in or is it all simply dark magic? I can pretty much get any powder I want but I really, really don't need more variety.
I do plan on trying to go a bit higher with the VV550 and see if accuracy falls off. It's already a compressed load though. Brass and primer looks absolutely perfect and I generally size .001 under and keep things clean.
I've been working on another load with Berger 77gr OTM's for my SBR with a 12.5" barrel. Accuracy seems to be best with TAC at 2475fps and nothing has come close to it in terms of velocity and accuracy. Not 8208, H335, Benchmark, CFE223 or Varget. I didn't find some intersecting velocity with those powders like I did with my 308 load. So maybe just coincidence?