PTG bottom metal for Savage


Full Member
Nov 8, 2011
central CT
I hope PTG goes through some of these websites to read how their customer service is.

Anyway, I can't find a person at PTG who knows shit about the PTG Stealth bottom metal for Savages. You bunch of shooters are the smartest collective group I know when I comes to shooting. So......ill ask you guys.

Will their bottom metal fit 4.275" screw spacing?


All I get is without bolt release, that's fine, my release is on the top. It neglects to state which action.

Hope this clears some things up cause I'm sure there is a lot of other savage shooters out there wondering the same and I can't get an answer on the line either.

Thanks guys
My PTG bottom metal on my FN PBR uses centerfeed mags. I've had nothing but reliable feeding. To use the double stack mags, the receiver would have to be milled out a bit; don't know if that's the same issue with your Savage.
Some models are still being prototyped, but some are finished and available. I know the websites are being updated and integrated, but maybe this will help: SAVAGE PERFORMANCE

Thanks for the updated link, I've had this on order since October for my Varmint 12 action and was told it would ship just before Xmas. When it didn't ship and I called just after Xmas and the person I spoke with had no idea when it was going to be available?! BG do you have any idea when they will be released?
I fear the 4.275" will never be produced. As if it has long since been forgotten. Just like the AICS chassis...4.275", what the hell is that lol. It's a shame cause the cdi, accurate mag and stockade bottom metal are all like $200. Not to mention, the cdi bottom metal for 4.275" has to be sunk into the stock in the rear so its not flush and doesn't look professional.
I should just call them I guess... but it sounds like knowledgeable customer service is really hit and miss.

They emailed me for a 3rd time saying "yes, this bottom metal will fit your rifle" and I ask for which screw spacing does it fit, I get I will email you back. Then its the same response, it will fit but not once have I gotten a confirmation that it will fit 4.275", just that it fits model 10's. calling its the same thing.
Ok... so I just put a caliper to my SAVAGE model 10 243 short action.. and it seems to be the 4.275 size..... same as my STEVENS 223 that is for sure 4.275 ........ so.. maybe there is hope.
So until we get this all figured out, I decided to make my own single shot follower. when I started using 75 grain a-max's the COL would not fit in the blind mag.... so I took out the spacer in the rear of it.. and ever since then it has not fed rounds properly or reliably, not even one at a time.. so today I took it all apart and carved a follower out of a small piece of 1x board. So far it works seems to work fine... I am going to take it out later today or tomarrow and sight the rifle back in
Some delrin (or a thick poly cutting board) and a ball end mill works well for making a s/s follower as well...can even do it in a drill press with a x/y sliding vise.
I wonder what the difference is between the regular model 10 and the 10 LE, finish perhaps, one being gloss and the LE being matte? I assume these made from the same materials as their other bottom metal and I wonder if they require inletting to the stocks or are they a drop in? I am also assuming that the "in the loop bolt release" is for the rifles that have the bolt release in FRONT of the trigger guard. Would be nice if they used normal terminology and had more information. The price is very attractive.
I wonder what the difference is between the regular model 10 and the 10 LE, finish perhaps, one being gloss and the LE being matte? I assume these made from the same materials as their other bottom metal and I wonder if they require inletting to the stocks or are they a drop in? I am also assuming that the "in the loop bolt release" is for the rifles that have the bolt release in FRONT of the trigger guard. Would be nice if they used normal terminology and had more information. The price is very attractive.

I was literally wondering the exact same things

sent from my POS phone

Could you please confirm for all of us here that 1. your Savage DBMs will fit in a Savage factory DBM inlet, and 2. use AICS-pattern magazines?

The website doesn't really list any details this morning.

Many thanks!

Could you please confirm for all of us here that 1. your Savage DBMs will fit in a Savage factory DBM inlet, and 2. use AICS-pattern magazines?

The website doesn't really list any details this morning.

Many thanks!

Ditto! If both are true, I'll be giving you a call most rikki-tik...
Thanks for the updated link, I've had this on order since October for my Varmint 12 action and was told it would ship just before Xmas. When it didn't ship and I called just after Xmas and the person I spoke with had no idea when it was going to be available?! BG do you have any idea when they will be released?

Sorry for the delayed's been a very busy week at SHOT Show. The people who answer the phones, and the gentleman who prototypes the DBMs, are in completely different departments. The sales crew don't always have the most current knowledge about upcoming or recently released products.

I'm in a different department altogether; just a fan of rifles and shooting, so I try to keep up with the details. I'm not intimately familiar with Savage rifles and don't know how many variations they make. That said, my understanding is that most are in production now, and the rest are currently being prototyped and will be available soon. We had both long and short action models displayed at SHOT, but again I couldn't tell you specific models.

I hope this helps. :)
Basher, think i can help you understand the short action savage models as I think that is what the majority uses.

Older, first gen Savage 10 short action with top mounted bolt release in 4.275"

Next is the next gen savage 10 short action with top mounted bolt release with 4.4"

Then there is the 4.4" with a trigger guard release.

If others could help add more specifics, this could help basher to get some information easier.
I have a FCP HS in 308 and the only reply I got from customer service (I think her name was Ashleigh) was "we only make one savage bottom metal, check the website."

I have no idea which one to order for my gun:(

The mags that it says it will fit are 338 and 300 win mag
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I wonder if these will fit were CDI milled the stock for his bottom metal? I like the looks of Dave's metal, and sure and it is all said and done he will have then for all the screw spacing. Too much money left on the table if he doesn't, there is alot of 4.27 actions out there.
I called Pacific today and attempted to get information from the girls that answer the phones, they need someone with a wee bit more technical expertise about their products answering questions. I asked them specifically is it a drop in for the factory stock, their answer was, "we cannot guarantee if it will drop in or if fitting will be necessary." I also asked about the difference between the 10 and the law enforcement 10 and they said they were the same. Essentially they didn't know what they were talking about. Their attitude was pretty lackadaisical, as if you were interrupting them polishing their nails or something. That's pretty pathetic. :mad:
It looks like PTG have updated their order page and it includes 10 different models with two options for latch type and bolt release.

As for potential delivery date......PTG did call me today to confirm latch type, model, and what style bolt release my rifle had. They indicated these would be shipping "soon" sometime in Feb. I've had this on order since October which is why they need to clarify my order options.
My model 10 was the law enforcement rifle back in the day about 10 years ago. I don't think that's the case anymore. I'm assuming 10 is 4.275 and law enforcement is 4.4

Yeah blfuller, don't bother calling unless you plan on just talking about sales at Maceys cause that conversation will get you nowhere.
We are making every type of Savage Detachable type you can think of . The girls just finished the list Saturday . Hell we are even making in for Bolt action Savage Shotguns . You can order it with a bolt release in the bow like the 14/114 0r with out like the 10/110 . Hell we will make it any spacing you would like , just tell me or the Gals when you call and order . I'm just finishing up the long and short 114 with bolt released and some 110 with out . I will be making the Axis soon just waiting for Savage to send in the rifle for Proto Type. I will be offering them with and without in the bow bolt release . I f you have a custom spacing let us know . Thanks Dave Kiff
We are making every type of Savage Detachable type you can think of . The girls just finished the list Saturday . Hell we are even making in for Bolt action Savage Shotguns . You can order it with a bolt release in the bow like the 14/114 0r with out like the 10/110 . Hell we will make it any spacing you would like , just tell me or the Gals when you call and order . I'm just finishing up the long and short 114 with bolt released and some 110 with out . I will be making the Axis soon just waiting for Savage to send in the rifle for Proto Type. I will be offering them with and without in the bow bolt release . I f you have a custom spacing let us know . Thanks Dave Kiff

Can you elaborate on the differences between the 10 and the 10 LE?
Are these a drop in to fit the factory stocks or is inletting required?
Will these fit the models with the bolt release in front of the trigger guard?

Please let us know. Thank you.
We are making every type of Savage Detachable type you can think of . The girls just finished the list Saturday . Hell we are even making in for Bolt action Savage Shotguns . You can order it with a bolt release in the bow like the 14/114 0r with out like the 10/110 . Hell we will make it any spacing you would like , just tell me or the Gals when you call and order . I'm just finishing up the long and short 114 with bolt released and some 110 with out . I will be making the Axis soon just waiting for Savage to send in the rifle for Proto Type. I will be offering them with and without in the bow bolt release . I f you have a custom spacing let us know . Thanks Dave Kiff

Thank you Dave for the clarification. I'll be giving your folks a call later this week.
I will elaborate , blfuller the savage Bottom metal will have a Magazine and inlet for every inlet Savage Makes and then Some and it will bolt in with little if any work . The girls can only take orders for Savage Models and spacing because they are not familiar with the fit like I am so until the drop in photos hit our web site you wont realize how easy its going to be for 99 bucks. When I say we will do them all that's exactly what I mean . I hope this helps . We are setting up a new E400 7 pallet CNC machining center to accommodate the other 18 HAAS machines to assure we make it all. Thanks Dave