Had a close friend that died last week from Fauciitis

He was antivax from the jump , but his wife/widow brow beat him to get jabbed. No sure if it was Pfizer or Moderna poison ?
He had a complete physical the beginning of January 2022. He was a 59 yr old rookie beer drinker lol.. , non smoker of anything ! Stayed active , beautiful wife and two sons. ...EKG & bloodwork, everything came back
He Got the 2’nd jab on the 26‘th , started feeling ”flu-ish” the next day , breathing & heart rate got funky , went to the ER where they admitted him soon after.
Everything went South from there , high fever ...pneumonia...not sure what they call water around the heart ? His oxygen levels were all effed up , just never got better.
Doctors told them , nothing they could do basically. He passed away March 29.
He had taken 2 COVID tests before and after the physical,both negative, didn’t have it at the ER.
Healthy BEFORE the jabs , Die a few days after the jab ??

Sure wished his wife had been antivax also.
I don’t believe in most coincidences , sure don’t believe in this case. Just a little more blood on ALOT of people’s hands.