Welcome to the 2025 William Buck Memorial Postal Matches!
There are 7 rimfire matches you can participate in,
1) Iron Sight rifle 50 yards*
2) Factory rifle 50 yards*
3) Match-Grade rifle 50 yards*
4) Unlimited rifle 50 yards*
5) Mini Palma for scoped rifles 100 yards*
6) JBell 6x5 Match for scoped rifles 50/100/200+ yards
7) 10-shot rifle 50 yards
*Each match has the same maximum score (200 points), plus X-count to break any ties we may have.
The rules and general info are included and detail each of the matches offered. Each month, please shoot your matches, score your results, record the information at the top of the targets provided and submit your targets to me in this Forum thread. I will post a running summary of the scores for each match, each month, listing all the participants and their equipment.
Rules for the matches and targets are included in the attachments.
If you're interested in some friendly competition, please join the fun and shoot the matches of your choice!
2025 Changes - Revised rules are now attached!
Summary of the changes for 2025:
1) Factory Rifle cost limit has changed from $1250 to $1500.
The change above will begin in January of 2025.
Good luck and good shooting!
Results Section:
April, 2025 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
Mini Palma Match - 100 yds
JBell 6x5 - 50-100-200
10-Shot Match - 50 yds
Eley X-Shot Match - 50 yds
March, 2025 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 200/14x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14r/SK Long Range Match on 3/23/25
2) 200/12x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tennex on 3/28/25
3) 180/10x - JohnMetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 3/11/25
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 175/4X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Club on 03/13/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 195/11x - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 03/07/25
2) 195/8x - Pudgy Arborist - CZ457/Eley Match on 3/30/25
3) 185/8x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/29/25
4) 175/07x - Martini- Custom 40X(Shilen)/Eley Club XTRA on 03/07/25
Mini Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 195/10x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
JBell 6x5 - 50-100-200
50 Yards
Group Average
1) 0.450 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
2) 0.479 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Eley Team on 3/29/25
Best Group
1) 0.263 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
2) 0.343 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Eley Team on 3/29/25
100 Yards
Group Average
1) 0.905 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
Best Group
1) 0.227 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
10-Shot Match - 50 yds
1) 50 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
Eley X-Shot Match - 50 yds
1) 240/4x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/29/25
February, 2025 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match
1) 200/14x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14r/SK Long Range Match on 2/22/25
2) 195/10x - JohnMetcalf - CZ457/SK Rifle Match on 2/8/25
3) 175/10x - Greyknife - Savage Mark IV BTV/SK Std+ on 2/25/25
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/8x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 2/1/25
Unlimited Match
1) 200/11x - JerryP - Penrod 2500x/Eley Match on 2/2/25
Mini-Palma Match
JBell 6x5 - 50-100-200
50 Yard - Group Average
1) 0.662 - JBell - Zastava MP22/Lapua Center-X on 2/27/25
50 Yard - Best Group
1) 0.393 - JBell - Zastava MP22/Lapua Center-X on 2/27/25
10-Shot Match
Eley X-Shot Match
1) 248/8x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 2/2/25
January, 2025 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 200/15x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14r/SK LRM on 1/5/25
2) 195/15x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/4/25
3) 195/9x - JerryP - Bergara B14r/RWS R50 on 1/3/25
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/9x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/RWS R50 on 1/2/25
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/12x - Jerry P - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 1/1/25
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 196/5x - Pudgy Arborist- Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/4/25
2) 195/7x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 1/29/25
JBell 6X5 Match - 50-100-200 yds
50 Yds Group Average
1) 0.271 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/3/25
2) 0.465 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Eley Contact on 1/29/25
50 Yds Best Group
1) 0.166 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/3/25
2) 0.241 - Gdawg09 - CZ 457 MTR/Eley Contact on 1/29/25
100 Yds Group Average
1) 0.888 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/4/25
100 Yds Best Group
1) 0.710 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/4/25
10-Shot Rifle Match - 50 yds
1) 55 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/3/25
Eley X-Shot Match - 50 yds
1) 249/14x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/Lapua Midas+ on 1/4/25
December, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 200/10x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14r/SK LRM on 12/21/24
2) 195/11x - JerryP - Bergara B14r/RWS R50 on 12/10/242
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/10x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/RWS R50 on 12/8/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/12x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 12/7/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 187/8x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Eley Target on 12/21/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
1) 0.260 - JBell - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 12/28/24
50 yds Best Group
1) 0.176 - JBell - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 12/28/24
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
November, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 195/12x - JerryP - Bergara B14r/RWS R50 on 11/13/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/12x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/RWS R50 on 11/20/24
2) 200/9x - BillZ - Vudoo/Lapua Long Range on 11/20/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/16x - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 11/19/24
2) 200/15x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 11/9/24
3) 185/09x - Martini- Custom 40X(Shilen)/Eley Club XTRA on 11/19/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
50 yds Best Group
100 yds Group Average
100 yds Best Group
200 yds Group Average
200 yds Best Group
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
October, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 195/7x - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Lapua Midas+ on 10/26/24
2) 175/3x - Greyknife - Savage Mark IV BTV/SK Std+ on 10/4/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/13x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/RWS R50 on 10/26/24
2) 200/12x - BillZ - Volquartsen 10/22/Eley SABR on 10/8/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/17x - Martini - 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 10/02/24
2) 200/16x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 10/18/24
3) 180/07x - Martini- Custom 40X(Shilen)/Eley Club XTRA on 10/02/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 197/11x - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 10/2/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
1) 0.194 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 10/12/24
50 yds Best Group
1) 0.087 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 10/12/24
100 yds Group Average
1) 0.889 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 10/2/24
100 yds Best Group
1) 0.523 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 10/2/24
200 yds Group Average
1) 3.112 - JBell - Vudoo V22/SK LR on 10/5/24
200 yds Best Group
1) 2.296 - JBell - Vudoo V22/SK LR on 10/5/24
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
1) 90 - Rimfireshooter99 - Turbo V1/Lapua Center-X on 10/17/24 (Shot Indoor)
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
September, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
1) 197/8X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 09/26/24
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 195/12x - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Midas+ on 9/13/24
2) 180/10x - Greyknife - Savage Mark IV BTV/SK Std+ on 9/27/24
3) 180/9x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 9/24/24
4) 170/9x - Martini - Tikka T1X/SK Standard Plus on 9/24/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/14x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/R50 on 9/17/24
2) 200/8x - BillZ - Volquartsen Lightweight Carbine/Eley Simi-Auot Benchrest on 9/23/24
3) 200/7x - JBell - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 9/1/24
4) 200/6X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 Clark Barrel/Remington Eley Club XTRA on 09/17/24
5) 186/04X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/SK Standard Plus on 09/30/24
6) 181/07X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 09/30/24
7) 153/4X - Martini - BSA Martini M1215/SK Standard Plus on 9/26/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/16x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 9/3/24
2) 200/15x - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 09/10/24
3) 195/06x - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Club XTRA on 09/10/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
1) 0.278 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 9/22/24
2) 0.441 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Sk Std+ on 9/20/24
50 yds Best Group
1) 0.178 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 9/22/24
2) 0.286 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Sk Std+ on 9/20/24
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
1) 244/12 - BillZ - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Long Range on 9/23/24
August, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
1) 199/12x - Milt - Kimber 82G/Lapua Center-X on 8/11/24
2) 196/8X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 08/30/24
3) 190/5X - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 8/30/24
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 200/15x - JerryP - Bergara B14/R50 on 8/15/24
2) 200/14x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14R/SK LRM on 8/9/24
3) 190/13x - Martini - Tikka T1X/SK Standard Plus on 8/20/24
4) 185/8x - JohnMetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 8/10/24
5) 180/9x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 8/20/24
6) 180/5x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/SK STD+ on 8/12/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/15x - BillZ - Vudoo 360/Eley Tenex on 8/29/24
1) 200/13x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 8/25/24
2) 195/3X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 08/28/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/18x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 8/1/24
2) 200/17x - Milt - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Center-X on 8/5/24
3) 200/17x - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 08/27/24
4) 175/06x - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Club XTRA on 08/27/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 189/5x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK STD+ ON 8/16/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
1) 0.514 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Sk Std+ on 8/16/24
50 yds Best Group
1) 0.272 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Std+ on 8/16/24
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
July, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
1) 198/12x - Milt - Kimber 82G/Lapua Center-X on 7/8/24
2) 197/6X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 07/01/24
3) 181/4X - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 7/01/24
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 200/10x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14R/SK LRM on 7/20/24
2) 195/16x - Milt - CZ457 MTR/Lapua Center-X on 7/18/24
3) 195/13x - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Midas+ on 7/8/24
4) 185/11x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 7/3/24
5) 175/6x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/SK STD+ on 7/18/24
6) 165/6x - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 7/3/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/6X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 (Kidd Barrel)/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 07/09/24
2) 200/6x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 7/19/24
3) 185/07X - Martini - BSA International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 07/10/24
4) 185/2X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Green Mountain Barrel/Remington Eley Club XTRA on 7/23/24
5) 184/5X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Fedderson Barrel/Eley Bench Rest Semi-Auto Precision on 7/23/24
6) 163/04X - Martini - BSA International Mark II/Eley Club EXTRA on 07/10/24
7) 114/2X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Fedderson Barrel/RWS Semi-Auto 7/23/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/16x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 7/5/24
2) 200/15X - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 7/09/24
3) 200/15x - BillZ - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/30/24
4) 200/10X - Martini- Custom 40X (Shilen Barrel)/Eley Club XTRA on 07/09/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
50 yds Best Group
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
65 - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 7/5/24
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
June, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 195/12x - JerryP - Bergara B14/R50 on 6/12/24
2) 185/9x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/Norma Match on 6/10/24
3) 185/11x - BergaraGump - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 6/22/24
4) 185/2x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 6/25/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/10x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 6/2/24
2) 167/0x - PewPewPappy - Anschutz 64 MPR/SK Rifle Match on 6/13/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/16X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 06/27/24
2) 200/14x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 6/3/24
3) 200/14x - Milt - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Center-X on 6/10/24
4) 200/14x - Appalachian - 2500X/Lapua Center-X on 6/19/24
5) 190/8x - BillZ - Vudoo 360/Eley Edge on 6/13/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 186/5x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 6/21/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
1) 0.240 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 6/15/24
2) 0.248 - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 6/3/24
3) 0.359 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 6/25/24
50 yds Best Group -
1) 0.161 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 6/15/24
2) 0.164 - JerryP - Penrod 2500x/Eley Match on 6/3/24
3) 0.207 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 6/25/24
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
1) 50 - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 6/22/24
2) 45 - JerryP - Bergara B14/R50 on 6/12/24
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
May, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
Factory Target Match
1) 200/13x - Milt - CZ457 MTR/Lapua Center-X on 5/5/24
2) 200/8x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/15/24
3) 195/9x - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Midas+ on 5/23/24
4) 175/3x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 5/17/24
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/7x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 5/16/24
2) 171/5X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 5/14/24
3) 157/1x - Pew Pew Pappy - Walther Sportmodell V/Eley Target on 5/27/24
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/16X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 5/14/24
2) 200/13x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 5/26/24
3) 200/12x - Milt - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 5/19/24
4) 200/11x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 5/19/24
5) 200/09X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Club XTRA on 5/14/24
6) 160/3x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/4/24
Mini-Palma Match
1) 187/3x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 5/17/24
2) 179/5x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/23/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds - Group Ave.
1) 0.204 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/6/24
2) 0.391 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 5/17/24
3) 0.448 - Sun Ting Wong - Keystone 722 Varmint/CCI SV on 5/28/24
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.155 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/15/24
2) 0.200 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 5/17/24
3) 0.326 - Sun Ting Wong - Keystone 722 Varmint/CCI SV on 5/28/24
10-Shot Rifle Match - 50 Yards
1) 60 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 5/26/24
2) 45 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/23/24
3) 40 - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 5/19/24
Eley X-Shot
1) 234/7x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/4/24
April, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 200/14x - Milt - Kimber 82 Gov't/Lapua Center-X on 4/24/24
2) 192/4X - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 04/24/24
3) 178/7X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 04/24/24
Factory Target Match
1) 200/10x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14/SK LRM on 4/6/24
2) 195/12x - JerryP - Bergara B14R/RWS R50 on 4/24/24
3) 190/11x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 04/05/24
4) 175/8x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/Norma Match on 4/5/24
5) 170/10x - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/SK+ on 04/05/24
6) 165/9x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 4/16/24
Match-Grade Match
1) 186/4X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 (Kidd Barrel)/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 04/04/24
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/14X - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 04/04/24
2) 200/08X - Martini- Custom Anschutz 54/Eley Club XTRA on 04/04/24
Unlimited Match - Indoor
Mini-Palma Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.299 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 4/16/24
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.197 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 4/16/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Outdoor
1) 45 - JerryP - Bergara B14R/RWS R50 on 4/24/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Indoor
Eley X-Shot
1) 241/7x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 4/16/24
March, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 195/4X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 3/6/24
2) 193/4X - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 3/6/24
Factory Target Match
1) 195/9x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14/RWS R100 on 3/16/24
2) 190/10x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 03/27/24
3) 190/8x - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Midas+ on 3/9/24
4) 170/10x - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 03/27/24
3) 145/5x - CZ_STL - CZ457 At-One/SK Std+ on 3/3/24
Match-Grade Match
1) 180/4x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 3/10/24
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/19X - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 3/20/24
2) 200/16X - Martini- 2500X Muller 5R/Lapua Midas + on 03/20/24
3) 190/06X - Martini- Custom Anschutz 54/Eley Club XTRA on 03/20/24
Unlimited Match - Indoor
1) 200/16x - Rimfireshooter99 - Turbo V-1/Midas+ on 3/2/24
Mini-Palma Match
1) 190/7x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 3/16/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.397 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 3/16/24
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.282 - Gdawg09 - CZ 457 MTR/SK LRM on 3/16/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Outdoor
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Indoor
Eley X-Shot
February, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 197/7X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 02/15/24
2) 194/5X - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 1/03/24
Factory Target Match
1) 195/8X - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Midas+ on 2/4/24
2) 190/6x - Jmetcalf - CZ457MTR/SK Rifle Match on 2/14/24
3) 185/9x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 2/23/24
4) 180/7x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/SK Std+ on 2/20/24
5) 145/2x - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 2/23/24
Match-Grade Match
1) 190/7X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 (Kidd Barrel)/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 02/24/24
2) 190/4x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 2/4/24
3) 127/3X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/RWS Semi-Auto on 2/06/24
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/15X - Martini- Custom 40X (Shilen Barrel)/Eley Match on 02/24/24
2) 200/11X - Martini- Custom Anschutz 54/Eley Club XTRA on 2/20/24
3) 200/8x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 2/3/24
4) 195/12X - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 2/20/24
5) 190/11X - Martini- 2500X Muller 5R/Lapua Midas + on 02/24/24
Unlimited Match - Indoor
Mini-Palma Match
1) 182/4x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 2/29/24
2) 174/2x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/Norma Match on 2/5/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.110 - Appalachian - 2500x/Lapua Center-X on 2/10/24
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.040 - Appalachian - 2500x/Lapua Center-X on 2/10/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Outdoor
1) 60 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 2/3/24
2) 50 - Martini- Custom Anschutz 54/Eley Club XTRA on 2/20/24
3) 50 - Martini- 2500X(Shilen)/Eley Match on 2/20/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Indoor
Eley X-Shot
1) 249/17x - Rimfireshooter99 - Turbo V1/Midas+ on 2/14/24 (Indoor)
January, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 191/2X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 1/03/24
2) 165/0x - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 1/03/24
Factory Target Match
1) 195/12x - JerryP - CZ457 PT/RWS R50 on 1/2/24
2) 195/9x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 1/28/24
3) 195/4X - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiochi SM340 on 1/3/24
4) 185/9x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 1/06/24
5) 180/10X - Greyknife - Savage Mark II BTV/SK Std+ on 1/22/24
6) 175/6x - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 1/06/24
7) 170/6x - Area918shooter - CZ455/Norma T-22 on 1/24/24
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/5x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 1/4/24
2) 200/4X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 1/30/24
3) 190/06X - Martini - BSA International Mark II/Eley Club EXTRA on 01/06/25
4) 180/06X - Martini - BSA International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 01/05/24
5) 172/2x - Martini - Custom 10/22/Eley Contact on 1/25/24
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/14X - Martini- Custom Anschutz 54/Eley Club XTRA on 1/30/24
2) 200/13X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 1/18/24
3) 200/12x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 1/1/24
4) 195/7X - Martini- 2500X Muller 5R/Eley Club XTRA on 1/30/24
5) 190/10X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Match on 1/18/24
6) 125/5x - Area918shooter - CZ455/Norma T-22 on 1/24/24
Unlimited Match - Indoor
1) 200/20x - Rimfireshooter99 - Turbo V1/Midas+ on 1/11/24
Mini-Palma Match
1) 197/7x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 1/28/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.201 - BowChamp- Vudoo V22S, Lapua Center X, Lapua Midas+, Sk Standard Plus on 1/14/24
2) 0.541 - Area918shooter - Cz455/Norma T-22 on 1/24/24
3) 0.456 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 1/28/24
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.051 - BowChamp - Vudoo V22S, Lapua Center X, Lapua Midas+, Sk Standard Plus on 1/14/24
2) 0.289 - Area918shooter - CZ455/Norma T-22 on 1/24/24
3) 0.394 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 1/28/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Outdoor
1) 55 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 1/1/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Indoor
1) 95 - Rimfireshooter99 - Turbo V1/Midas Plus on 1/11/24
December, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 195/7X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 12/01/23
2) 181/4x - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 12/01/23
Factory Target Match
1) 200/14x - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 12/11/23
2) 197/7x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 12/4/23
3) 195/10X - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiochi SM340 on 12/4/23
4) 195/8X - Greyknife - Savage Mark II BTV/Old Fed Gold Medal on 12-04-23 (Indoor)
5) 193/5x - JerryP - CZ457 PT/Midas+ on 12/5/23
6) 189/8x - Jmetcalf - CZ457MTR/SK Rifle Match on 12/31/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 195/6X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Kidd Barrel/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 12/11/23
1) 190/2x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 12/4/23
2) 186/4X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flatnose Match on 12/05/23
3) 176/4X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/Eley Match on 12/05/23
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/13X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Match on 12/2/23
2) 200/11x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 12/5/23
3) 200/11x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/Eley Tenex on 12/21/23
4) 200/10X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 12/2/23
5) 200/10x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/Eley Team on 12/15/23
Unlimited Match - Indoor
1) 200/13x - Cournot - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Center-X on 12/27/23
Mini-Palma Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.259 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/RWS R50 on 12/21/23
2) 0.312 - area918shooter - CZ455/Norma Tac 22 on 12/19/23
3) 0.343 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 12/16/23
4) 0.428 - Martini - CZ457/SK Std+ on 12/20/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.089 - area918shooter - CZ455/Norma Tac 22 on 12/19/23
2) 0.114 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 12/16/23
3) 0.141 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/RWS R50 on 12/21/23
4) 0.271 - Martini - CZ457/Sk Std+ on 12/20/23
November, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 187/3X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Match Pistol on 11/22/23
2) 182/1x - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 11/22/23
Factory Target Match
1) 197/15X- Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiochi SM340 on 11/24/23
2) 196/7x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/7/23
3) 195/11x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Std+ on 11/24/23
4) 195/9x - JerryP - CZ457 PT/Midas+ on 11/20/23
5) 192/5x - Greyknife - MK II BTV/Norma Match on 10/13/23
6) 185/5x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/4/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/4x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 11/21/23
2) 185/04X - Martini- BSA International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 11/27/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/14X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 11/28/23
2) 200/13x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 11/8/23
3) 200/10x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/Eley Match on 11/24/23
4) 200/03X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Match 1052 on 10/28/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 138/4x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/4/23
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.252 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Long Range on 11/11/23
2) 0.370 - Precision Quest - Precision Rimfire/RWS on 11/2/23
3) 0.555 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/4/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.138 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Long Range on 11/11/23
2) 0.180 - Precision Quest - Precision Rimfire/RWS on 11/2/23
3) 0.234 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/4/23
October, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 192/3x - Martini - BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard+ on 10/10/23
2) 183/2X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Match Pistol on 10/10/23
Factory Target Match
1) 200/13x - JerryP - CX457MTR/Midas+ on 10/24/23
2) 198/14x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 10/21/23
3) 197/10X - Jmetcalf - CZ457MTR/SK Rifle Match on 10/24/23
4) 194/10x - Greyknife - Savage MK II BTV/SK Pistol Match on 10/20/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/08X - Martini- BSA International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 10/03/23
2) 181/04X - Martini- Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 10/20/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/13x - Appalachian - 2500X/Lapua Center-X on 10/29/23
2) 200/12X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match 1061 on 10/20/23
3) 200/10x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 10/18/23
4) 200/10X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Match 1052 on 10/20/232)
5) 200/8x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/RWS Special Match on 10/1/23
Mini-Palma Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.198 - Appalachian - 2500X/Lapua Center-X on 10/29/23
2) 0.262 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Std+ on 10/15/23
3) 0.326 - Precision Quest/Deuce Ultimatum/Eley Match on 10/25/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.098 - Appalachian - 2500X/Lapua Center-X on 10/29/23
2) 0.157 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Std+ on 10/15/23
3) 0.226 - Precision Quest/Deuce Ultimatum/Eley Match on 10/25/23
100 Yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.614 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Semi-Auto/Lapua Long Range on 10/13/23
100 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.396 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/Lapua Long Range on 10/13/23
September, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 195/2X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Pistol Match on 09/19/23
Factory Target Match
1) 199/12x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 9/3/23
2) 196/8x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 9/19/23
3) 193/7X - JerryP - CZ457PT/Lapua Midas+ on 9/30/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/08X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 09/26/23
2) 195/04X - Martini - BSA International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 09/27/23
3) 181/05X - Martini - BSA International Mark II/Eley Match on 09/28/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/11X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 09/18/23
2) 200/8x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/SK Pistol Match on 9/4/23
3) 200/7x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 9/8/23
4) 200/6X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Club XTRA on 09/26/23
Mini-Palma Match
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.221 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 9/27/23
2) 0.250 - Precision Quest - Kidd/EBSA on 9/6/23
3) 0.272 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/SK Pistol Match on 9/4/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.057 - Precision Quest - Kidd/EBSA on 9/6/23
2) 0.107 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/Eley Match on 9/6/23
2) 0.182 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/SK Pistol Match on 9/4/23
100 Yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.675 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/Eley SABP on 9/2/23
2) 0.868 - Precision Quest - Kidd/EBSA on 9/6/23
100 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.455 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/Eley SABP on 9/2/23
2) 0.687 - Precision Quest - Kidd/EBSA on 9/6/23
August, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 197/10x - TX_Dan - Kimber 82 Gov't/Eley Target on 8/6/23
Factory Target Match
1) 200/14x - Jmetcalf - CZ457MTR/SK Rifle Match on 8/12/23
2) 196/11x - TX_Dan - CZ452 American/Eley Target on 8/6/23
3) 194/7X - JerryP - CZ457PT/Lapua Midas+ on 8/28/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 195/6x - Precision Quest - Kidd 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto on 8/2/23
2) 191/8x - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 8/28/23
3) 176/0x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 8/6/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/12x - BowChamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Semi-Auto Match on 8/19/23
2) 200/7x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 8/29/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 197/14x - jBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 8/14/23
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.228 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 8/2/23
2) 0.336 - Precision Quest - Kidd 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto on 8/2/23
2) 0.348 - Precision Quest - CZ457/ RWS Special Match on 8/2/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.125 - Precision Quest - CZ 457/RWS Special Match on 8/2/23
2) 0.135 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 8/2/23
3) 0.171 - Precision Quest - Kidd 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto on 8/2/23
100 Yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.617 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 8/24/23
2) 0.768 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Long Range Match on 8/16/23
3) 0.865 - Precision Quest - Kidd/Eley Precision SA on 8/12/23
100 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.398 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 8/24/23
2) 0.406 - Precision Quest - Kidd/Eley Precision SA on 8/12/23
2) 0.536 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Long Range Match on 8/16/23
July, 2023 Results:
Factory Target Match
1) 199/14x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 7/5/23
2) 196/9x- JerryP - CZ457PT/Midas+ on 7/22/23
3) 191/7x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 7/1/23
Match-Grade Match
Unlimited Match
1) 200/13x - BowChamp - Vudoo V22S/Midas+ on 7/2/23
2) 200/8x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 7/5/23
3) 200/5x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 7/30/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 183/4x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 7/1/23
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.192 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 7/5/23
2) 0.238 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 7/21/23
3) 0.242 - BowChamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Semi-Auto on 7/4/23
4) 0.330 - Precision Quest - Kidd 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto BR on 7/21/23
5) 0.671 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 7/1/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.120 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 7/5/23
2) 0.165 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 7/21/23
3) 0.193 - BowChamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Semi-Auto on 7/4/23
4) 0.213 - Precision Quest - Kidd 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto BR on 7/21/23
5) 0.386 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 7/1/23
June, 2023 Results:
Factory Target Match
1) 198/11x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 6/8/23
2) 196/12x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Midas+ on 6/2/23
3) 195/10x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 6/16/23
3) 194/6x - Greyknife - Savage MK II BTV/Norma TAC 22 on 6/5/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 195/7x - JerryP- Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 6/21/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/10x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 6/18/23
Mini-Palma Match
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 Yards - Group Ave:
1) 0.700 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 6/16/23
50 yards, Best Group:
1) 0.611 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 6/16/23
May, 2023 Results:
Factory Rifle Match
1) 198/7x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 5/5/23
Match-Grade Match
Unlimited Match
1) 200/8x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 5/11/23
2) 200/6x - JerryP - 2500X/Eley Match on 5/23/23
Mini-Palma Match
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave:
1) 0.213 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 5/11/23
2) 0.263 - JerryP - 2500X/Eley Match on 5/23/23
50 yards, Best Group:
1) 0.123 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 5/11/23
2) 0.168 - JerryP - 2500X/Eley Match on 5/23/23
April, 2023 Results:
Factory Rifle Match
1) 194/7x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 4/11/23
2) 191/6x - Greyknife - Savage MK II BTV/Norma TAC 22 on 4/10/23
3) 188/11x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 4/22/23
Match-Grade Match
Unlimited Match
1) 200/14X - Hi-NV Shooter - H&R M12/Lapua Long Range on 4/9/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 171/4x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 4/22/23
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 Yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.760 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 4/22/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.425 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 4/22/23
March, 2023 Results:
Factory Rifle Match
1) 198/9x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 3/10/23
2) 197/16x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 3/28/23
Match-Grade Match
Unlimited Match
Mini-Palma Match
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 Yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.449 - area918shooter - CZ455/SK Std. on 3/1/23
2) 0.524 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 3/10/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.191 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 3/10/23
2) 0.299 - area918shooter - CZ455/SK Std. on 3/1/23
February, 2023 Results:
Factory Rifle Match
1) 199/13x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 2/14/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 195/5X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Kidd Barrel/Eley S-A BR Precision on 02/28/23
2) 157/4x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Wolf Match Extra on 2/20/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/13x - Hi-NV Shooter - H&R M12/Lapua Center-X on 2/26/23
2) 200/10X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 02/28/23
3) 200/8x - jBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/Lapua Center-X on 2/19/23
4) 200/6x - cournot - Suhl 150/Norma Match Red Box on 2/3/23
5) 195/8x - Martini - 40X /SK Standard+ on 02/28/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 196/8x - jBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/Lapua Center-X on 2/19/23
2) 195/5x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At-One/Lapua Midas+ on 2/13/23
3) 179/5x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Wolf Match Extra on 2/20/23
4) 178/3x - Raw Rollin - CZ457/Eley Semi-Auto BR on 2/22/23
Texas Mosquito Match
1) 161/4x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 2/13/23
2) 144/0x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At-One/Lapua Midas+ on 2/13/23
3) 130/0x - Raw Rollin - CZ457/Eley Match on 2/22/23
4) 130/0x - Raw Rollin - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 2/22/23
JBell 6x5 Match
100 Yards - Group Average
1) 0.962 - Tommie Middleton - CZ457/Lapua Center-X on 2/24/23
100 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.765 - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 2/24/23
200 yards - Group Average
1) 1.866 - BisSilent - Rim-X with Lothar Walther barrel/Eley Match on 2/7/23
200 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.789 - BisSilent - Rim-X with Lothar Walther barrel/Eley Match on 2/7/23
January, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match
Factory Rifle Match
1) 198/9x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 1/6/23
2) 197/14x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 1/15/23
Match-Grade Match
1)200/8x - cournot - Suhl 150/RWS Special Match on 1/30/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/16x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz Match 1411 Match 54/Lapua Center-X on 1/8/23
2) 200/11x - HI-NV Shooter - H&R M12/Lapua Pistol King on 1/2/23
3) 200/7x - jBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/SK Std+ on 1/22/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 198/9x - jBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/Sk Std+ on 1/29/23
Texas Mosquito Match
1) 152/1x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At One/Midas+ on 1/19/23
JBell 6x5 Match
50 Yards - Group Average
1) 0.250" - JBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/Sk Std+ on 1/29/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.220" - JBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/Sk Std+/SK Rifle Match/Lapua Center-X on 1/22/23
December, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
Factory Rifle Match
1) 197/12x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Eley SABR on 12/8/22
2) 195/14x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 12/2/22
3) 195/6x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Lapua Midas+ on 12/6/22
4) 194/7x - Jmetcalf - CZ457MTR/SK Rifle Match on 12/29/22
5) 192/9x - Raw Rollin' - Savage Mk II/Eley SABR on 12/8/22
Match-Grade Match
1) 195/3x - JerryP- Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 12/06/22
2) 186/5X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Kidd Barrel/Eley SABR Precision on 12/06/22
3) 165/2x - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flatnose Match on 12/29/22
Unlimited Match
1) 200/17X- Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 12/6/22
2) 200/8x - Martini - 40X /SK Standard+ on 12/6/22
3) 200/7x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 12/2/22
4) 200/6x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At One/Midas+ on 12/21/22
5) 195/11x - Tommie Middleton - Turbo/Lapua Midas+ on 12/8/22
6) 186/8X -Martini - Custom Anschutz 54 Eley Contact on 12/6/22
Mini-Palma Match
1) 198/14x - Tommie Middleton - Turbo/Lapua Midas+ on 12/8/22
2) 193/9x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 12/8/22
3) 190/6x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 12/2/22
Texas Mosquito Match
200 Yards
1) 172/4x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 12/8/22
2) 136/2x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 12/2/22
November, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 200/17 - Islandguy - Walther KKJ-T/Lapua Flat Nose Basic on 11/21/22
Factory Rifle Match
1) 198/11x - Greyknife - Savage MK II BTV/Norma TAC 22 on 11/1/22
2) 195/9x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/3/22
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/8x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 11/20/22
2) 200/4x - cournot - Suhl 150/Eley Match on 11/30/22
3) 195/2X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/Eley Match on 11/22/22
4) 157/3X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flatnose Match on 10/19/22
Unlimited Match
1) 200/15x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 11/1/22
2) 200/13x - HI-NV Shooter - Anschutz 1407 Match 54/Lapua Center-X on 11/6/22
3) 200/9x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/Lapua Pistol King on 11/2/22
4) 200/9x - JerryP - 2500X/Eley Match on 11/15/22
5) 175/6x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/3/22
Mini-Palma Match
1) 194/7x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 11/3/22
Texas Mosquito Match
200 Yards
1) 168/4x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 11/3/22
October, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 197/7x - Milt - Savage/Anschutz Mark 10/Lapua Center-X on 10/18/22
2) 188/6X - Martini - BSA M8 Martini/SK+ on 10/26/22
Factory Rifle Match
1) 200/18x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 10/7/22
2) 198/14x - Milt - CZ457 MTR/Lapua Center-X on 10/22/22
3) 196/13x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 10/15/22
4) 196/11x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Midas+ on 10/5/22
5) 184/6x - Greyknife - Savage MK II BTV/Norma TAC 22 on 10/10/22
6) 170/2x - Martini - Ruger American Rimfire Target/SK Standard Plus on 10/03/22
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/5x - JerryP- Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 10/23/22
2) 195/6X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flatnose Match on 10/19/22
3) 195/5X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/Eley Match on 10/19/22
4) 175/4X - Martini - Ruger 10/22 with Kidd Barrel/Eley S-A BR Precision on 10/06/22
5) 166/3X - Martini - BSA Martini M1215/Club on 10/05/22
Unlimited Rifle Match
1) 200/15x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 10/1/22
2) 200/15x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz Match 1411 Match 54/Lapua Pistol King on 10/9/22
3) 200/13X- Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 10/6/22
4) 200/9x - Milt - Vudoo V22s/Eley Tenex on 10/30/22
5) 200/7x - Greyknife - 40X Remington/Midas+ on 10/10/22
6) 200/4x - Cournot - Vudoo V22s/SK Std+ on 10/12/22
7) 195/9x - Martini - 40X/SK Standard+ on 10/6/22
8) 186/4x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At One/Midas+ on 10/11/22
Mini-Palma Match
1) 199/15x - Rtblock1 - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Center-X on 10/30/22
2) 196/11x - Milt - Vudoo V22s/Eley Tenex on 10/30/22
3) 195/6x - CZ457 At One/SK Rifle Match on 10/11/22
4) 194/1x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 10/7/22
Texas Mosquito Match
200 Yards
1) 159/3x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 10/27/22
2) 137/0x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At One/SK Rifle Match on 10/11/22
September, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 195/5X - Martini - BSA M8 Martini/SK+ on 9/08/22
Factory Rifle Match
1) 200/16X - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard+ on 9/10/2022
2) 198/12x - Area918shooter - CZ455 MP/Sk Std+ on 9/9/22
3) 198/12x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 9/11/22
4) 198/7x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 9/6/22
5) 196/14x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 9/28/22
6) 196/8x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Midas+ on 9/17/22
7) 195/9X - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiocchi SM340 on 9/10/2022
8) 195/7x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BV/SK Rifle Match on 9/19/22
9) 190/7X - Martini - Winchester M69A/SK Standard+ on 9/12/2022
10) 176/4X - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 9/12/2022
11) 157/1x - Martini - Ruger American/SK Std Plus on 9/19/22
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/5x - Milt - CZ 457 MTR/Lapua Center-X on 9/3/22
2) 200/5x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 9/13/22
3) 200/2X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/Eley Match on 9/7/22
4) 195/5X - Martini - Ruger 10/22 with Kidd Barrel/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 9/6/22
5) 185/6x - Quickoz - Vudoo 360/Eley Match on 9/8/22
6) 177/6X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flatnose Match on 9/7/22
7) 162/3X - Martini - BSA Martini M1215/Eley Contact/Club on 9/27/22
Unlimited Rifle Match
1) 200/14x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz 1407 Match 54/Lapua Pistol Match on 9/25/22
2) 200/12x - Martini - 2500X Shilen Barrel/Eley Match on 9/6/22
3) 200/11x - HI-NV Shooter - H&R M12/Lapua Pistol King on 9/11/22
4) 200/11x - Greyknife - Remington 40X/Eley Match on 9/19/22
5) 200/7x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/SK Std + on 9/11/22
6) 200/7x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 9/15/22
7) 195/11x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457/Midas+ on 9/28/22
8) 195/10x - Martini - 40X Custom/SK Standard Plus on 9/6/22
9) 185/7x - Area918shooter - CZ455 MP/SK Std + on 9/9/22
Mini-Palma Match
1) 200/15x - Tommie Middleton - Turbo/Midas+ on 9/15/22
2) 200/8x - Rtblock1 - Vudoo V22s/Midas+ on 9/16/22
3) 196/10x - NotMOA - Tikka T1x/Eley Tenex on 9/9/22
4) 196/9x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo/Lapua Center-X on 9/22/22
5) 195/5x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 9/11/22
6) 194/10x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457/Midas+ on 9/28/22
7) 193/7x - Quickoz - Vudoo 360/Eley Match on 9/8/22
8) 192/7x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 9/28/22
9) 189/7x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BV/Federal Gold Medal on 9/19/22
10) 188/5x - Tommie Middleton - Anschutz Match 54/SK Rifle Match on 9/7/22
Texas Mosquito Match
200 Yards
1) 170/4x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 9/15/22
2) 160/3x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 9/9/22
3) 150/2x - Tommie Middleton - Turbo/Midas+ on 9/15/22
4) 141/4x - Tommie Middleton - Anschutz Match 54/Lapua Center-X on 9/7/22
5) 135/2x - Tommie Middleton - CZ At-One/Lapua Center-X on 9/7/22
300 Yards
1) 62/1x - Tommie Middleton - CZ At-One/SK Rifle Match on 9/9/22
August, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 195/8x - Milt - Savage/Anschutz Mark 10/Wolf Target on 8/1/22
2) 189/3x - Martini - BSA M8 Martini/SK Standard + on 8/24/22
Factory Rifle Match
1) 199/13X - Martini - CZ457/SK+ on 8/26/2022
2) 198/12x - Milt - CZ 457 MTR/Eley Tenex on 8/1/22
3) 198/11x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Lapua Midas+ on 8/10/22
4) 197/11x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 8/8/22
5) 197/6x - Greyknife - Savage MkII BVD/SK Rifle Match on 8/31/22
6) 196/12x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Lapua Center-X on 8/15/22
7) 196/8x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 8/25/22
8) 194/7X - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiocchi SM340 on 8/26/2022
9) 193/8X - Martini - Winchester 69A/SK+ on 8/27/2022
10) 190/5X - Martini - Tikka T1x/Fiocchi MAXAc on 8/26/2022
11) 181/8X - Martini - Ruger American/SK+ on 8/27/2022
Match-Grade Rifle Match
1) 200/7x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 8/31/22
2) 200/6x - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/Eley Match on 8/24/22
3) 200/5x - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flat Nose on 8/24/22
4) 195/5x - JerryP - Vudoo V22/Lapua Midas+ on 8/25/22
5) 195/3x - cournot - Suhl 150/Eley Match on 8/31/22
6) 191/7x - Martini - Ruger 10/22 Kidd BarreI/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 8/24/22
7) 180/2x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/SK Rifle Match on 8/15/22
Unlimited Rifle Match
1) 200/17x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz Match 1411 Match 54/Lapua Center-X on 8/14/22
2) 200/14x - HI-NV Shooter - Anschutz 1407 Match 54/Lapua Center-X on 8/28/22
3) 200/13x - Martini - 2500X Shilen Barrel/Eley Match on 8/19/22
4) 200/10x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 8/1/22
5) 200/10x - Greyknife - Remington 40x/Eley Match on 8/8/22
6) 200/6x - Tommie Middleton - Anschutz Match 54/SK Rifle Match on 8/22/22
7) 200/5x - Martini - 40X Custom/SK Standard Plus on 8/19/22
8) 200/4x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/SK LRM on 8/18/22
Mini-Palma Rifle Match
1) 199/11x - RTBock1 - Vudoo V22s/Midas+ on 8/17/22
2) 198 / 11x - NotMOA - Tikka T1X/Eley Tenex on 8/27/22
3) 196/8x - Tommie Middleton - Anschutz Match 54/SK Rifle Match on 8/15/22
4) 196/8x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/SK LRM on 8/18/22
5) 193/2x - Greyknife - Savage MkII BVD/Federal Gold Medal 900 on 8/8/22
6) 192/11x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 8/8/22
7) 190/5x - Milt - Anschutz 64 SBR/Lapua Center-X on 8/23/22 Note: This rifle is for sale, please see the post by Milt if interested.
8) 182/8x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Lapua Center-X on 8/15/22
July, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 200/11 - Islandguy - Walther KKJ-T/Lapua Flat Nose Basic on 7/28/22
2) 185/1X - Martini - BSA M8 Martini/SK+ on 7/12/22
Factory Rifle Match
1) 199/15X - Martini - CZ457/SK+ on 7/7/2022
2) 199/14x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/SK Std+ on7/13/22
3) 198/11x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Lapua Midas+ on 7/10/22
4) 198/10x - Milt - CZ 457 MTR/Lapua Center-X on 7/13/22
5) 198/10x - JG26_Irish - CZ 457 PVT/Lapua Center-X on 7/10/22
6) 197/10x - Greyknife - Savage MkII BVD/Norma Tac22 on 7/25/22
7) 193/6x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/Lapua Midas+ on 7/16/22
8) 192/6x - Papa Mike - CZ457/Lapua Center-X on 7/3/22
9) 191/10X - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiocchi SM340 on 7/12/2022
10) 191/7X - Lash - CZ457 MTR/SK Std+ on 07/12/22
11) 187/8X - Martini - Tikka T1x/Fiocchi MAXAX on 7/13/2022
12) 163/1x - Papa Mike - CZ457/Lapua Center-X on 7/9/22
Match-Grade Rifle Match
1) 200/9x - jps2486 - Vudoo V22/Eley Match on 7/5/22
2) 200/8x - jbell - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/8/22
3) 195/7x - Martini - Remington 40X/SK+ on 7/6/2022
4) 195/7x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/18/22
5) 195/5x - JerryP - Vudoo V22/Lapua Midas+ on 7/13/22
6) 190/4x - Martini - BSA Martini - International Mark III/SK Flat Nose on 7/30/2022
7) 186/5X - Martini - BSA Martini - International Mark II/Eley Match on 7/30/2022
8) 172/5x - Sky Blue Lou - Vudoo 360/Lapua Midas+ on 7/8/22
9) 170/1x - Papa Mike - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/9/22
Unlimited Rifle Match
1) 200/17x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz 1411 Match/Lapua Center-X on 7/17/22
2) 200/16x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 7/7/22
3) 200/15x - Martini - 2500xs action/Eley Match on 7/6/22
4) 200/14x - Hi-NV Shooter - H&R M12/LCX on 7/10/22
5) 200/9x - Greyknife - Remington 40x/Eley Match on 7/25/22
6) 185/3x - RFS99 - Turbo V1 action/Midas+ on 7/5/22
Mini-Palma Rifle Match
1) 200/17x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz 1411 Match/Lapua Center-X on 7/31/22
2) 197/13x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/RWS Pistol Match on 7/30/22
3) 196/7x - jbell - Vudoo V22 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/8/22
4) 195/9x - Papa Mike - Vudoo 360/SK LRM on 7/3/22
5) 195/9x - Martini - 2500X-M/Eley Match on 7/11/22
6) 195/8x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/20/22
7) 193/7x - Milt - CZ457 MTR/Eley Tenex on 7/29/22
8) 193/6x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 7/13/22
9) 192/9x - Martini - Anschutz 52/Eley Match on 7/11/22
10) 190/4x - Martini - Ruger 10/22 Kidd Barrel/Eley Precision Bench Rest Auto on 7/11/22
11) 185/5x - Martini - Custom Grand Master/Lapua Pistol King on 7/11/22
12) 182/2x - Sky Blue Lou - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 7/13/22
13) 175/6X - Lash - CZ457 MTR/SK Std+ On 07/12/22
14) 170/4x - JG26_Irish - Two to Tango/SK Std+ on 7/10/22
There are 7 rimfire matches you can participate in,
1) Iron Sight rifle 50 yards*
2) Factory rifle 50 yards*
3) Match-Grade rifle 50 yards*
4) Unlimited rifle 50 yards*
5) Mini Palma for scoped rifles 100 yards*
6) JBell 6x5 Match for scoped rifles 50/100/200+ yards
7) 10-shot rifle 50 yards
*Each match has the same maximum score (200 points), plus X-count to break any ties we may have.
The rules and general info are included and detail each of the matches offered. Each month, please shoot your matches, score your results, record the information at the top of the targets provided and submit your targets to me in this Forum thread. I will post a running summary of the scores for each match, each month, listing all the participants and their equipment.
Rules for the matches and targets are included in the attachments.
If you're interested in some friendly competition, please join the fun and shoot the matches of your choice!
2025 Changes - Revised rules are now attached!
Summary of the changes for 2025:
1) Factory Rifle cost limit has changed from $1250 to $1500.
The change above will begin in January of 2025.
Good luck and good shooting!
Results Section:
April, 2025 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
Mini Palma Match - 100 yds
JBell 6x5 - 50-100-200
10-Shot Match - 50 yds
Eley X-Shot Match - 50 yds
March, 2025 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 200/14x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14r/SK Long Range Match on 3/23/25
2) 200/12x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tennex on 3/28/25
3) 180/10x - JohnMetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 3/11/25
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 175/4X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Club on 03/13/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 195/11x - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 03/07/25
2) 195/8x - Pudgy Arborist - CZ457/Eley Match on 3/30/25
3) 185/8x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/29/25
4) 175/07x - Martini- Custom 40X(Shilen)/Eley Club XTRA on 03/07/25
Mini Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 195/10x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
JBell 6x5 - 50-100-200
50 Yards
Group Average
1) 0.450 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
2) 0.479 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Eley Team on 3/29/25
Best Group
1) 0.263 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
2) 0.343 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Eley Team on 3/29/25
100 Yards
Group Average
1) 0.905 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
Best Group
1) 0.227 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
10-Shot Match - 50 yds
1) 50 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/28/25
Eley X-Shot Match - 50 yds
1) 240/4x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Tenex on 3/29/25
February, 2025 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match
1) 200/14x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14r/SK Long Range Match on 2/22/25
2) 195/10x - JohnMetcalf - CZ457/SK Rifle Match on 2/8/25
3) 175/10x - Greyknife - Savage Mark IV BTV/SK Std+ on 2/25/25
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/8x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 2/1/25
Unlimited Match
1) 200/11x - JerryP - Penrod 2500x/Eley Match on 2/2/25
Mini-Palma Match
JBell 6x5 - 50-100-200
50 Yard - Group Average
1) 0.662 - JBell - Zastava MP22/Lapua Center-X on 2/27/25
50 Yard - Best Group
1) 0.393 - JBell - Zastava MP22/Lapua Center-X on 2/27/25
10-Shot Match
Eley X-Shot Match
1) 248/8x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 2/2/25
January, 2025 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 200/15x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14r/SK LRM on 1/5/25
2) 195/15x - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/4/25
3) 195/9x - JerryP - Bergara B14r/RWS R50 on 1/3/25
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/9x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/RWS R50 on 1/2/25
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/12x - Jerry P - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 1/1/25
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 196/5x - Pudgy Arborist- Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/4/25
2) 195/7x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 1/29/25
JBell 6X5 Match - 50-100-200 yds
50 Yds Group Average
1) 0.271 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/3/25
2) 0.465 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Eley Contact on 1/29/25
50 Yds Best Group
1) 0.166 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/3/25
2) 0.241 - Gdawg09 - CZ 457 MTR/Eley Contact on 1/29/25
100 Yds Group Average
1) 0.888 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/4/25
100 Yds Best Group
1) 0.710 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/4/25
10-Shot Rifle Match - 50 yds
1) 55 - Pudgy Arborist - Bergara B14r/Eley Match on 1/3/25
Eley X-Shot Match - 50 yds
1) 249/14x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/Lapua Midas+ on 1/4/25
December, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 200/10x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14r/SK LRM on 12/21/24
2) 195/11x - JerryP - Bergara B14r/RWS R50 on 12/10/242
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/10x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/RWS R50 on 12/8/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/12x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 12/7/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 187/8x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Eley Target on 12/21/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
1) 0.260 - JBell - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 12/28/24
50 yds Best Group
1) 0.176 - JBell - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 12/28/24
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
November, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 195/12x - JerryP - Bergara B14r/RWS R50 on 11/13/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/12x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/RWS R50 on 11/20/24
2) 200/9x - BillZ - Vudoo/Lapua Long Range on 11/20/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/16x - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 11/19/24
2) 200/15x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 11/9/24
3) 185/09x - Martini- Custom 40X(Shilen)/Eley Club XTRA on 11/19/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
50 yds Best Group
100 yds Group Average
100 yds Best Group
200 yds Group Average
200 yds Best Group
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
October, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 195/7x - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Lapua Midas+ on 10/26/24
2) 175/3x - Greyknife - Savage Mark IV BTV/SK Std+ on 10/4/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/13x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/RWS R50 on 10/26/24
2) 200/12x - BillZ - Volquartsen 10/22/Eley SABR on 10/8/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/17x - Martini - 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 10/02/24
2) 200/16x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 10/18/24
3) 180/07x - Martini- Custom 40X(Shilen)/Eley Club XTRA on 10/02/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 197/11x - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 10/2/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
1) 0.194 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 10/12/24
50 yds Best Group
1) 0.087 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 10/12/24
100 yds Group Average
1) 0.889 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 10/2/24
100 yds Best Group
1) 0.523 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 10/2/24
200 yds Group Average
1) 3.112 - JBell - Vudoo V22/SK LR on 10/5/24
200 yds Best Group
1) 2.296 - JBell - Vudoo V22/SK LR on 10/5/24
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
1) 90 - Rimfireshooter99 - Turbo V1/Lapua Center-X on 10/17/24 (Shot Indoor)
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
September, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
1) 197/8X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 09/26/24
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 195/12x - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Midas+ on 9/13/24
2) 180/10x - Greyknife - Savage Mark IV BTV/SK Std+ on 9/27/24
3) 180/9x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 9/24/24
4) 170/9x - Martini - Tikka T1X/SK Standard Plus on 9/24/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/14x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/R50 on 9/17/24
2) 200/8x - BillZ - Volquartsen Lightweight Carbine/Eley Simi-Auot Benchrest on 9/23/24
3) 200/7x - JBell - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 9/1/24
4) 200/6X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 Clark Barrel/Remington Eley Club XTRA on 09/17/24
5) 186/04X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/SK Standard Plus on 09/30/24
6) 181/07X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 09/30/24
7) 153/4X - Martini - BSA Martini M1215/SK Standard Plus on 9/26/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/16x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 9/3/24
2) 200/15x - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 09/10/24
3) 195/06x - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Club XTRA on 09/10/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
1) 0.278 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 9/22/24
2) 0.441 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Sk Std+ on 9/20/24
50 yds Best Group
1) 0.178 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 9/22/24
2) 0.286 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Sk Std+ on 9/20/24
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
1) 244/12 - BillZ - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Long Range on 9/23/24
August, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
1) 199/12x - Milt - Kimber 82G/Lapua Center-X on 8/11/24
2) 196/8X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 08/30/24
3) 190/5X - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 8/30/24
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 200/15x - JerryP - Bergara B14/R50 on 8/15/24
2) 200/14x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14R/SK LRM on 8/9/24
3) 190/13x - Martini - Tikka T1X/SK Standard Plus on 8/20/24
4) 185/8x - JohnMetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 8/10/24
5) 180/9x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 8/20/24
6) 180/5x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/SK STD+ on 8/12/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/15x - BillZ - Vudoo 360/Eley Tenex on 8/29/24
1) 200/13x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 8/25/24
2) 195/3X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 08/28/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/18x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 8/1/24
2) 200/17x - Milt - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Center-X on 8/5/24
3) 200/17x - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 08/27/24
4) 175/06x - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Club XTRA on 08/27/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 189/5x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK STD+ ON 8/16/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
1) 0.514 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Sk Std+ on 8/16/24
50 yds Best Group
1) 0.272 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Std+ on 8/16/24
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
July, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
1) 198/12x - Milt - Kimber 82G/Lapua Center-X on 7/8/24
2) 197/6X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 07/01/24
3) 181/4X - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 7/01/24
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 200/10x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14R/SK LRM on 7/20/24
2) 195/16x - Milt - CZ457 MTR/Lapua Center-X on 7/18/24
3) 195/13x - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Midas+ on 7/8/24
4) 185/11x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 7/3/24
5) 175/6x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/SK STD+ on 7/18/24
6) 165/6x - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 7/3/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/6X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 (Kidd Barrel)/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 07/09/24
2) 200/6x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 7/19/24
3) 185/07X - Martini - BSA International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 07/10/24
4) 185/2X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Green Mountain Barrel/Remington Eley Club XTRA on 7/23/24
5) 184/5X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Fedderson Barrel/Eley Bench Rest Semi-Auto Precision on 7/23/24
6) 163/04X - Martini - BSA International Mark II/Eley Club EXTRA on 07/10/24
7) 114/2X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Fedderson Barrel/RWS Semi-Auto 7/23/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/16x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 7/5/24
2) 200/15X - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 7/09/24
3) 200/15x - BillZ - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/30/24
4) 200/10X - Martini- Custom 40X (Shilen Barrel)/Eley Club XTRA on 07/09/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
50 yds Best Group
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
65 - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 7/5/24
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
June, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 yds
Factory Target Match - 50 yds
1) 195/12x - JerryP - Bergara B14/R50 on 6/12/24
2) 185/9x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/Norma Match on 6/10/24
3) 185/11x - BergaraGump - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 6/22/24
4) 185/2x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 6/25/24
Match-Grade Match - 50 yds
1) 200/10x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 6/2/24
2) 167/0x - PewPewPappy - Anschutz 64 MPR/SK Rifle Match on 6/13/24
Unlimited Match - 50 yds
1) 200/16X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 06/27/24
2) 200/14x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 6/3/24
3) 200/14x - Milt - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Center-X on 6/10/24
4) 200/14x - Appalachian - 2500X/Lapua Center-X on 6/19/24
5) 190/8x - BillZ - Vudoo 360/Eley Edge on 6/13/24
Mini-Palma Match - 100 yds
1) 186/5x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 6/21/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds Group Average
1) 0.240 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 6/15/24
2) 0.248 - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 6/3/24
3) 0.359 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 6/25/24
50 yds Best Group -
1) 0.161 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 6/15/24
2) 0.164 - JerryP - Penrod 2500x/Eley Match on 6/3/24
3) 0.207 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 6/25/24
10-Shot Rifle Match- 50 yds
1) 50 - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 6/22/24
2) 45 - JerryP - Bergara B14/R50 on 6/12/24
Eley X-Shot - 50 yds
May, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
Factory Target Match
1) 200/13x - Milt - CZ457 MTR/Lapua Center-X on 5/5/24
2) 200/8x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/15/24
3) 195/9x - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Midas+ on 5/23/24
4) 175/3x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 5/17/24
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/7x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 5/16/24
2) 171/5X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 5/14/24
3) 157/1x - Pew Pew Pappy - Walther Sportmodell V/Eley Target on 5/27/24
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/16X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 5/14/24
2) 200/13x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 5/26/24
3) 200/12x - Milt - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 5/19/24
4) 200/11x - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 5/19/24
5) 200/09X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Club XTRA on 5/14/24
6) 160/3x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/4/24
Mini-Palma Match
1) 187/3x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 5/17/24
2) 179/5x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/23/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yds - Group Ave.
1) 0.204 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/6/24
2) 0.391 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 5/17/24
3) 0.448 - Sun Ting Wong - Keystone 722 Varmint/CCI SV on 5/28/24
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.155 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/15/24
2) 0.200 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 5/17/24
3) 0.326 - Sun Ting Wong - Keystone 722 Varmint/CCI SV on 5/28/24
10-Shot Rifle Match - 50 Yards
1) 60 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 5/26/24
2) 45 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/23/24
3) 40 - JerryP - Penrod 2500X/Eley Match on 5/19/24
Eley X-Shot
1) 234/7x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 5/4/24
April, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 200/14x - Milt - Kimber 82 Gov't/Lapua Center-X on 4/24/24
2) 192/4X - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 04/24/24
3) 178/7X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 04/24/24
Factory Target Match
1) 200/10x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14/SK LRM on 4/6/24
2) 195/12x - JerryP - Bergara B14R/RWS R50 on 4/24/24
3) 190/11x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 04/05/24
4) 175/8x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/Norma Match on 4/5/24
5) 170/10x - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/SK+ on 04/05/24
6) 165/9x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 4/16/24
Match-Grade Match
1) 186/4X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 (Kidd Barrel)/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 04/04/24
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/14X - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 04/04/24
2) 200/08X - Martini- Custom Anschutz 54/Eley Club XTRA on 04/04/24
Unlimited Match - Indoor
Mini-Palma Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.299 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 4/16/24
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.197 - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 4/16/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Outdoor
1) 45 - JerryP - Bergara B14R/RWS R50 on 4/24/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Indoor
Eley X-Shot
1) 241/7x - Area918shooter - Bergara B14/SK Rifle Match on 4/16/24
March, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 195/4X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 3/6/24
2) 193/4X - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 3/6/24
Factory Target Match
1) 195/9x - BergaraGumpa - Bergara B14/RWS R100 on 3/16/24
2) 190/10x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 03/27/24
3) 190/8x - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Midas+ on 3/9/24
4) 170/10x - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 03/27/24
3) 145/5x - CZ_STL - CZ457 At-One/SK Std+ on 3/3/24
Match-Grade Match
1) 180/4x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 3/10/24
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/19X - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 3/20/24
2) 200/16X - Martini- 2500X Muller 5R/Lapua Midas + on 03/20/24
3) 190/06X - Martini- Custom Anschutz 54/Eley Club XTRA on 03/20/24
Unlimited Match - Indoor
1) 200/16x - Rimfireshooter99 - Turbo V-1/Midas+ on 3/2/24
Mini-Palma Match
1) 190/7x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 3/16/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.397 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 3/16/24
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.282 - Gdawg09 - CZ 457 MTR/SK LRM on 3/16/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Outdoor
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Indoor
Eley X-Shot
February, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 197/7X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 02/15/24
2) 194/5X - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 1/03/24
Factory Target Match
1) 195/8X - JerryP - CZ457 MTR/Midas+ on 2/4/24
2) 190/6x - Jmetcalf - CZ457MTR/SK Rifle Match on 2/14/24
3) 185/9x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 2/23/24
4) 180/7x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/SK Std+ on 2/20/24
5) 145/2x - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 2/23/24
Match-Grade Match
1) 190/7X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 (Kidd Barrel)/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 02/24/24
2) 190/4x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 2/4/24
3) 127/3X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/RWS Semi-Auto on 2/06/24
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/15X - Martini- Custom 40X (Shilen Barrel)/Eley Match on 02/24/24
2) 200/11X - Martini- Custom Anschutz 54/Eley Club XTRA on 2/20/24
3) 200/8x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 2/3/24
4) 195/12X - Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 2/20/24
5) 190/11X - Martini- 2500X Muller 5R/Lapua Midas + on 02/24/24
Unlimited Match - Indoor
Mini-Palma Match
1) 182/4x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 2/29/24
2) 174/2x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BTV/Norma Match on 2/5/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.110 - Appalachian - 2500x/Lapua Center-X on 2/10/24
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.040 - Appalachian - 2500x/Lapua Center-X on 2/10/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Outdoor
1) 60 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 2/3/24
2) 50 - Martini- Custom Anschutz 54/Eley Club XTRA on 2/20/24
3) 50 - Martini- 2500X(Shilen)/Eley Match on 2/20/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Indoor
Eley X-Shot
1) 249/17x - Rimfireshooter99 - Turbo V1/Midas+ on 2/14/24 (Indoor)
January, 2024 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 191/2X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 1/03/24
2) 165/0x - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 1/03/24
Factory Target Match
1) 195/12x - JerryP - CZ457 PT/RWS R50 on 1/2/24
2) 195/9x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 1/28/24
3) 195/4X - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiochi SM340 on 1/3/24
4) 185/9x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 1/06/24
5) 180/10X - Greyknife - Savage Mark II BTV/SK Std+ on 1/22/24
6) 175/6x - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 1/06/24
7) 170/6x - Area918shooter - CZ455/Norma T-22 on 1/24/24
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/5x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 1/4/24
2) 200/4X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 1/30/24
3) 190/06X - Martini - BSA International Mark II/Eley Club EXTRA on 01/06/25
4) 180/06X - Martini - BSA International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 01/05/24
5) 172/2x - Martini - Custom 10/22/Eley Contact on 1/25/24
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/14X - Martini- Custom Anschutz 54/Eley Club XTRA on 1/30/24
2) 200/13X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 1/18/24
3) 200/12x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 1/1/24
4) 195/7X - Martini- 2500X Muller 5R/Eley Club XTRA on 1/30/24
5) 190/10X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Match on 1/18/24
6) 125/5x - Area918shooter - CZ455/Norma T-22 on 1/24/24
Unlimited Match - Indoor
1) 200/20x - Rimfireshooter99 - Turbo V1/Midas+ on 1/11/24
Mini-Palma Match
1) 197/7x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 1/28/24
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.201 - BowChamp- Vudoo V22S, Lapua Center X, Lapua Midas+, Sk Standard Plus on 1/14/24
2) 0.541 - Area918shooter - Cz455/Norma T-22 on 1/24/24
3) 0.456 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 1/28/24
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.051 - BowChamp - Vudoo V22S, Lapua Center X, Lapua Midas+, Sk Standard Plus on 1/14/24
2) 0.289 - Area918shooter - CZ455/Norma T-22 on 1/24/24
3) 0.394 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK LRM on 1/28/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Outdoor
1) 55 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 1/1/24
10-Shot Rifle Match 50 Yards - Indoor
1) 95 - Rimfireshooter99 - Turbo V1/Midas Plus on 1/11/24
December, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 195/7X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Golden Eagle Match Pistol on 12/01/23
2) 181/4x - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 12/01/23
Factory Target Match
1) 200/14x - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 12/11/23
2) 197/7x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 12/4/23
3) 195/10X - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiochi SM340 on 12/4/23
4) 195/8X - Greyknife - Savage Mark II BTV/Old Fed Gold Medal on 12-04-23 (Indoor)
5) 193/5x - JerryP - CZ457 PT/Midas+ on 12/5/23
6) 189/8x - Jmetcalf - CZ457MTR/SK Rifle Match on 12/31/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 195/6X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Kidd Barrel/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 12/11/23
1) 190/2x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 12/4/23
2) 186/4X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flatnose Match on 12/05/23
3) 176/4X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/Eley Match on 12/05/23
Unlimited Match - Outdoor
1) 200/13X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Match on 12/2/23
2) 200/11x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 12/5/23
3) 200/11x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/Eley Tenex on 12/21/23
4) 200/10X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 12/2/23
5) 200/10x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/Eley Team on 12/15/23
Unlimited Match - Indoor
1) 200/13x - Cournot - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Center-X on 12/27/23
Mini-Palma Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.259 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/RWS R50 on 12/21/23
2) 0.312 - area918shooter - CZ455/Norma Tac 22 on 12/19/23
3) 0.343 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 12/16/23
4) 0.428 - Martini - CZ457/SK Std+ on 12/20/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.089 - area918shooter - CZ455/Norma Tac 22 on 12/19/23
2) 0.114 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 12/16/23
3) 0.141 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/RWS R50 on 12/21/23
4) 0.271 - Martini - CZ457/Sk Std+ on 12/20/23
November, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 187/3X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Match Pistol on 11/22/23
2) 182/1x - Martini- BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard + on 11/22/23
Factory Target Match
1) 197/15X- Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiochi SM340 on 11/24/23
2) 196/7x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/7/23
3) 195/11x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Std+ on 11/24/23
4) 195/9x - JerryP - CZ457 PT/Midas+ on 11/20/23
5) 192/5x - Greyknife - MK II BTV/Norma Match on 10/13/23
6) 185/5x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/4/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/4x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 11/21/23
2) 185/04X - Martini- BSA International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 11/27/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/14X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 11/28/23
2) 200/13x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 11/8/23
3) 200/10x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/Eley Match on 11/24/23
4) 200/03X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Match 1052 on 10/28/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 138/4x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/4/23
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.252 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Long Range on 11/11/23
2) 0.370 - Precision Quest - Precision Rimfire/RWS on 11/2/23
3) 0.555 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/4/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.138 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Long Range on 11/11/23
2) 0.180 - Precision Quest - Precision Rimfire/RWS on 11/2/23
3) 0.234 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/4/23
October, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 192/3x - Martini - BSA Martini Model 8/SK Standard+ on 10/10/23
2) 183/2X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Match Pistol on 10/10/23
Factory Target Match
1) 200/13x - JerryP - CX457MTR/Midas+ on 10/24/23
2) 198/14x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 10/21/23
3) 197/10X - Jmetcalf - CZ457MTR/SK Rifle Match on 10/24/23
4) 194/10x - Greyknife - Savage MK II BTV/SK Pistol Match on 10/20/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/08X - Martini- BSA International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 10/03/23
2) 181/04X - Martini- Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 10/20/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/13x - Appalachian - 2500X/Lapua Center-X on 10/29/23
2) 200/12X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match 1061 on 10/20/23
3) 200/10x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 10/18/23
4) 200/10X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Match 1052 on 10/20/232)
5) 200/8x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/RWS Special Match on 10/1/23
Mini-Palma Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.198 - Appalachian - 2500X/Lapua Center-X on 10/29/23
2) 0.262 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Std+ on 10/15/23
3) 0.326 - Precision Quest/Deuce Ultimatum/Eley Match on 10/25/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.098 - Appalachian - 2500X/Lapua Center-X on 10/29/23
2) 0.157 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Std+ on 10/15/23
3) 0.226 - Precision Quest/Deuce Ultimatum/Eley Match on 10/25/23
100 Yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.614 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Semi-Auto/Lapua Long Range on 10/13/23
100 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.396 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22S/Lapua Long Range on 10/13/23
September, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match - 50 Yds
1) 195/2X - Martini- Anschutz 1411/Aguila Pistol Match on 09/19/23
Factory Target Match
1) 199/12x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 9/3/23
2) 196/8x - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard Plus on 9/19/23
3) 193/7X - JerryP - CZ457PT/Lapua Midas+ on 9/30/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/08X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 09/26/23
2) 195/04X - Martini - BSA International Mark III/SK Flat Nose Match on 09/27/23
3) 181/05X - Martini - BSA International Mark II/Eley Match on 09/28/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/11X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 09/18/23
2) 200/8x - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/SK Pistol Match on 9/4/23
3) 200/7x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 9/8/23
4) 200/6X - Martini- Custom 40X/Eley Club XTRA on 09/26/23
Mini-Palma Match
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.221 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 9/27/23
2) 0.250 - Precision Quest - Kidd/EBSA on 9/6/23
3) 0.272 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/SK Pistol Match on 9/4/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.057 - Precision Quest - Kidd/EBSA on 9/6/23
2) 0.107 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/Eley Match on 9/6/23
2) 0.182 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/SK Pistol Match on 9/4/23
100 Yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.675 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/Eley SABP on 9/2/23
2) 0.868 - Precision Quest - Kidd/EBSA on 9/6/23
100 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.455 - Bowchamp - Vudoo V22s/Eley SABP on 9/2/23
2) 0.687 - Precision Quest - Kidd/EBSA on 9/6/23
August, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 197/10x - TX_Dan - Kimber 82 Gov't/Eley Target on 8/6/23
Factory Target Match
1) 200/14x - Jmetcalf - CZ457MTR/SK Rifle Match on 8/12/23
2) 196/11x - TX_Dan - CZ452 American/Eley Target on 8/6/23
3) 194/7X - JerryP - CZ457PT/Lapua Midas+ on 8/28/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 195/6x - Precision Quest - Kidd 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto on 8/2/23
2) 191/8x - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 8/28/23
3) 176/0x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 8/6/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/12x - BowChamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Semi-Auto Match on 8/19/23
2) 200/7x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 8/29/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 197/14x - jBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 8/14/23
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.228 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 8/2/23
2) 0.336 - Precision Quest - Kidd 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto on 8/2/23
2) 0.348 - Precision Quest - CZ457/ RWS Special Match on 8/2/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.125 - Precision Quest - CZ 457/RWS Special Match on 8/2/23
2) 0.135 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 8/2/23
3) 0.171 - Precision Quest - Kidd 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto on 8/2/23
100 Yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.617 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 8/24/23
2) 0.768 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Long Range Match on 8/16/23
3) 0.865 - Precision Quest - Kidd/Eley Precision SA on 8/12/23
100 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.398 - JBell - Vudoo V22/Lapua Center-X on 8/24/23
2) 0.406 - Precision Quest - Kidd/Eley Precision SA on 8/12/23
2) 0.536 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Long Range Match on 8/16/23
July, 2023 Results:
Factory Target Match
1) 199/14x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 7/5/23
2) 196/9x- JerryP - CZ457PT/Midas+ on 7/22/23
3) 191/7x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 7/1/23
Match-Grade Match
Unlimited Match
1) 200/13x - BowChamp - Vudoo V22S/Midas+ on 7/2/23
2) 200/8x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 7/5/23
3) 200/5x - JerryP - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 7/30/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 183/4x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 7/1/23
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.192 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 7/5/23
2) 0.238 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 7/21/23
3) 0.242 - BowChamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Semi-Auto on 7/4/23
4) 0.330 - Precision Quest - Kidd 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto BR on 7/21/23
5) 0.671 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 7/1/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.120 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 7/5/23
2) 0.165 - Precision Quest - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 7/21/23
3) 0.193 - BowChamp - Vudoo V22S/SK Semi-Auto on 7/4/23
4) 0.213 - Precision Quest - Kidd 10/22/Eley Semi-Auto BR on 7/21/23
5) 0.386 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 7/1/23
June, 2023 Results:
Factory Target Match
1) 198/11x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 6/8/23
2) 196/12x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Midas+ on 6/2/23
3) 195/10x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 6/16/23
3) 194/6x - Greyknife - Savage MK II BTV/Norma TAC 22 on 6/5/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 195/7x - JerryP- Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 6/21/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/10x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 6/18/23
Mini-Palma Match
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 Yards - Group Ave:
1) 0.700 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 6/16/23
50 yards, Best Group:
1) 0.611 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Aguila Match on 6/16/23
May, 2023 Results:
Factory Rifle Match
1) 198/7x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 5/5/23
Match-Grade Match
Unlimited Match
1) 200/8x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 5/11/23
2) 200/6x - JerryP - 2500X/Eley Match on 5/23/23
Mini-Palma Match
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 yards - Group Ave:
1) 0.213 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 5/11/23
2) 0.263 - JerryP - 2500X/Eley Match on 5/23/23
50 yards, Best Group:
1) 0.123 - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 5/11/23
2) 0.168 - JerryP - 2500X/Eley Match on 5/23/23
April, 2023 Results:
Factory Rifle Match
1) 194/7x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 4/11/23
2) 191/6x - Greyknife - Savage MK II BTV/Norma TAC 22 on 4/10/23
3) 188/11x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 4/22/23
Match-Grade Match
Unlimited Match
1) 200/14X - Hi-NV Shooter - H&R M12/Lapua Long Range on 4/9/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 171/4x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 4/22/23
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 Yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.760 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 4/22/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.425 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 4/22/23
March, 2023 Results:
Factory Rifle Match
1) 198/9x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 3/10/23
2) 197/16x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 3/28/23
Match-Grade Match
Unlimited Match
Mini-Palma Match
Texas Mosquito Match
JBell 6x5 Match
50 Yards - Group Ave.
1) 0.449 - area918shooter - CZ455/SK Std. on 3/1/23
2) 0.524 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 3/10/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.191 - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Norma Match on 3/10/23
2) 0.299 - area918shooter - CZ455/SK Std. on 3/1/23
February, 2023 Results:
Factory Rifle Match
1) 199/13x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 2/14/23
Match-Grade Match
1) 195/5X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Kidd Barrel/Eley S-A BR Precision on 02/28/23
2) 157/4x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Wolf Match Extra on 2/20/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/13x - Hi-NV Shooter - H&R M12/Lapua Center-X on 2/26/23
2) 200/10X - Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 02/28/23
3) 200/8x - jBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/Lapua Center-X on 2/19/23
4) 200/6x - cournot - Suhl 150/Norma Match Red Box on 2/3/23
5) 195/8x - Martini - 40X /SK Standard+ on 02/28/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 196/8x - jBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/Lapua Center-X on 2/19/23
2) 195/5x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At-One/Lapua Midas+ on 2/13/23
3) 179/5x - Gdawg09 - CZ457 MTR/Wolf Match Extra on 2/20/23
4) 178/3x - Raw Rollin - CZ457/Eley Semi-Auto BR on 2/22/23
Texas Mosquito Match
1) 161/4x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 2/13/23
2) 144/0x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At-One/Lapua Midas+ on 2/13/23
3) 130/0x - Raw Rollin - CZ457/Eley Match on 2/22/23
4) 130/0x - Raw Rollin - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 2/22/23
JBell 6x5 Match
100 Yards - Group Average
1) 0.962 - Tommie Middleton - CZ457/Lapua Center-X on 2/24/23
100 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.765 - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 2/24/23
200 yards - Group Average
1) 1.866 - BisSilent - Rim-X with Lothar Walther barrel/Eley Match on 2/7/23
200 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.789 - BisSilent - Rim-X with Lothar Walther barrel/Eley Match on 2/7/23
January, 2023 Results:
Iron Sight Match
Factory Rifle Match
1) 198/9x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 1/6/23
2) 197/14x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 1/15/23
Match-Grade Match
1)200/8x - cournot - Suhl 150/RWS Special Match on 1/30/23
Unlimited Match
1) 200/16x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz Match 1411 Match 54/Lapua Center-X on 1/8/23
2) 200/11x - HI-NV Shooter - H&R M12/Lapua Pistol King on 1/2/23
3) 200/7x - jBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/SK Std+ on 1/22/23
Mini-Palma Match
1) 198/9x - jBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/Sk Std+ on 1/29/23
Texas Mosquito Match
1) 152/1x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At One/Midas+ on 1/19/23
JBell 6x5 Match
50 Yards - Group Average
1) 0.250" - JBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/Sk Std+ on 1/29/23
50 Yards - Best Group
1) 0.220" - JBell - Vudoo V-22 G2/Sk Std+/SK Rifle Match/Lapua Center-X on 1/22/23
December, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
Factory Rifle Match
1) 197/12x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Eley SABR on 12/8/22
2) 195/14x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 12/2/22
3) 195/6x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Lapua Midas+ on 12/6/22
4) 194/7x - Jmetcalf - CZ457MTR/SK Rifle Match on 12/29/22
5) 192/9x - Raw Rollin' - Savage Mk II/Eley SABR on 12/8/22
Match-Grade Match
1) 195/3x - JerryP- Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 12/06/22
2) 186/5X - Martini - Custom Ruger 10/22 with Kidd Barrel/Eley SABR Precision on 12/06/22
3) 165/2x - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flatnose Match on 12/29/22
Unlimited Match
1) 200/17X- Martini- 2500X (Shilen)/Eley Match on 12/6/22
2) 200/8x - Martini - 40X /SK Standard+ on 12/6/22
3) 200/7x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 12/2/22
4) 200/6x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At One/Midas+ on 12/21/22
5) 195/11x - Tommie Middleton - Turbo/Lapua Midas+ on 12/8/22
6) 186/8X -Martini - Custom Anschutz 54 Eley Contact on 12/6/22
Mini-Palma Match
1) 198/14x - Tommie Middleton - Turbo/Lapua Midas+ on 12/8/22
2) 193/9x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 12/8/22
3) 190/6x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 12/2/22
Texas Mosquito Match
200 Yards
1) 172/4x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 12/8/22
2) 136/2x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 12/2/22
November, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 200/17 - Islandguy - Walther KKJ-T/Lapua Flat Nose Basic on 11/21/22
Factory Rifle Match
1) 198/11x - Greyknife - Savage MK II BTV/Norma TAC 22 on 11/1/22
2) 195/9x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/3/22
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/8x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 11/20/22
2) 200/4x - cournot - Suhl 150/Eley Match on 11/30/22
3) 195/2X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/Eley Match on 11/22/22
4) 157/3X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flatnose Match on 10/19/22
Unlimited Match
1) 200/15x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 11/1/22
2) 200/13x - HI-NV Shooter - Anschutz 1407 Match 54/Lapua Center-X on 11/6/22
3) 200/9x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/Lapua Pistol King on 11/2/22
4) 200/9x - JerryP - 2500X/Eley Match on 11/15/22
5) 175/6x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 11/3/22
Mini-Palma Match
1) 194/7x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 11/3/22
Texas Mosquito Match
200 Yards
1) 168/4x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 11/3/22
October, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 197/7x - Milt - Savage/Anschutz Mark 10/Lapua Center-X on 10/18/22
2) 188/6X - Martini - BSA M8 Martini/SK+ on 10/26/22
Factory Rifle Match
1) 200/18x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 10/7/22
2) 198/14x - Milt - CZ457 MTR/Lapua Center-X on 10/22/22
3) 196/13x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 10/15/22
4) 196/11x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Midas+ on 10/5/22
5) 184/6x - Greyknife - Savage MK II BTV/Norma TAC 22 on 10/10/22
6) 170/2x - Martini - Ruger American Rimfire Target/SK Standard Plus on 10/03/22
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/5x - JerryP- Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 10/23/22
2) 195/6X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flatnose Match on 10/19/22
3) 195/5X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/Eley Match on 10/19/22
4) 175/4X - Martini - Ruger 10/22 with Kidd Barrel/Eley S-A BR Precision on 10/06/22
5) 166/3X - Martini - BSA Martini M1215/Club on 10/05/22
Unlimited Rifle Match
1) 200/15x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 10/1/22
2) 200/15x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz Match 1411 Match 54/Lapua Pistol King on 10/9/22
3) 200/13X- Martini- 2500X/Eley Match on 10/6/22
4) 200/9x - Milt - Vudoo V22s/Eley Tenex on 10/30/22
5) 200/7x - Greyknife - 40X Remington/Midas+ on 10/10/22
6) 200/4x - Cournot - Vudoo V22s/SK Std+ on 10/12/22
7) 195/9x - Martini - 40X/SK Standard+ on 10/6/22
8) 186/4x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At One/Midas+ on 10/11/22
Mini-Palma Match
1) 199/15x - Rtblock1 - Vudoo V22s/Lapua Center-X on 10/30/22
2) 196/11x - Milt - Vudoo V22s/Eley Tenex on 10/30/22
3) 195/6x - CZ457 At One/SK Rifle Match on 10/11/22
4) 194/1x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 10/7/22
Texas Mosquito Match
200 Yards
1) 159/3x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 10/27/22
2) 137/0x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457 At One/SK Rifle Match on 10/11/22
September, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 195/5X - Martini - BSA M8 Martini/SK+ on 9/08/22
Factory Rifle Match
1) 200/16X - Martini - CZ457 MTR/SK Standard+ on 9/10/2022
2) 198/12x - Area918shooter - CZ455 MP/Sk Std+ on 9/9/22
3) 198/12x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 9/11/22
4) 198/7x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 9/6/22
5) 196/14x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 9/28/22
6) 196/8x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Midas+ on 9/17/22
7) 195/9X - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiocchi SM340 on 9/10/2022
8) 195/7x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BV/SK Rifle Match on 9/19/22
9) 190/7X - Martini - Winchester M69A/SK Standard+ on 9/12/2022
10) 176/4X - Martini - Tikka T1X/Fiocchi MAXAC on 9/12/2022
11) 157/1x - Martini - Ruger American/SK Std Plus on 9/19/22
Match-Grade Match
1) 200/5x - Milt - CZ 457 MTR/Lapua Center-X on 9/3/22
2) 200/5x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 9/13/22
3) 200/2X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/Eley Match on 9/7/22
4) 195/5X - Martini - Ruger 10/22 with Kidd Barrel/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 9/6/22
5) 185/6x - Quickoz - Vudoo 360/Eley Match on 9/8/22
6) 177/6X - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flatnose Match on 9/7/22
7) 162/3X - Martini - BSA Martini M1215/Eley Contact/Club on 9/27/22
Unlimited Rifle Match
1) 200/14x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz 1407 Match 54/Lapua Pistol Match on 9/25/22
2) 200/12x - Martini - 2500X Shilen Barrel/Eley Match on 9/6/22
3) 200/11x - HI-NV Shooter - H&R M12/Lapua Pistol King on 9/11/22
4) 200/11x - Greyknife - Remington 40X/Eley Match on 9/19/22
5) 200/7x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/SK Std + on 9/11/22
6) 200/7x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 9/15/22
7) 195/11x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457/Midas+ on 9/28/22
8) 195/10x - Martini - 40X Custom/SK Standard Plus on 9/6/22
9) 185/7x - Area918shooter - CZ455 MP/SK Std + on 9/9/22
Mini-Palma Match
1) 200/15x - Tommie Middleton - Turbo/Midas+ on 9/15/22
2) 200/8x - Rtblock1 - Vudoo V22s/Midas+ on 9/16/22
3) 196/10x - NotMOA - Tikka T1x/Eley Tenex on 9/9/22
4) 196/9x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo/Lapua Center-X on 9/22/22
5) 195/5x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/SK Std+ on 9/11/22
6) 194/10x - Tommie Middleton - CZ457/Midas+ on 9/28/22
7) 193/7x - Quickoz - Vudoo 360/Eley Match on 9/8/22
8) 192/7x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 9/28/22
9) 189/7x - Greyknife - Savage Mk II BV/Federal Gold Medal on 9/19/22
10) 188/5x - Tommie Middleton - Anschutz Match 54/SK Rifle Match on 9/7/22
Texas Mosquito Match
200 Yards
1) 170/4x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Eley Match on 9/15/22
2) 160/3x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 9/9/22
3) 150/2x - Tommie Middleton - Turbo/Midas+ on 9/15/22
4) 141/4x - Tommie Middleton - Anschutz Match 54/Lapua Center-X on 9/7/22
5) 135/2x - Tommie Middleton - CZ At-One/Lapua Center-X on 9/7/22
300 Yards
1) 62/1x - Tommie Middleton - CZ At-One/SK Rifle Match on 9/9/22
August, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 195/8x - Milt - Savage/Anschutz Mark 10/Wolf Target on 8/1/22
2) 189/3x - Martini - BSA M8 Martini/SK Standard + on 8/24/22
Factory Rifle Match
1) 199/13X - Martini - CZ457/SK+ on 8/26/2022
2) 198/12x - Milt - CZ 457 MTR/Eley Tenex on 8/1/22
3) 198/11x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Lapua Midas+ on 8/10/22
4) 197/11x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 8/8/22
5) 197/6x - Greyknife - Savage MkII BVD/SK Rifle Match on 8/31/22
6) 196/12x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Lapua Center-X on 8/15/22
7) 196/8x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/SK Rifle Match on 8/25/22
8) 194/7X - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiocchi SM340 on 8/26/2022
9) 193/8X - Martini - Winchester 69A/SK+ on 8/27/2022
10) 190/5X - Martini - Tikka T1x/Fiocchi MAXAc on 8/26/2022
11) 181/8X - Martini - Ruger American/SK+ on 8/27/2022
Match-Grade Rifle Match
1) 200/7x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 8/31/22
2) 200/6x - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark II/Eley Match on 8/24/22
3) 200/5x - Martini - BSA Martini International Mark III/SK Flat Nose on 8/24/22
4) 195/5x - JerryP - Vudoo V22/Lapua Midas+ on 8/25/22
5) 195/3x - cournot - Suhl 150/Eley Match on 8/31/22
6) 191/7x - Martini - Ruger 10/22 Kidd BarreI/Eley Semi-Auto Benchrest Precision on 8/24/22
7) 180/2x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/SK Rifle Match on 8/15/22
Unlimited Rifle Match
1) 200/17x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz Match 1411 Match 54/Lapua Center-X on 8/14/22
2) 200/14x - HI-NV Shooter - Anschutz 1407 Match 54/Lapua Center-X on 8/28/22
3) 200/13x - Martini - 2500X Shilen Barrel/Eley Match on 8/19/22
4) 200/10x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 8/1/22
5) 200/10x - Greyknife - Remington 40x/Eley Match on 8/8/22
6) 200/6x - Tommie Middleton - Anschutz Match 54/SK Rifle Match on 8/22/22
7) 200/5x - Martini - 40X Custom/SK Standard Plus on 8/19/22
8) 200/4x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/SK LRM on 8/18/22
Mini-Palma Rifle Match
1) 199/11x - RTBock1 - Vudoo V22s/Midas+ on 8/17/22
2) 198 / 11x - NotMOA - Tikka T1X/Eley Tenex on 8/27/22
3) 196/8x - Tommie Middleton - Anschutz Match 54/SK Rifle Match on 8/15/22
4) 196/8x - Dawhit - Vudoo 360/SK LRM on 8/18/22
5) 193/2x - Greyknife - Savage MkII BVD/Federal Gold Medal 900 on 8/8/22
6) 192/11x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 8/8/22
7) 190/5x - Milt - Anschutz 64 SBR/Lapua Center-X on 8/23/22 Note: This rifle is for sale, please see the post by Milt if interested.
8) 182/8x - Raw Rollin' - Bergara B14R/Lapua Center-X on 8/15/22
July, 2022 Results:
Iron Sight Match
1) 200/11 - Islandguy - Walther KKJ-T/Lapua Flat Nose Basic on 7/28/22
2) 185/1X - Martini - BSA M8 Martini/SK+ on 7/12/22
Factory Rifle Match
1) 199/15X - Martini - CZ457/SK+ on 7/7/2022
2) 199/14x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/SK Std+ on7/13/22
3) 198/11x - JerryP - CZ457PT/Lapua Midas+ on 7/10/22
4) 198/10x - Milt - CZ 457 MTR/Lapua Center-X on 7/13/22
5) 198/10x - JG26_Irish - CZ 457 PVT/Lapua Center-X on 7/10/22
6) 197/10x - Greyknife - Savage MkII BVD/Norma Tac22 on 7/25/22
7) 193/6x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/Lapua Midas+ on 7/16/22
8) 192/6x - Papa Mike - CZ457/Lapua Center-X on 7/3/22
9) 191/10X - Martini - BSA M13 Martini/Fiocchi SM340 on 7/12/2022
10) 191/7X - Lash - CZ457 MTR/SK Std+ on 07/12/22
11) 187/8X - Martini - Tikka T1x/Fiocchi MAXAX on 7/13/2022
12) 163/1x - Papa Mike - CZ457/Lapua Center-X on 7/9/22
Match-Grade Rifle Match
1) 200/9x - jps2486 - Vudoo V22/Eley Match on 7/5/22
2) 200/8x - jbell - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/8/22
3) 195/7x - Martini - Remington 40X/SK+ on 7/6/2022
4) 195/7x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/18/22
5) 195/5x - JerryP - Vudoo V22/Lapua Midas+ on 7/13/22
6) 190/4x - Martini - BSA Martini - International Mark III/SK Flat Nose on 7/30/2022
7) 186/5X - Martini - BSA Martini - International Mark II/Eley Match on 7/30/2022
8) 172/5x - Sky Blue Lou - Vudoo 360/Lapua Midas+ on 7/8/22
9) 170/1x - Papa Mike - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/9/22
Unlimited Rifle Match
1) 200/17x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz 1411 Match/Lapua Center-X on 7/17/22
2) 200/16x - JerryP - Vudoo V22s/Eley Match on 7/7/22
3) 200/15x - Martini - 2500xs action/Eley Match on 7/6/22
4) 200/14x - Hi-NV Shooter - H&R M12/LCX on 7/10/22
5) 200/9x - Greyknife - Remington 40x/Eley Match on 7/25/22
6) 185/3x - RFS99 - Turbo V1 action/Midas+ on 7/5/22
Mini-Palma Rifle Match
1) 200/17x - Hi-NV Shooter - Anschutz 1411 Match/Lapua Center-X on 7/31/22
2) 197/13x - Jmetcalf - CZ457 MTR/RWS Pistol Match on 7/30/22
3) 196/7x - jbell - Vudoo V22 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/8/22
4) 195/9x - Papa Mike - Vudoo 360/SK LRM on 7/3/22
5) 195/9x - Martini - 2500X-M/Eley Match on 7/11/22
6) 195/8x - JohnTheFisherman - Vudoo 360/Lapua Center-X on 7/20/22
7) 193/7x - Milt - CZ457 MTR/Eley Tenex on 7/29/22
8) 193/6x - Tommie Middleton - Izhmash/Eley Match on 7/13/22
9) 192/9x - Martini - Anschutz 52/Eley Match on 7/11/22
10) 190/4x - Martini - Ruger 10/22 Kidd Barrel/Eley Precision Bench Rest Auto on 7/11/22
11) 185/5x - Martini - Custom Grand Master/Lapua Pistol King on 7/11/22
12) 182/2x - Sky Blue Lou - Vudoo 360/Midas+ on 7/13/22
13) 175/6X - Lash - CZ457 MTR/SK Std+ On 07/12/22
14) 170/4x - JG26_Irish - Two to Tango/SK Std+ on 7/10/22
2022 WBMPM 50 Yard Iron Sight Match Target.pdf38.5 KB · Views: 571
2022 WBMPM 50 Yard Match-Grade Match Target.pdf60.2 KB · Views: 591
2022 WBMPM 100 Yard Mini-Palma Target.pdf51.1 KB · Views: 534
JBell's 6x5 Challenge Match .pdf46 KB · Views: 430
2024 Factory Rifle WBMPM - 50 Yard.pdf52.9 KB · Views: 228
2024 Unlimited WBMPM - 50 Yard.pdf51.5 KB · Views: 193
2024 10-Shot WBMPM - 50 Yards.pdf45.3 KB · Views: 179
2025 Rules WBMPM.pdf128.6 KB · Views: 49
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