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Why the disrespect for Vets with disability?

I was listening to a couple of leftist cunts whining about a co-worker who is retired military collecting disability. Since this place is probably 70% vets in my particular work area, this whining leftist bullshit caught my attention. I tried to avoid the topic but these two cunts just kept whipping this dead horse until I had a few words. I pointed out that leftist cunts never complain about fuckers collecting Social Security Disability for being junkies or drunks. Leftist cunts never whine about 11,000,000 foreign fucking criminals collecting welfare, free medical, HUD houses, free cell phones, free fucking wifi, free utilities, free food and fucking free college. I mentioned that 98% of all leftist scum on public assistance never did a fucking thing for the country other than rob, steal, rape, murder, deal and traffic drugs and breed uncontrollably AND strangely enough to left wing assholes complain about paying them tens of billions of dollars.

I was blunt as a club, the language was colorful and it was impolite, spoken in an even tone without a hint of anger and plenty of sarcasm and distain. I got the usual "thank you for your service" chide from the leftist cunts and took the time to tell them that those of us who served know you mean, "fuck you" when you say that. And on that note, I thanked them for their service too.

Here is the thing about VA disability. After 27 years of service I had no intention of applying for it. The VA insisted and reminds most vets that when you come back later for an injury they will have lost your fucking medical and service records and therefore will deny your service and decline to treat service connected injuries. The VA insists that the earlier you file a claim the more likely you are to have one verified.

So I found a service organization and started the process 13 years ago when I retired. I had my medical records and copies of everything and off we went. In 90 days the VA replied they had no record of me EVER serving in the military. Remember this was during the Obama years, when the VA was actively fucking over veterans at the request of the left wing piece of shit president and his shitbag staff. So they pissed me off and started a TWELVE year long process of forcing those cunts to treat me with some god damned respect.

When you get a response from the VA, if you disagree with it you have 30 days to file for a review or appeal and provide additional data. This is interesting because the VA has unlimited time to reply to you. I submitted additional copies of my DD214's, copies of letters from the fucking VA thanking me for my god damned service, a picture of myself and General Petraeus in fucking Iraq together and all sorts of supporting shit including copies of pay stubs with combat pay and orders.

A month later I got a reply, "VA cunts expect to have an answer in 379 days". I pressed on with additional VA crap and gently pushed the worthless fucking drunk from the VFW to help me. At some point they conceded I had in fact served in the 1980s and gave me a shit rating of 30% to fuck off and go away. They also informed me they are keeping all the money because I took "Special Separation Benefit" to transfer from the active to the national guard in late 1992 and owed the government that money back. So I might get money from them in 10 years or so, sounds okay to me.

I challenged one of the ratings because according to the ratings schedule with the described symptoms and level of pain, it should have been rated 30% all by itself. After a year, they agreed and sent me a letter stating that while it would normally increase my rating, they are not going to increase my rating because "fuck you" that's why. I challenged that interpretation of federal law in under 30 days and got a letter saying they would reply in 400 days.

Six months later a lady called and read me my rights over the phone, she wanted to talk about this appeal. If I said anything that disproved my claim I would lose instantly on that phone call, I agreed. She kept saying, "they cannot do that, it is illegal" over and over and was at a loss to explain why they did it. She apologized and said she would fix it and asked about the pending dozen or so other issues I had and was appealing one by one. She said, combine them and we will take care of it all at once. I did and they sent me a letter saying, they expected to have a response in 579 days.

On day, six and 1/2 years after the process started I got a large deposit in my checking from the VA for back pay to a random date four years earlier and not the 6.5 years earlier this process started and I said, fuck it and considered this matter closed. Until I did the math, the fucking VA made me pay back the fucking tax I paid on the SSB payment I got when I transferred to the national guard. So I did my research and their regulations clearly state, that they are not supposed to make me repay income tax and specifically tells the VA cunt processing the claim to subtract all taxes from the repayment.

Yet again I filed an appeal and asked for my $6,000 in taxes to be returned to me. TWO years later my taxes showed up in my checking account. Two weeks after that on a Saturday afternoon a cunt from the VA calls and tells me they are "reevaluating my injuries" to lower my ratings. If I refuse to do as they demand, they will zero out my ratings instantly. This is not supposed to happen because I am over 55 years old at the time and they actually have rules about fucking over older vets. Nevertheless this starts and entire new process of fighting to retain my ratings.

I requested an in-person hearing and got VA kangaroo court. I asked my wife to attend, I told her this bullshit will defy description and she needs to see it since she never served in the military and if this story ever comes up most people will simply find the level of disrespect the VA has for veterans unbelievable. I presented 30 pages of new evidence that my conditions are actually worsening from seven different doctors including my original orthopedic surgeon and the "hearing officer" simply tossed them aside and said on video and with a court recorder present. "I do not need to see any evidence, I made my decision before ever coming into the room." I questioned the hearing process and asked about my due process rights, he basically told me to go fuck myself and reduced my ratings.

I filed a massive appeal with every fucking scrap of information to the US Court of Appeals in Washington DC challenging dozens of his assertions, including the hearing officers claims that "and" and "or" mean the same thing. The definition of words like "severe", "permanent", "degenerative" and "incurable" which the hearing officer claimed did not mean what they describe in the fucking dictionary.

TWO more fucking years pass and one day I get a large deposit in my checking and a large letter from The Court of Appeals that reversed everything this cunt did and clearly says, "this is not subject to review or reversal and is permanently restored". So I fucking won once and for all. It only took 10.5 years.

No piece of shit on welfare ever had to do half as much to get free shit from the government. The federal government literally transfers employees to the southern border for temporary duty to sign up illegal immigrants for free shit from the government. All they have to do is break the law and enter our country and they get free medical, free houses, free utilities, free school, free college, free food, free sex changes and free transportation to anywhere they want to go.

No veteran gets anything for "Free", we earn every damned cent of it. We even have to retain our own copies of every fucking record the military should retain and submit our copies to the VA. Without our own copies of records the VA simply denies we exist. The VA has the nasty habit of deciding halfway thru a medical procedure they approved that they are now disapproving the fucking procedure and they will stick you with the fucking bill. This never happens to fuckers on welfare or illegally in the country. VA horror stories are epic and very, very common.

I have know two veterans who killed themselves after the VA refused to pay for authorized and pre-approved medical procedures or surgeries and stuck them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in full retail medical bills from civilian hospitals where the fucking VA sent them in the first place. When the VA fucked them, the VA decided to keep their disability benefits to repay themselves for the costs they incurred. No welfare dreg ever had to do that. So they were left worse than penniless, they had hundreds of thousands in debt and no income in one case.

Imagine breaking your fucking neck after parachuting out of a plane in a thunder storm because Army leadership sucks, being unable to shoot a rifle, hunt, cast a fishing pole or walk down stairs safely. Imagine paying for the surgery to fix it because the VA reneged on the deal after it was done. Imagine the thought of a lifetime of hydrocodone being so awful you fucking eat a gun. Then three weeks after your funeral, the VA sends your dad a letter apologizing for the trouble and they pay the medical bill. I saw it happen to a guy I knew from the LGS, he just broke and could not do it any longer.

No welfare dreg ever gets treated as poorly as many vets endure on a trip to a VA hospital or when trying to work out a claim with this asshole organization. If you ever thought socialized medicine was a great idea, go to a VA hospital and see how little those people care if you live or die. Imagine going to the driver's license place for neck surgery, taking a number, sitting in a dirty waiting room and hoping the doctor who previously lost his license in 12 states can do a surgery on you without passing out because he is drunk. That is a typical day at the VA.

Sorry for the long winded rant, it has been on my mind all day.

*** and for clarity's sake, I'm using the British definition of the word "cunt". ***
I just want to be fixed! Tried to go for a follow up as the neuro surgeon wrote in the notes for me after having two discs replaced in my neck while I was on active duty shortly before I retired (was kind of a rush emergency type thing). VA denied the follow up with my neuro surgeon, no explanation given. Only thing the VA really does is take labs from me twice a year and talk to me. VA hasn't had a provider for me in almost a year now. They finally sent me to an out to a civilian provider/community care and that has been the only thing the VA has approved for me, otherwise any referrals I have been put in for has been denied by the VA bean counters. I really have no idea what they really do, besides to try and downrate someone? VA won't do pain management or really anything. The lower level PA's and some of the specialty people try but I think the bureaucracy that is the VA eventually crushes them by denying anything and everything they request for their patients so the higher up can get bonuses for saving money, and those that really care quit out of frustration. I know a neuro surgeon who volunteered at a VA center in Texas. He donated some of his services to help veterans and the VA threatened to not let him volunteer anymore if he kept it up.

My aunts boy friend (Vietnam Veteran) used to sing praises about the VA until he needed them. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer. VA response was that the soonest they could get him in to be looked at was 4 months!
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A friend of mine who spent almost all his time in Ranger Regiment only received 10%. We were BS'ing and he starting picking a piece of metal from his wrist from a grenade (he said every now and then a piece works itself out). He was the good Soldier.
VA won't do pain management or really anything.
That sounds more like the VA hospital you are affiliated with is lazy. My assigned one will give me cortisone shots in my knees whenever I need it. I don’t go there much, but a few service related issues I will definitely make them see.
I bet dollars to doughnuts that the civilian bureaucrats that work at the VA get some kind of bonus for keeping the approval numbers low.

Just like the insurance companies that automatically deny clams even though they are legit.
This is far more true than you can imagine.
I worked at an outreach clinic until the VA could establish an independent clinic for Vets in a small town in Texas. I worked it during my 48 hours off, and each of us PA's traded an 8 hour shift there during our down time. We worked theER on our other sifts. In the ER, if I ordered an Xray, lab tests, home Oxygen, pretty much anything including a CT, I got it, within a few minutes, they patient was taken away to get the procedure or labs.
Walk down the hall to the clinic, and Boom, A completely different list of allowable meds, and procedures, three steps of approval before getting an X-ray, and absolutely no in-office procedures, No ear irrigations, no Anoscope to determine Hemorrhoids, No sutures, or removal of suspicious skin lesions, stuff we did every single day. If I saw a VA patient that needed a procedure or special exam, I sent them to the ER, and saw them there. They got taken care of THAT DAY. The VA has a lot of good people working for them, including lots of Vets (all three of us were Vets) but the bureaucrats will do everything to interfere with the good delivery of good medical practice. They even schedule meetings during the business day, when a provider could be seeing 15-30 patients a day, so that they can only see about 5-10 a day. Those meetings are to remind them of their limitations, set up new limitations, and tell them new restrictions on what advice they can give, and how to refer EVERYONE out for another delay in care, rather than taking care of the patient right now. The local VA I see tries VERY hard to overcome the red tape, and does very well, in spite of the Admin apparatchiks in San Antonio. Our nurses are Afghan Vets, our docs are Vets, and most of our technicians are Vets.
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I'll put this here:
I don't hire vets because they are vets.

I hire vets because I find them in general to be hard working, talented, disciplined and add value to my group. It may be one of the most valuable job skills building program there is. Certainly beat the hell outta that BS I had to go for "job building' to get my unemployment after being laid off.

Oh yeah, and they protect us too.

The vast majority of my employees are vets and the company is better for it. SF, airborne, intelligence, you name it. Even had a female drill sergeant that was a rock star. I have very few issues compared to the usual crowd that wants a job to do nothing. They understand that performance is what matters and I have never had to explain that. Their experience has proven invaluable in many cases as we develop, build and train the end users on our products. With others, including a few ex-felons I have taken a chance on, the training is much higher on basic human activities and expectations. I don't have time for that bullshit.

I can’t keep coffee or tobacco around though. It just walks off and there isn’t a single mammal around here that knows anything about it.
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Nope but from what I have learned, both anecdotaly and reading is that they suffered the same issues as today. It just wasn't talked about.
And what is the suicide rate for 18-45 Males of the general population and how does that compare to Vets? Its more a woman issue than a Man issue. Its almost like Women are not cut out for the military, both mentally and physically or something........

Annual number of suicides per 100,000 population. 2000-2010.[13][14]
Never served
in military
Veterans and
active service
How to say that you are a statist without saying you are a statist. Most if not all of what you spewed was bullshit. I would never serve the criminals in government. I will not make the moral and ethical sacrifices to do so. You romanticized this whole serving your country thing in your head. You aren’t and haven’t. You serve politicians and their corporate masters. That isn’t America. That is what’s wrong with America.

Why you come out the blue to attack me personally I don’t know. I didn’t attack you. It matters little what a gov man thinks of me anyhow. You have no moral authority over me. Just the opposite actually. Once again, I am not a leftist. I’m no government, individual liberty far right. I don’t need uncle sam to tell me what to do. I can think and fend for myself and could do a much better job if i didn’t have the police robbing me to pay for a bloated pile of shit called government. It is comical how you keep bringing up voting in this corrupt authoritarian government as if it means anything.

I have no desire to keep arguing with you. I would debate viewpoints but you are already out of things to say before you even start considering the name calling and blatant mischaracterizations you are making towards me.

Edit to add:
I just went back and reread the few posts I made in this thread. I have no idea what ruffled your feathers. Bad day I suppose.

So belief in a national defense is your version of a "statist"? I'm sticking with my conclusion that you are mentally challenged.

The idea of a world with no government, no central authority, no laws, no rules, no controls or restrictions on behavior, no drivers licenses, to title or deed to your house or property, no birth certificate or passports, no way to verify you exist is the absolute height of stupidity. We both know you can in no way, "fend for yourself". I'm betting 99% of what you own is not hand made, same goes for your food, meds, fuels. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you are not on a computer of your own design or using an internet of your own design to get here today. Nothing in your freedom loving world was created in anarchy or thrives in anarchy.

In this amazing world of complete anarchy, what do you do when people come to live in your house? Is it like Walruses on the beach in National Geographic? You rattle your snout and take turns biting each other until someone wins? Do you believe you can fend off the hoards with your trusty Anderson AR and that $60 dollar Chinese Holosight?

The food you eat has it's quality assured by the government.

The medicines you take are government approved. Name the privately owned roads you drive on?

The doctors trained to a government standard, the pilots as well. The planes they fly certified by the governments of the world. Every aspect of your simple-minded life is in some way improved by the government or made safer.

If you were born in 1880, before things like the Pure food and Drug act, you could expect to live 48 years. If you were born in 2020, you can expect to live 81 years.

The fact that you are free to think really, really stupid shit is because people served in the military and kept this country alive on the world stage. You are literally free to be an idiot because of a central government that allows individual freedom of speech. Although I must admit, you would probably be considered a complete idiot in every country on earth even the ones that are completely without a central government.

Name one country or region where anarchy is freely practiced on this earth? Please take the time to explain why you have not moved there?
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You sure do put government on a pedestal. I guess you would considering your whole existence has been within its systems which is something a thinking man would surely have burned out from in short order. Actually, no I do not put my government on a pedestal. I am less inclined to put my faith in a band of idiots who want to live in a lawless world of city-states and roving hoards and pretend it is 1200 years ago.

Are you vaxxed? It was government approved. So was Covid itself actually. I don’t need made up laws to keep me from looting and raping and neither does anyone else. Those that would do these things do them now mainly because there is no means to justice by the victimized communities without repercussions from the state. It’s answer is the revolving door of “justice”. Actually, vaccines work and have worked since they were invented in the 19th century. The fact you are not sterile from mumps, dead from smallpox or cholera, spreading measles and your kids did not die from whooping cough proves vaccines work. No one gives a shit if you do not want to get a covid shot, if you get sick be a man of conviction and die at home. Do you think if we emptied the prisons in your world of lawlessness everyone would skip the loot, pillage and rape part? Are you seriously that stupid???

No centralized government ruling by coercion is far from no rules and chaos and nothing prevents people from working together to accomplish tasks voluntarily. This would allow for a truly free market system. You can’t possibly think we live in a free market capitalistic society do you? Not even close. Government heavily regulates competition away in order to pick winners and losers to line politician’s pockets. Name the countries with no centralized government that are running smoothly at the moment. We can wait.........................................Libya? Somalia? Afghanistan? Syria? Are they working together in some sort of communist harmony, accomplishing tasks? Do they have a power grid? working roads? safe bridges? schools? please share. Please tell us about the country with no central government, no currency, no national institutions that is currently leading the way on this planet.

I’m happy you think a few sociopathic criminals in government should make all decisions on your behalf. Some of us think we can do better for ourselves. I’m glad you think government spends our stolen wages more wisely and efficiently than we could do so ourselves. The rest of us see massive waste, corruption, and theft using our money stolen by gunpoint from us. Your post and indoctrinated mindset is too far out there to even respond further gov man. You think a "few sociopathic criminals" run the world? Is it a James Bond sort of thing? Or more Austin Powers? How exactly can you do better for yourself? Please share, what tax was it that set you back? What government agency stopped you from being Andrew Carnegie? Did you have a plan to control all the oil in North America and get stopped by regulations? I'm not pleased with how the current federal government spends money but the abstract and retarded way you describe world sounds like you ate lead paint chips until you were 15 or so. Do you use your head for anything other than holding your hat? I do not think so.
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You sure do put government on a pedestal. I guess you would considering your whole existence has been within its systems which is something a thinking man would surely have burned out from in short order.

Are you vaxxed? It was government approved. So was Covid itself actually. I don’t need made up laws to keep me from looting and raping and neither does anyone else. Those that would do these things do them now mainly because there is no means to justice by the victimized communities without repercussions from the state. It’s answer is the revolving door of “justice”.

No centralized government ruling by coercion is far from no rules and chaos and nothing prevents people from working together to accomplish tasks voluntarily. This would allow for a truly free market system. You can’t possibly think we live in a free market capitalistic society do you? Not even close. Government heavily regulates competition away in order to pick winners and losers to line politician’s pockets.

I’m happy you think a few sociopathic criminals in government should make all decisions on your behalf. Some of us think we can do better for ourselves. I’m glad you think government spends our stolen wages more wisely and efficiently than we could do so ourselves. The rest of us see massive waste, corruption, and theft using our money stolen by gunpoint from us. Your post and indoctrinated mindset is too far out there to even respond further gov man.
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Wade2big, you laugh like an idiot because that is all you can do Kamala.

It really is a simple question. Tell us about all of the countries with no central government that are currently thriving in the world.

I was having a conversation on VA and vets with disabilities and you turned it into another one of your fucktard rants about how you think we should live in a world with no government, laws or public services.

So tell us about the places on earth where your dumb fuck countries are thriving?
You started this thread with your own whining about a poor pitiful me i can’t get free shit from the taxpayer rant. I did not turn the thread into another one of my rants. You called me out and turned the thread. You did this. You also defended the vaxx in the process and the murderous government that ruined so many lives in the name of a fake political pandemic they call covid. You are a statist. We have nothing in common. Move on.

Again, it is a simple question for a loud mouth, blow hard cunt like you.

Name the countries where no centralized government is working out as perfectly as you claim it does?

You run your fucking mouth all day long about your fucked up idea of freedom and how without laws, rules, regulations, taxes, building codes, borders, customs and all of the other trappings of civilization, the world would run perfectly. If your stupid idea was true, no one would have invented the lock.

We have several countries that currently have no functioning central government. Tell us which ones are running perfectly.

It should not very hard for a flat earth piece of shit like you to tell us.

When you are done, you can explain how the smallpox vaccine is so much worse than smallpox. We love hearing from fucktards like you. Remember shit for brains,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you cursed all vaccines, not just covid.

We do not have anything in common. You are a fucking idiot, I am not. We are in fact opposites.
F22 out preforms everything based on what I have read
From what you have read ?
Da fuk.
And exactly how opinionated was the author of what you read ?
Did you by chance consider that aspect ?

I've sat back and watched the F22's play in south Arizona, along with the Warty Warthogs, F16s, F18s, etc etc.
I've had the privilege of riding back seat on a F14 TommyCat and breathed in jet exhaust more times than I care to admit.

If you were never in the military (and I HAVE to say this) shut the fuck up, you don't have 1 foot to stand on.
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My E-1 induction pay was about $81-$83 maybe $91 per month and we had to pay Red Cross and other shit about 50 cents-$2.
I was E-5 when I ETS at $336.27 base pay.
I was RICH.
*if* I remember right, it was a long damn time ago ya know...
I Think I made about $115 as a E1.
I don't recall any deductions for Red Cross, if there were any deductions (you know) it was all automatic and we just enjoyed getting what we got.
E-5 pay was about $440 for me, that I do recall.
From what you have read ?
Da fuk.
And exactly how opinionated was the author of what you read ?
Did you by chance consider that aspect ?

I've sat back and watched the F22's play in south Arizona, along with the Warty Warthogs, F16s, F18s, etc etc.
I've had the privilege of riding back seat on a F14 TommyCat and breathed in jet exhaust more times than I care to admit.

If you were never in the military (and I HAVE to say this) shut the fuck up, you don't have 1 foot to stand on.

Lol, so elaborate, you just bunched a F22 with a A10 and F14….
No shit I never “served” I had much better options thanks to having a good mother and father figure in my life
While I appreciate that your parents were good parents for you this is, nonetheless, an unfortunate comment.

Just because some one served it does not mean they had bad parents and for those that did not serve it does not prove good parenting.
No shit I never “served” I had much better options thanks to having a good mother and father figure in my life.

And you’re actually saying the gov doesn’t wildly overpay for all the BS they buy? Really? Realllllllyyyyyyy?
This is hilarious. I have fantastic parents, who are very well off, went to private school my entire life, very high test scores and could basically do whatever I wanted to out of high school. Still enlisted at 17 as soon as I was able to. A bunch of other men did the same both before and after 9/11.

I joined the army because I'm not a pussy and I don't expect other men to fight for me and my country while I sit back here and reap the benefits of their sacrifice durring a time of war. Any able bodied male who does not have a desire to go to war and fight is a bitch IMO. Its in our DNA, well unless you are a beta or scared. Some are hunters and some are gatherers.

This is pure ignorance from people who have no idea what they were talking about. My last Cav Troop had enlisted who were DRs, PA,s JD's, PhD's, Engineers, High level federal LEO, College Professors and the son of an all star pro baseball pitcher. Some made more more money from their normal job than the highest paid person in DOD, yet they would show up every drill, MUTA and deployment getting E4/5/6 Pay to do a really fucking hard job. If you look at the makeup of most Combat Arms units post 9/11, its predominately middle class and upper class white males with some other demos sprinkled in. The poor and desperate tend to fill the soft skill MOS and join services like the Navy, CG and AF where for 99% of them its more about earning beanies than actually fighting and putting your ass on the line. They are just jobs with little/no risk of danger. If they wanted to really serve they would have joined one of the combat MOS or Combat support MOS in the Army or Marines.
Things I have learned in this thread
  1. @TurboTrout is still a cunt
  2. @Haney pulled his head out of his ass for a few minutes to shit on TruboTrout
  3. @wade2big is still as dumb as fucking post
  4. The VA still sucks donkey dick
#4 is why, to this day 28 years from my separation from active duty and 26 from the end of obligated service I still haven't set foot in a VA office nor will I ever till the day I die.
This is hilarious. I have fantastic parents, who are very well off, went to private school my entire life, very high test scores and could basically do whatever I wanted to out of high school. Still enlisted at 17 as soon as I was able to. A bunch of other men did the same both before and after 9/11.

I joined the army because I'm not a pussy and I don't expect other men to fight for me and my country while I sit back here and reap the benefits of their sacrifice durring a time of war. Any able bodied male who does not have a desire to go to war and fight is a bitch IMO. Its in our DNA, well unless you are a beta or scared. Some are hunters and some are gatherers.

This is pure ignorance from people who have no idea what they were talking about. My last Cav Troop had enlisted who were DRs, PA,s JD's, PhD's, Engineers, High level federal LEO, College Professors and the son of an all star pro baseball pitcher. Some made more more money from their normal job than the highest paid person in DOD, yet they would show up every drill, MUTA and deployment getting E4/5/6 Pay to do a really fucking hard job. If you look at the makeup of most Combat Arms units post 9/11, its predominately middle class and upper class white males with some other demos sprinkled in. The poor and desperate tend to fill the soft skill MOS and join services like the Navy, CG and AF where for 99% of them its more about earning beanies than actually fighting and putting your ass on the line. They are just jobs with little/no risk of danger. If they wanted to really serve they would have joined one of the combat MOS or Combat support MOS in the Army or Marines.

So how did your actions protect mainstreet?

your I’m not a pussy comment reminds of
a song,

Well tell them to get rid of all the DOD CIV they have working there doing the duplicate jobs they have MOS's for. That would be a huge start.

In my last clinic I worked at we had more civilians there then we had medics. We always had medics who needed the experience, but because of all the civilians working there, I couldn't ever get my actual medics scheduled in to work there.

The problem is we don't have enough Soldiers to fill the required number of positions. Even before Obama we couldn't fully staff the hospitals and clinics, after Obama's gutting of the military we sure as hell couldn't come even close. Right now the hospital is critically short staffed on both the green suiter and civ sides.

I'm not sure when you got out but our medics man the clinics and work with the mil and civ PA's. We have been using unit medics in the TMC's for a while now at least at the last couple of installations I was at.
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What’s wrong with being mad at both?
Im late to this because I just couldnt conceive of disrespecting vets.

Speaking of welfare 'cunts', I used to drive a cab part time. Id get paid to ick up heroin addicts, drive them to get their free methadone, then get paid to drive them home. some as far as 60 miles each way. All on my tax dollar. I had to quit because I just couldnt stomach their bitching abut having to get up so early to get a free ride, to get free dope.

Glad it worked out for you.
Im late to this because I just couldnt conceive of disrespecting vets.

Speaking of welfare 'cunts', I used to drive a cab part time. Id get paid to ick up heroin addicts, drive them to get their free methadone, then get paid to drive them home. some as far as 60 miles each way. All on my tax dollar. I had to quit because I just couldnt stomach their bitching abut having to get up so early to get a free ride, to get free dope.

Glad it worked out for you.

After my second retirement, I did some logistical work for a medical transport company and some of their "clients" were addicts. One of the drivers once told me they were the most punctual because they didn't want to miss that free daily high. I talked with a addict that was in the program. He said if a druggie didn't show, he was dead or already high.

The "clinics" are another story. Their goal is not to wean addicts, it's to keep them coming back. I asked him why bother. Why not just keep getting high the old fashioned way. He told me most do it to stay legit. They've been busted numerous times and don't want to go to jail or have kids they want to keep (why?), but they want to get high everyday.

I understand addiction is a powerful thing, but I refuse to buy into the "it's a disease" copout.
After my second retirement, I did some logistical work for a medical transport company and some of their "clients" were addicts. One of the drivers once told me they were the most punctual because they didn't want to miss that free daily high. I talked with a addict that was in the program. He said if a druggie didn't show, he was dead or already high.

The "clinics" are another story. Their goal is not to wean addicts, it's to keep them coming back. I asked him why bother. Why not just keep getting high the old fashioned way. He told me most do it to stay legit. They've been busted numerous times and don't want to go to jail or have kids they want to keep (why?), but they want to get high everyday.

I understand addiction is a powerful thing, but I refuse to buy into the "it's a disease" copout.
Please dont think Im soft on addiction, Im not, I think my first post shows that...But

What is a disease? Its a

dis (without) ease (good comfort ) could be a rough interpretation. It need not be a physical dis.ease though it may be used to moderate the pain of one. Some people have mental diseases (liberals or serial killers) Some have emotional diseases, being 'broken hearted; From my study of the human organism, ive come to be certain that those realms overlap. For instance, if youre broken hearted over something, or in a lot of physical pain ,you may mentally poor decisions. When they over lap like that it often is more than a person can deal with so they find a way to make the hurt stop. Some use alcohol, and alcoholism is widely considered a disease. Trouble is, it doesnt cure the pain, it just smothers and delays dealing with it. Some deal with it by dying.

So I think in the technical sense it does qualify as a disease.

Your right, the junkies were always on time, but hard to stomach There was one family that had a mother and 25 year old son addict who lived with mom, both on welfare. She has a daughter who was a junkie and her best friend also an addict. They all live within a couple of miles of one another, but fight all the time so, I had to make separate trips because........junky. At 3 separate fees, all coming out of my taxes. Because they couldnt get along for a short cab ride.

Man, Ive been carrying that for a couple years, good to get it off my chest. Rant over.
Please dont think Im soft on addiction, Im not, I think my first post shows that...But

What is a disease? Its a

dis (without) ease (good comfort ) could be a rough interpretation. It need not be a physical dis.ease though it may be used to moderate the pain of one. some people have mental diseases (liberals or serial killers) Some have emotional diseases, ever heard of being 'broken hearted; From my study of the human organism, ive come to be certain that often those realms overlap. For instance, if youre broken hearted over something, or in a lot of physical pain ,you may mentally poor decisions. When they over lap like that it often is more than a person can deal with so they find a way to make the hurt stop. Some use alcohol, and alcohol is widely considered a disease. Trouble is, it doesnt cure the pain, it just smothers and delays dealing with it. Some deal with it by dying.

So I think in the technical sense it does qualify as a disease.

Your right, the junkies were always on time, but hard to stomach There was one family that had a mother and 25 year old son who lived with mom. She also had a daughter who was a junkie and her best friend. They all live within a couple of miles of one another, but fight all the time so I had to make separate trips because........junky. At 3 separate fees, all coming out of my taxes. Because they couldnt get along for a short cab ride.

Man, Ive been carrying that for a couple years, good to get it off my chest. Rant over.

I’d say just make “weak minded” a disease and bunch addiction, PTSD, anxiety, etc all together
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I was listening to a couple of leftist cunts whining about a co-worker who is retired military collecting disability. Since this place is probably 70% vets in my particular work area, this whining leftist bullshit caught my attention. I tried to avoid the topic but these two cunts just kept whipping this dead horse until I had a few words. I pointed out that leftist cunts never complain about fuckers collecting Social Security Disability for being junkies or drunks. Leftist cunts never whine about 11,000,000 foreign fucking criminals collecting welfare, free medical, HUD houses, free cell phones, free fucking wifi, free utilities, free food and fucking free college. I mentioned that 98% of all leftist scum on public assistance never did a fucking thing for the country other than rob, steal, rape, murder, deal and traffic drugs and breed uncontrollably AND strangely enough to left wing assholes complain about paying them tens of billions of dollars.

I was blunt as a club, the language was colorful and it was impolite, spoken in an even tone without a hint of anger and plenty of sarcasm and distain. I got the usual "thank you for your service" chide from the leftist cunts and took the time to tell them that those of us who served know you mean, "fuck you" when you say that. And on that note, I thanked them for their service too.

Here is the thing about VA disability. After 27 years of service I had no intention of applying for it. The VA insisted and reminds most vets that when you come back later for an injury they will have lost your fucking medical and service records and therefore will deny your service and decline to treat service connected injuries. The VA insists that the earlier you file a claim the more likely you are to have one verified.

So I found a service organization and started the process 13 years ago when I retired. I had my medical records and copies of everything and off we went. In 90 days the VA replied they had no record of me EVER serving in the military. Remember this was during the Obama years, when the VA was actively fucking over veterans at the request of the left wing piece of shit president and his shitbag staff. So they pissed me off and started a TWELVE year long process of forcing those cunts to treat me with some god damned respect.

When you get a response from the VA, if you disagree with it you have 30 days to file for a review or appeal and provide additional data. This is interesting because the VA has unlimited time to reply to you. I submitted additional copies of my DD214's, copies of letters from the fucking VA thanking me for my god damned service, a picture of myself and General Petraeus in fucking Iraq together and all sorts of supporting shit including copies of pay stubs with combat pay and orders.

A month later I got a reply, "VA cunts expect to have an answer in 379 days". I pressed on with additional VA crap and gently pushed the worthless fucking drunk from the VFW to help me. At some point they conceded I had in fact served in the 1980s and gave me a shit rating of 30% to fuck off and go away. They also informed me they are keeping all the money because I took "Special Separation Benefit" to transfer from the active to the national guard in late 1992 and owed the government that money back. So I might get money from them in 10 years or so, sounds okay to me.

I challenged one of the ratings because according to the ratings schedule with the described symptoms and level of pain, it should have been rated 30% all by itself. After a year, they agreed and sent me a letter stating that while it would normally increase my rating, they are not going to increase my rating because "fuck you" that's why. I challenged that interpretation of federal law in under 30 days and got a letter saying they would reply in 400 days.

Six months later a lady called and read me my rights over the phone, she wanted to talk about this appeal. If I said anything that disproved my claim I would lose instantly on that phone call, I agreed. She kept saying, "they cannot do that, it is illegal" over and over and was at a loss to explain why they did it. She apologized and said she would fix it and asked about the pending dozen or so other issues I had and was appealing one by one. She said, combine them and we will take care of it all at once. I did and they sent me a letter saying, they expected to have a response in 579 days.

On day, six and 1/2 years after the process started I got a large deposit in my checking from the VA for back pay to a random date four years earlier and not the 6.5 years earlier this process started and I said, fuck it and considered this matter closed. Until I did the math, the fucking VA made me pay back the fucking tax I paid on the SSB payment I got when I transferred to the national guard. So I did my research and their regulations clearly state, that they are not supposed to make me repay income tax and specifically tells the VA cunt processing the claim to subtract all taxes from the repayment.

Yet again I filed an appeal and asked for my $6,000 in taxes to be returned to me. TWO years later my taxes showed up in my checking account. Two weeks after that on a Saturday afternoon a cunt from the VA calls and tells me they are "reevaluating my injuries" to lower my ratings. If I refuse to do as they demand, they will zero out my ratings instantly. This is not supposed to happen because I am over 55 years old at the time and they actually have rules about fucking over older vets. Nevertheless this starts and entire new process of fighting to retain my ratings.

I requested an in-person hearing and got VA kangaroo court. I asked my wife to attend, I told her this bullshit will defy description and she needs to see it since she never served in the military and if this story ever comes up most people will simply find the level of disrespect the VA has for veterans unbelievable. I presented 30 pages of new evidence that my conditions are actually worsening from seven different doctors including my original orthopedic surgeon and the "hearing officer" simply tossed them aside and said on video and with a court recorder present. "I do not need to see any evidence, I made my decision before ever coming into the room." I questioned the hearing process and asked about my due process rights, he basically told me to go fuck myself and reduced my ratings.

I filed a massive appeal with every fucking scrap of information to the US Court of Appeals in Washington DC challenging dozens of his assertions, including the hearing officers claims that "and" and "or" mean the same thing. The definition of words like "severe", "permanent", "degenerative" and "incurable" which the hearing officer claimed did not mean what they describe in the fucking dictionary.

TWO more fucking years pass and one day I get a large deposit in my checking and a large letter from The Court of Appeals that reversed everything this cunt did and clearly says, "this is not subject to review or reversal and is permanently restored". So I fucking won once and for all. It only took 10.5 years.

No piece of shit on welfare ever had to do half as much to get free shit from the government. The federal government literally transfers employees to the southern border for temporary duty to sign up illegal immigrants for free shit from the government. All they have to do is break the law and enter our country and they get free medical, free houses, free utilities, free school, free college, free food, free sex changes and free transportation to anywhere they want to go.

No veteran gets anything for "Free", we earn every damned cent of it. We even have to retain our own copies of every fucking record the military should retain and submit our copies to the VA. Without our own copies of records the VA simply denies we exist. The VA has the nasty habit of deciding halfway thru a medical procedure they approved that they are now disapproving the fucking procedure and they will stick you with the fucking bill. This never happens to fuckers on welfare or illegally in the country. VA horror stories are epic and very, very common.

I have know two veterans who killed themselves after the VA refused to pay for authorized and pre-approved medical procedures or surgeries and stuck them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in full retail medical bills from civilian hospitals where the fucking VA sent them in the first place. When the VA fucked them, the VA decided to keep their disability benefits to repay themselves for the costs they incurred. No welfare dreg ever had to do that. So they were left worse than penniless, they had hundreds of thousands in debt and no income in one case.

Imagine breaking your fucking neck after parachuting out of a plane in a thunder storm because Army leadership sucks, being unable to shoot a rifle, hunt, cast a fishing pole or walk down stairs safely. Imagine paying for the surgery to fix it because the VA reneged on the deal after it was done. Imagine the thought of a lifetime of hydrocodone being so awful you fucking eat a gun. Then three weeks after your funeral, the VA sends your dad a letter apologizing for the trouble and they pay the medical bill. I saw it happen to a guy I knew from the LGS, he just broke and could not do it any longer.

No welfare dreg ever gets treated as poorly as many vets endure on a trip to a VA hospital or when trying to work out a claim with this asshole organization. If you ever thought socialized medicine was a great idea, go to a VA hospital and see how little those people care if you live or die. Imagine going to the driver's license place for neck surgery, taking a number, sitting in a dirty waiting room and hoping the doctor who previously lost his license in 12 states can do a surgery on you without passing out because he is drunk. That is a typical day at the VA.

Sorry for the long winded rant, it has been on my mind all day.

*** and for clarity's sake, I'm using the British definition of the word "cunt". ***

The disrespected because they feel they were fighting for reasons no one cared about him and that all the money spent could’ve allowed untold numbers of scum bag illegal aliens in, remember the left has any type of authority be at the military especially police and probably the most hated the border patrol. In the day when a soldier is a piece of shit but a scumbag like that fucking whore AOC is a progressive woman with a plan to save the country in the earth you know we’re fucked. I think it’s only gonna get worse, they have no problem spending billions of dollars on lowlife fucking welfare abusers and yet a soldier isn’t worthy of a fucking cup of coffee or a goddamn thank you and I’ll because we live in a
Country where a soldier gets his ass shut off so that same fucking AOC Thai basil can stand out there and talk shit, I blame most of it on today’s youth, as it’s a generation of nobody’s and do nothing with her hand out looking for something for free
The disrespected because they feel they were fighting for reasons no one cared about him and that all the money spent could’ve allowed untold numbers of scum bag illegal aliens in, remember the left has any type of authority be at the military especially police and probably the most hated the border patrol. In the day when a soldier is a piece of shit but a scumbag like that fucking whore AOC is a progressive woman with a plan to save the country in the earth you know we’re fucked. I think it’s only gonna get worse, they have no problem spending billions of dollars on lowlife fucking welfare abusers and yet a soldier isn’t worthy of a fucking cup of coffee or a goddamn thank you and I’ll because we live in a
Country where a soldier gets his ass shut off so that same fucking AOC Thai basil can stand out there and talk shit, I blame most of it on today’s youth, as it’s a generation of nobody’s and do nothing with her hand out looking for something for free

Many don’t think that money should go to illegals, I would adopt a boarder like how Israel has theirs; lethal force used to stop intrusions. Outsource much to volunteer militia

Many think that money should go back in the pockets of overtaxed main street. The people they claim to “serve”.

Both of the sides you describe are what you call a “statist” basically someone who took the government as their lord and savior, lots of statist both dems and gop, many others working and making a honest, non force funded living, wish most of the gov would just get off our dick

These days living off the gov tit in the dens ghettos are not that much of a difference for Main Street, than living off the gov tit in the GOPs mil/police bases.

All enemies foreign and domestic?
Where was this man’s navy to defend him?

Right they were collecting checks from tax payers, doing jack all to ACTUALLY defend the peoples freedoms.

Most have their backs to the politicians, and weapons forward to the people.
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I come on the site to get great info, read the stories, and rants of my Brothers and others who come and even on rare occasion to respond . This is one...To the OP, Brother, like you I had no plans to ever file a claim. I had been severely injured in the Army and thought my injuries were the cost of serving the country I love so much. But my father, who was inured twice and briefly MIA in Vietnam running a recon team called the "Dusty Seven" out of Quang Tri got in my grill one day. "Son if you don't do it now you'll hate yourself when you're my age and won't be able to prove it happened." So I started the process. After being told that my injuries from a jumpmaster hooking me up wrong and a 100mph impact that buried me into the mud up to my crotch weren't service connected, my ego got involved. Appeals and all the requisite back and forth of a multi-level review took me to Tampa a couple years later only to find out that a bureaucrat had illegally protected his decisions and at least he got fired and after the OIG got involved they overturned 2/3 of his decisions....Fast forward 35 years and as a VA employee I got severely injured saving an elderly vets life and had to move into another job that puts me in the enrollment/eligibility area of the VA. I purposely spend a lot of time talking with EVERY vet that walks into my office with the door closed once they mention claims. Most don't know claims are completely separate from healthcare and how to get started. I tell them how the system was a shit show until really recently. I explain how to get documentation and where to get great free information to assist you with the new claims process. Is it better now? Yep, perfect? don't even get me started. Some parts of the country are slam dunks and others are claims deserts from what I've seen. I do see some, a lot more than I care to admit come in the door with ratings in their hands of 50-100% and I had more time in the latrine than they did in service. Last year alone I had four that were in less than 45 days and every one was 100% P&T. . . But to your original point, I do what I do to try and help every vet I can. I hate the question "what did they give you?" When I stand up every day, it's like I stand on ice picks and have a cane for my trouble, so they didn't give me shit...Not for a pat on the back, but because you EARNED it!! The VA is getting better at hiring veterans, but is still not good. Every vet hired at the VA helps all of us because our attitude and work ethic and understanding is better. So far I've helped several hundred vets, but that's a drop in the bucket and I ask every one when they get their rating to help others. I hope you take your experience and help others to navigate thru the minefield. . .I value you my Brother and all you and others have sacrificed and continue to do so on a daily basis... Rant on! and yea, they come in all colors sexes and ages
Tampa VA? Sending message.
I’m good cutting ALL the leaches off the tax payers tit.

Also is the argument really that someone else is stealing more, so your theft is ok?
All I did was point out the fact your argument was incorrect. If you can't be bothered to get such an easily verified bit of information right, it really makes it hard for anyone to take the rest of what you say seriously.

So are we to take it that you will be refusing Social Security and Medicare?

That if you get in a car accident, you will refuse to sue the at fault driver...since, "you knew the risks" when you got your drivers license and entered the vehicle? Same for if your kid gets injured playing sports?
All I did was point out the fact your argument was incorrect. If you can't be bothered to get such an easily verified bit of information right, it really makes it hard for anyone to take the rest of what you say seriously.

So are we to take it that you will be refusing Social Security and Medicare?

That if you get in a car accident, you will refuse to sue the at fault driver...since, "you knew the risks" when you got your drivers license and entered the vehicle? Same for if your kid gets injured playing sports?

You’re basic

Why would I refuse SS when I was forced at gun point to pay into it??

If I had my choice I would have invested that SS money myself and had a much better ROI.

Per your last point, if someone directly causes me damages, yeah that shit is on them, but since many are poor, we can elect to buy insurance in case they can’t pay.

That said I am FULLY for all insurance being optional, it’s anti American to require me to buy a product. If you can’t stand the risk BUY insurance, it is after all just a product

However that’s not the case with forced funding welfare fucks in the dems ghettos, or the gops police/military ghettos. If I don’t pay their welfare people with guns will come after me, and I’d rather not end up shooting it out

*are you one of those idiots in 29 palms who would always gets into a fight with some vatos on Palm canyon?
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You’re basic

Why would I refuse SS when I was forced at gun point to pay into it??

If I had my choice I would have invested that SS money myself and had a much better ROI.

Per your last point, if someone directly causes me damages, yeah that shit is on them, but since many are poor, we can elect to buy insurance in case they can’t pay.

That said I am FULLY for all insurance being optional, it’s anti American to require me to buy a product. If you can’t stand the risk BUY insurance, it is after all just a product

However that’s not the case with forced funding welfare fucks in the dems ghettos, or the gops police/military ghettos. If I don’t pay their welfare people with guns will come after me, and I’d rather not end up shooting it out

*are you one of those idiots in 29 palms who would always gets into a fight with some vatos on Palm canyon?
So despite, "knowing the risks" of driving, you want to be made whole if you are damaged.

Yet you claim that a military person who is injured while serving, shouldn't get the same treatment since, "they knew the risks". While at the same time you are talking out the other side of your mouth about how the military isn't all that dangerous. Seems you want to have your cake and eat it too.

You seem to have a hard on for people who served...due to your shame at being too much of a pussy to join yourself?
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So despite, "knowing the risks" of driving, you want to be made whole if you are damaged.

Yet you claim that a military person who is injured while serving, shouldn't get the same treatment since, "they knew the risks". While at the same time you are talking out the other side of your mouth about how the military isn't all that dangerous. Seems you want to have your cake and eat it too.

You seem to have a hard on for people who served...due to your shame at being too much of a pussy to join yourself?

Bro, you need to work on your reading comprehension, maybe ask your state official to buy you some lessons
I said the opposite, if you’re afraid of being crashed into by a uninsured go BUY insurance.

For those who volunteered to attack countries who didn’t pose a threat to Main Street, I offer you nothing, actually I’m game for those who lived in the middle east to hold you personally responsible for damage you caused. You played stupid games, you should win stupid prizes.
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I said the opposite, if you’re afraid of being crashed into by a uninsured go BUY insurance.

For those who volunteered to attack countries who didn’t pose a threat to Main Street, I offer you nothing, actually I’m game for those who lived in the middle east to hold you personally responsible for damage you caused. You played stupid games, you should win stupid prizes.
Got it...too pussy to serve and a muzzie lover to boot.
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So despite, "knowing the risks" of driving, you want to be made whole if you are damaged.

Yet you claim that a military person who is injured while serving, shouldn't get the same treatment since, "they knew the risks". While at the same time you are talking out the other side of your mouth about how the military isn't all that dangerous. Seems you want to have your cake and eat it too.

You seem to have a hard on for people who served...due to your shame at being too much of a pussy to join yourself?

You need to learn to "Scroll Past."
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As a 100% disabled parasite or "leech" (pick whichever), I still feel awkward everytime someone thanks me for my service, or goes out of their way to let me know of some sort of additional assistance program (eg. Dependents Educational Assistance).

I didn't ask for it, my friends who died in country never asked for the SGLI, and I'm not even sure that the 8 friends/co-workers/former troops of mine who have committed suicide asked for anything either. At least I'm fortunate to be alive and have my mental health.

To make absurd statements regarding no sympathy for some poor kid that joined and served as it was their best option to get out of a bad home or situation...especially without walking a mile in their shoes...then blabbering about social security rights or whatever else that makes zero correlation to anybody else but yourself...demonstrates a combined level of ignorance and narcissism that should have you applying for a cabinet position with our current administration.

To continue to defend that position to the moral death with your lack of experience or understanding demonstrates an uncorrectable level of ignorance and narcissism.

Fortunately, the rest of us will be able to go on and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day, while the pot-stirrer has the unfortunate experience of wandering around oblivious to the level of insignificance their opinion has on the rest of the community.

I'm almost sorry I wasted the time to comment here.
As a 100% disabled parasite or "leech" (pick whichever), I still feel awkward everytime someone thanks me for my service, or goes out of their way to let me know of some sort of additional assistance program (eg. Dependents Educational Assistance).

I didn't ask for it, my friends who died in country never asked for the SGLI, and I'm not even sure that the 8 friends/co-workers/former troops of mine who have committed suicide asked for anything either. At least I'm fortunate to be alive and have my mental health.

To make absurd statements regarding no sympathy for some poor kid that joined and served as it was their best option to get out of a bad home or situation...especially without walking a mile in their shoes...then blabbering about social security rights or whatever else that makes zero correlation to anybody else but yourself...demonstrates a combined level of ignorance and narcissism that should have you applying for a cabinet position with our current administration.

To continue to defend that position to the moral death with your lack of experience or understanding demonstrates an uncorrectable level of ignorance and narcissism.

Fortunately, the rest of us will be able to go on and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day, while the pot-stirrer has the unfortunate experience of wandering around oblivious to the level of insignificance their opinion has on the rest of the community.

I'm almost sorry I wasted the time to comment here.

My day is going great, life’s good, thanks :)

But that doesn’t change the fact that shooting random people in their own country for a bunch of politicians special interests in trade for the tax payers being forced to give you room and board, college, endless medical insurance, etc etc that ain’t honorable, and it ain’t serving mainstreet.

Most people thank you for your service because that’s what they think they are sposed to do, remember all the dancing around the flag post 9/11 to get the masses spooled up for bush 2.0s and obamas BS for profit wars?

Per SS, it’s money taken from my check, I have no choice but to pay in, you had a choice to join that nonsense, I damn well expect the product I WAS FORCED to pay for to give me SOME ROI. If I had a choice I wouldn’t pay into SS and I’d just invest on my own.

The fact that the gov and TV tell idiots to view troops and cops like hero’s, vs small business owners, inventors, and others who actually keep this country running, it’s as predictable as it is pathetic.
As a 100% disabled parasite or "leech" (pick whichever), I still feel awkward everytime someone thanks me for my service, or goes out of their way to let me know of some sort of additional assistance program (eg. Dependents Educational Assistance).

I didn't ask for it, my friends who died in country never asked for the SGLI, and I'm not even sure that the 8 friends/co-workers/former troops of mine who have committed suicide asked for anything either. At least I'm fortunate to be alive and have my mental health.

To make absurd statements regarding no sympathy for some poor kid that joined and served as it was their best option to get out of a bad home or situation...especially without walking a mile in their shoes...then blabbering about social security rights or whatever else that makes zero correlation to anybody else but yourself...demonstrates a combined level of ignorance and narcissism that should have you applying for a cabinet position with our current administration.

To continue to defend that position to the moral death with your lack of experience or understanding demonstrates an uncorrectable level of ignorance and narcissism.

Fortunately, the rest of us will be able to go on and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day, while the pot-stirrer has the unfortunate experience of wandering around oblivious to the level of insignificance their opinion has on the rest of the community.

I'm almost sorry I wasted the time to comment here.
I feel sorry that the people you mentioned including yourself were lied to and used by criminals in gov’t to enrich themselves, their handlers, corporations, and banks. It looks like joining up to serve criminals was very costly to those that were maimed, killed, or took their own lives. You should be pissed at “them” and not members that point out the TRUTH.

Some if us refuse to lie to young men by thanking them for their service overseas why the homeland is being invaded from the south and rapped and pillaged by marxists who overthrew gov’t. I refuse to be part of the propaganda campaign that is used to recruit young men to be cannon fodder for a few.

This isn’t an attack on you guys. I bet you are good people just like most of those who looked out for one another while being used by Uncle Sam for nothing resembling protecting America. I respect yall’s experiences and respect those that went in for noble reasons as well as those that had no other choice. Like I said, get mad at “them” and not the ones that point out their lies. Have a good one man.
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I was listening to a couple of leftist cunts whining about a co-worker who is retired military collecting disability. Since this place is probably 70% vets in my particular work area, this whining leftist bullshit caught my attention. I tried to avoid the topic but these two cunts just kept whipping this dead horse until I had a few words. I pointed out that leftist cunts never complain about fuckers collecting Social Security Disability for being junkies or drunks. Leftist cunts never whine about 11,000,000 foreign fucking criminals collecting welfare, free medical, HUD houses, free cell phones, free fucking wifi, free utilities, free food and fucking free college. I mentioned that 98% of all leftist scum on public assistance never did a fucking thing for the country other than rob, steal, rape, murder, deal and traffic drugs and breed uncontrollably AND strangely enough to left wing assholes complain about paying them tens of billions of dollars.

I was blunt as a club, the language was colorful and it was impolite, spoken in an even tone without a hint of anger and plenty of sarcasm and distain. I got the usual "thank you for your service" chide from the leftist cunts and took the time to tell them that those of us who served know you mean, "fuck you" when you say that. And on that note, I thanked them for their service too.

Here is the thing about VA disability. After 27 years of service I had no intention of applying for it. The VA insisted and reminds most vets that when you come back later for an injury they will have lost your fucking medical and service records and therefore will deny your service and decline to treat service connected injuries. The VA insists that the earlier you file a claim the more likely you are to have one verified.

So I found a service organization and started the process 13 years ago when I retired. I had my medical records and copies of everything and off we went. In 90 days the VA replied they had no record of me EVER serving in the military. Remember this was during the Obama years, when the VA was actively fucking over veterans at the request of the left wing piece of shit president and his shitbag staff. So they pissed me off and started a TWELVE year long process of forcing those cunts to treat me with some god damned respect.

When you get a response from the VA, if you disagree with it you have 30 days to file for a review or appeal and provide additional data. This is interesting because the VA has unlimited time to reply to you. I submitted additional copies of my DD214's, copies of letters from the fucking VA thanking me for my god damned service, a picture of myself and General Petraeus in fucking Iraq together and all sorts of supporting shit including copies of pay stubs with combat pay and orders.

A month later I got a reply, "VA cunts expect to have an answer in 379 days". I pressed on with additional VA crap and gently pushed the worthless fucking drunk from the VFW to help me. At some point they conceded I had in fact served in the 1980s and gave me a shit rating of 30% to fuck off and go away. They also informed me they are keeping all the money because I took "Special Separation Benefit" to transfer from the active to the national guard in late 1992 and owed the government that money back. So I might get money from them in 10 years or so, sounds okay to me.

I challenged one of the ratings because according to the ratings schedule with the described symptoms and level of pain, it should have been rated 30% all by itself. After a year, they agreed and sent me a letter stating that while it would normally increase my rating, they are not going to increase my rating because "fuck you" that's why. I challenged that interpretation of federal law in under 30 days and got a letter saying they would reply in 400 days.

Six months later a lady called and read me my rights over the phone, she wanted to talk about this appeal. If I said anything that disproved my claim I would lose instantly on that phone call, I agreed. She kept saying, "they cannot do that, it is illegal" over and over and was at a loss to explain why they did it. She apologized and said she would fix it and asked about the pending dozen or so other issues I had and was appealing one by one. She said, combine them and we will take care of it all at once. I did and they sent me a letter saying, they expected to have a response in 579 days.

On day, six and 1/2 years after the process started I got a large deposit in my checking from the VA for back pay to a random date four years earlier and not the 6.5 years earlier this process started and I said, fuck it and considered this matter closed. Until I did the math, the fucking VA made me pay back the fucking tax I paid on the SSB payment I got when I transferred to the national guard. So I did my research and their regulations clearly state, that they are not supposed to make me repay income tax and specifically tells the VA cunt processing the claim to subtract all taxes from the repayment.

Yet again I filed an appeal and asked for my $6,000 in taxes to be returned to me. TWO years later my taxes showed up in my checking account. Two weeks after that on a Saturday afternoon a cunt from the VA calls and tells me they are "reevaluating my injuries" to lower my ratings. If I refuse to do as they demand, they will zero out my ratings instantly. This is not supposed to happen because I am over 55 years old at the time and they actually have rules about fucking over older vets. Nevertheless this starts and entire new process of fighting to retain my ratings.

I requested an in-person hearing and got VA kangaroo court. I asked my wife to attend, I told her this bullshit will defy description and she needs to see it since she never served in the military and if this story ever comes up most people will simply find the level of disrespect the VA has for veterans unbelievable. I presented 30 pages of new evidence that my conditions are actually worsening from seven different doctors including my original orthopedic surgeon and the "hearing officer" simply tossed them aside and said on video and with a court recorder present. "I do not need to see any evidence, I made my decision before ever coming into the room." I questioned the hearing process and asked about my due process rights, he basically told me to go fuck myself and reduced my ratings.

I filed a massive appeal with every fucking scrap of information to the US Court of Appeals in Washington DC challenging dozens of his assertions, including the hearing officers claims that "and" and "or" mean the same thing. The definition of words like "severe", "permanent", "degenerative" and "incurable" which the hearing officer claimed did not mean what they describe in the fucking dictionary.

TWO more fucking years pass and one day I get a large deposit in my checking and a large letter from The Court of Appeals that reversed everything this cunt did and clearly says, "this is not subject to review or reversal and is permanently restored". So I fucking won once and for all. It only took 10.5 years.

No piece of shit on welfare ever had to do half as much to get free shit from the government. The federal government literally transfers employees to the southern border for temporary duty to sign up illegal immigrants for free shit from the government. All they have to do is break the law and enter our country and they get free medical, free houses, free utilities, free school, free college, free food, free sex changes and free transportation to anywhere they want to go.

No veteran gets anything for "Free", we earn every damned cent of it. We even have to retain our own copies of every fucking record the military should retain and submit our copies to the VA. Without our own copies of records the VA simply denies we exist. The VA has the nasty habit of deciding halfway thru a medical procedure they approved that they are now disapproving the fucking procedure and they will stick you with the fucking bill. This never happens to fuckers on welfare or illegally in the country. VA horror stories are epic and very, very common.

I have know two veterans who killed themselves after the VA refused to pay for authorized and pre-approved medical procedures or surgeries and stuck them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in full retail medical bills from civilian hospitals where the fucking VA sent them in the first place. When the VA fucked them, the VA decided to keep their disability benefits to repay themselves for the costs they incurred. No welfare dreg ever had to do that. So they were left worse than penniless, they had hundreds of thousands in debt and no income in one case.

Imagine breaking your fucking neck after parachuting out of a plane in a thunder storm because Army leadership sucks, being unable to shoot a rifle, hunt, cast a fishing pole or walk down stairs safely. Imagine paying for the surgery to fix it because the VA reneged on the deal after it was done. Imagine the thought of a lifetime of hydrocodone being so awful you fucking eat a gun. Then three weeks after your funeral, the VA sends your dad a letter apologizing for the trouble and they pay the medical bill. I saw it happen to a guy I knew from the LGS, he just broke and could not do it any longer.

No welfare dreg ever gets treated as poorly as many vets endure on a trip to a VA hospital or when trying to work out a claim with this asshole organization. If you ever thought socialized medicine was a great idea, go to a VA hospital and see how little those people care if you live or die. Imagine going to the driver's license place for neck surgery, taking a number, sitting in a dirty waiting room and hoping the doctor who previously lost his license in 12 states can do a surgery on you without passing out because he is drunk. That is a typical day at the VA.

Sorry for the long winded rant, it has been on my mind all day.

*** and for clarity's sake, I'm using the British definition of the word "cunt". ***
My 3rd Great Grandfather served in the American Revolution, he enlisted at age 18. He finally got his first pension payment in 1833, died in 1835.

I have some of his Probate Court depositions, attempting to get a pension. Tried in 1823 - denied. Tried again in 1833 and succeeded, he was old and crippled by that time, got three payments from the government.

Nothing has ever changed for the Veteran.