Can’t even go to a Nat Forest….

We ran into this situation 2 weeks ago on the Black Bear opening weekend in Colville National Forest in Washington state. We were told that it is now private property and he had the legal right to shoot us. I do believe the 3 rifles and 3 pistols we were carrying deterred him from getting to aggressive. A quick call to the Forest service and good old tribal police showed as well “they border the forest” and they were in handcuffs and the RV or Home was towed as an abandoned vehicle. Tribal police said they both had felony warrants and they would not be back for the RV. Unarmed hiking carries an inherent risk with all kinds of animals. Still no trophy blonde or cinnamon yet.
It's getting to be that way here on Forest Service and BLM lands in Central Oregon.
Private property signs posted fences erected trash everywhere.
Whole entire packs of free range Meth-Billy's roaming through the woods.
I regularly came across burned out meth lab trailers while rock chuck hunting there. I believe it was a Forestry agent killed on China Hat road back in 2005. I always carried two rifles when hunting chucks out there. An M4 I built and LR rifle in an Eberlestock pack. Things have gotten far worse since I left nine years ago.
Deputies said the woman asked Simjee for help with a car and after Simjee offered to get help from the ranger station, the woman — later identified as Yasmine Hider — pulled a gun and made the couple walk back into the woods. When Hider lowered her guard, Simjee pulled out his own firearm and exchanged fire with her, suffering fatal injuries in the process, the GoFundMe says.

- Report says he was shot in the back. Wonder if the other methie was the tailgunner.
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Deputies said the woman asked Simjee for help with a car and after Simjee offered to get help from the ranger station, the woman — later identified as Yasmine Hider — pulled a gun and made the couple walk back into the woods. When Hider lowered her guard, Simjee pulled out his own firearm and exchanged fire with her, suffering fatal injuries in the process, the GoFundMe says.

- Report says he was shot in the back. Wonder if the other methie was the tailgunner.
Hopefully we'll find out more as time goes on.
Just wait till they make meth legal. Then all those people will go back to the city and get jobs and not commit crimes no more.
Technically in Washington it is. The WA supreme court’s have ruled that you could not have knowingly possessed drugs. You had no idea what was in the little baggie in your pocket that you robbed for? Spectacular state other than a few counties in western Washington. Eastern Washington is what any Hunter dreams of.
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It’s easy to tell who actually reads the threads in this forum and who just likes to post for the sake of it. :sneaky:
I agree, and I'm glad you recognize your compulsion. The first step to facing your problem, is realizing you have one.
I'm kinda proud of you. We are here for you buddy.
We ran into this situation 2 weeks ago on the Black Bear opening weekend in Colville National Forest in Washington state. We were told that it is now private property and he had the legal right to shoot us. I do believe the 3 rifles and 3 pistols we were carrying deterred him from getting to aggressive. A quick call to the Forest service and good old tribal police showed as well “they border the forest” and they were in handcuffs and the RV or Home was towed as an abandoned vehicle. Tribal police said they both had felony warrants and they would not be back for the RV. Unarmed hiking carries an inherent risk with all kinds of animals. Still no trophy blonde or cinnamon yet.
WA, ID, OR, and MT was my outside sales territory. Beautiful country with all kinds of fishing/ hunting opportunities. And plenty of dangers, I carried a 44 mag while fishing in Montana for bear protection. Head of a swivel in states where I couldn't carry.
I hear there are danger zones where Bend PD can't provide protection in town. New measures being brought up by the city for homeless housing. Not on the west side though.
I have a plan for the bum housing problem.
Tents set up between Christmas Valley and Wagontire.
The worthless dope headed bums can be put to work cutting sage brush.
There are a lot of issues with the homeless. but we're going to see more and more hard working, law abiding people become homeless with the increase in rental and housing prices. Add inflation and it's going to get worse. The new batch will most likely be the elderly. Or blue collar that still work.
There is a vast difference between someone who needs a place to stay temporarily and "homeless". Take away drugs and mental illness, and there is no such thing as "chronic homelessness".

The statement above is the reason so many imbaciles think this is some sort of housing problem, and that is fucking retarded.
There is a vast difference between someone who needs a place to stay temporarily and "homeless". Take away drugs and mental illness, and there is no such thing as "chronic homelessness".

The statement above is the reason so many imbaciles think this is some sort of housing problem, and that is fucking retarded.
Look for yourself. There is a whole new population of elderly homeless. Fixed income is tough. Inflation and rising medical costs makes it tougher.
Oregon's gonna get a new governor this year.
If a Republican happens to get elected maybe we can persuade her to put the drug addicted mentally ill on buses and send them to Washington DC.
A local Seattle station did a pretty interesting piece called "Seattle Is Dying" or something like that. I think it was Connecticut that had a 90 plus percent succuss rate on dealing with addicts that were homeless. Convict and give treatment options that would be life long including work.
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A local Seattle station did a pretty interesting piece called "Seattle Is Dying" or something like that. I think it was Connecticut that had a 90 plus percent succuss rate on dealing with addicts that were homeless. Convict and give treatment options that would be life long including work.
Why would I wanna burn down my own backyard?
it;s almost a love story crook tried to rob someone gets shot dies life is the way it should be . They really should make a P.S.A out of that go woke go broke and try to rob someone get shot and die , and this is your brain on drugs a crack head thinking about robbing someone home crawling in through the open window meets a 12 gauge to the face said crack head is now dead one less crack head in the world it's a better place que happy music . and riding a bicycle on the road a driver pushing a bike to help him get up to speed then running them over to get them out of the way again que happy music .
...and what we REALLY need to do is send more $Billion$ to Ukraine while our elderly go hungry.
It's a different issue that's somewhat tied together. If Ukraine fall except more inflation to come. Which will affect our elderly. My solution is for the US to ACTUALLY increase oil and nat gas production. reisnstate keystone pipeline. Make intensives for new gas and other refineries in the US. And look into the new nuclear energy technology. But hey what do I know.