I'm a newbie on reloading.
I'm wanting to work up a load for my REPR 18". (1/10 twist)
Has anyone worked up a load for this rifle?
What would be the best OAL (or standard OAL) for a typical gas gun?
I will be loading 168 SMK's.
If someone could give me some load data that works well for this bullet and in the REPR I would greatly appreciate it.
I've searched and there is so many different loads out there it just confused me even more.
The owners manuel sates that the REPR was designed to shoot 168gr or greater bullets. They said that 175's are the preferred bullet weight.
I plan on loading both 168's and 175's and seeing which one groups best.
I'm wanting to work up a load for my REPR 18". (1/10 twist)
Has anyone worked up a load for this rifle?
What would be the best OAL (or standard OAL) for a typical gas gun?
I will be loading 168 SMK's.
If someone could give me some load data that works well for this bullet and in the REPR I would greatly appreciate it.
I've searched and there is so many different loads out there it just confused me even more.
The owners manuel sates that the REPR was designed to shoot 168gr or greater bullets. They said that 175's are the preferred bullet weight.
I plan on loading both 168's and 175's and seeing which one groups best.