The US has fought wars with goat herders and still lost or a least that's the perception. That said in a war with a country that has a decent military, such as China, we would lose a lot of troops. Ukraine is losing more troops than Russia at the moment and Russian has a larger population. Just by numbers if things don't change Ukraine will lose. Ukraine needs to negotiate peace as fast as they can, before there is no one left. BTW the US and the West don't give a shit about Ukraine or its people.You're going to get tired shoveling your own shit. This should keep you busy for a while. If you need more, just let me know.
Russia taking heavy losses as it wages new offensive in eastern Ukraine
Russia appears to be suffering severe losses as its wages a new offensive in eastern Ukraine, focused on the city of
Russian Invasion of Ukraine: How Putin lost in 10 days
It’s been over a year since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. A year of pain, destruction and bloodshed – Hundreds of thousands killed and millions more displaced from their homes. But it wasn’t supposed to be like this. So what went wrong? Why did his plan fail? And how
Russian War Report: Russia just lost the most troops in a single battle so far in 2023
Fighting over Avdiivka has led to heavy Russian losses in Ukraine, meanwhile Russian propaganda is targeting the Armenian
20,000 Russians killed in Ukraine since December, U.S. says
The Kremlin’s forces have suffered more than 100,000 killed or wounded since December alone, the U.S. now
Russia’s Strategic Failure and Ukraine’s Secure Future - United States Department of State
MAYOR VARTIAINEN: Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, it is my great pleasure to warmly welcome you all to the beautiful capital of Finland, Helsinki, and the Helsinki City Hall. Helsinki has a great honor to host this special event today. We are humbled and in
"Wargames indicate the United States will lose significant combat power quickly. U.S. military forces are too small, their supply lines are too vulnerable, and America’s defense industrial capacity is far too eroded to keep up with the materiel demands of a high-intensity conflict."

John Mauk has bad news: there are many reasons why the United States would not fare well in a war with China.