While I had the smoker going yesterday I threw together a couple fatties…
Here‘s the step by step if you want to make one…
Started out with a pound of mild Italian and a pound of breakfast sausage rolled out in a gallon ziplock bag. This gives about a 3/8” thick meat layer.
You lay out a layer of cling wrap and cut the perimeter of the ziplock bag and lay it out.
You then start layering your stuffing, this one is going to be a “pizza” fatty. It got a layer of cheese, bell pepper, pepperoni, red sauce, black olives more cheese and a little more red sauce.
After you finish with the stuffings you carefully roll one side of the cling wrap and meat over the filling. Pull the plastic sheet back and repeat on the other side.
Now pull the cling wrap tight and bundle up the ends. You then twirl it a few times which compacts the meat and fillings into a nice rounded loaf.
Set that aside in the freezer to help firm it up. It’s rather soft at this point.
Now to start the woven bacon wrap. Depending on the size of your bacon it usually takes 14-16 pieces.
Lay out the bacon on another layer of cling wrap and start the weave.
I usually pepper the bacon at this point but since these are going to my elderly parents I skipped the spice.
Now that you have your weave done you retrieve the meat and carefully unwrap it and set it in the middle of the weave.
Carefully pull the cling wrap under the bacon up to wrap the bacon. When done on both sides you wrap the cling wrap tight and bunch up the ends like you did to form the meat. Give it a few spins and you’re done.
I also did a breakfast fatty. This one had a breakfast sausage shell stuffed with cheese, tater tots, scrambed eggs and bell pepper. All the other steps were the same.
Into the smoker, set at 240. I gave them about 3 hours of apple smoke then let them go to an internal temp of 160.
They smell fantastic…..
……..and the money shot after cooling off….
A slice of the breakfast between toasted English muffins is hard to beat.
Hope this wasn’t too long winded of a post…..