Out in the yard @ 1PM for some solar practice.
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Well the big dark is upon us. Looks like it will be overcast if not raining at my AO.
The madness is in full swing already. Stores and gas stations are already busy , was a effin zoo getting around town.
First outsider I saw was in an old Saab station wagon straight out of Burning Man.
Bad dirty , a plethora of bumper stickers , shit strapped on top. Cali license tags.
My town is charging $ 20.00 a spot for a place to park on the River bank.

Porta Pottys and dumpsters all over town. Saw a NASA van at Walmart , panic buying for gas and grub has begun…Wally’s was packed , not a parking spot available.
Quite an economic windfall for such a short even.

That Said , hope it’s 1/2 as cool as they claim it will be. Hopefully everyone will enjoy the experience ,then clean up their messes they will leave , then go away
I was trying to figure out how to make some xtra money, think I will set up a stand on my porch advertising “ Affordable on sight Pap Smears and Piggy Back Rides”

Some reason my GF doesn’t feel my passion for helping other women out
Have plenty of water , food , Beer , glasses
