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A frankenrifle project for 2025


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jun 28, 2021
Starting my work up for a new AR rifle build in the coming year, and while I have a goal in mind, I’m still finding myself second guessing certain elements.

I thought this would be a good opportunity to catalog the process from beginning to end, and hopefully serve as an information repository for people looking to achieve similar goals.

I have enjoyed the flexibility my MDRX affords me in the range of jobs it will do, but with spare parts support becoming increasingly difficult to secure as the new DT models take over, coupled with the weight of it, I thought it was time to try and capture that same flexibility of performance in a more long term serviceable rifle.

Primary goal: a light and portable SBR that is capable beyond the normal engagement distances of a full length 5.56, despite being close to PDW size. (Keep the suppressed length as short as possible)

Secondary Goal: Develop a heavy for caliber subsonic loading that may or may not cycle (I am unaware of any such item in either potential caliber of choice)

Calibers: 6 Arc vs 6.5 Grendel. Both are interesting, however not as much info is out there regarding 6 ARC’s short barrel performance. 6ARC is the preferred of the two, mostly because of factory load availability (and it being easier and cheaper to machine custom projectiles for), but reloading is on the table if the performance increase justifies it.

This is intended to be a true fighting rifle build, that will be used for competition but also as a true “if you only could grab one rifle and go” build. part selection favor will go towards parts with proven durability track records or are manufactured by companies that must follow rigorous AS9100 quality standards because of contracts they hold.

Parts that are somewhat set in stone:
- Use of a Precision Firearms barrel cut to a specific profile shape to allow use of SPR collar type suppressors, either the upcoming OCM6 or AEM5-30k. I am however open to suggestions if there is a better option for minimizing suppressor length.
- March 1-10 shorty for the optic. I simply cannot see a reason to use a fixed parallax LVPO when part of the goal is effective engagement at 1000yd
- A high strength rigid rail for NV device mounting and potentially a 40mm launcher (because NFA toys are fun). This so far has me looking mostly at the DD RIS 2/3 and URX4
- Mags will likely be the Geissele 30rd which are supposedly fine with either 6 Arc or 6.5G

Am I setting the bar too high? Maybe, but I think the tech exists out there to pull it off.

The first question I need opinions and help on is real-world data on 6Arc vs 6.5G performance in short barrels (12.5” or less)

6 Max was considered and discarded because no one makes a decent capacity magazine for the caliber at all
Optic: I would go with an MPVO and offset dot if you want to be able to shoot out to 1k. You care about NV performance so your going to need a red dot for passive aiming anyway. Maybe the March 1.5-15?

Parts: For a rail consider the Aero M4E1 enhanced. They are very rigid and have plenty of space inside to tuck a suppressor. If your going for a reflex suppressor on a short barrel, IMO your going to want to tuck it otherwise you have an obnoxiously short handguard. OTOH the handguard heating up will not be fun.
Optic: I would go with an MPVO and offset dot if you want to be able to shoot out to 1k. You care about NV performance so your going to need a red dot for passive aiming anyway. Maybe the March 1.5-15?

Parts: For a rail consider the Aero M4E1 enhanced. They are very rigid and have plenty of space inside to tuck a suppressor. If your going for a reflex suppressor on a short barrel, IMO your going to want to tuck it otherwise you have an obnoxiously short handguard. OTOH the handguard heating up will not be fun.
I currently run the 1.5-15 and while a capable optic it is just too damn huge to live reasonably on an SBR. I’ll probably end up going with either a piggyback or offset DPP NV for the night passive requirements.

The 1-10 shorty covers the needs of being an LPVO most of the time but having adjustable parallax for long range use, using the rule of thumb that for man size targets you want 1x for each 100yd
Big problem with the 1-10 Shorty is how huge the parallax/illumination and windage knobs are sticking out the the sides.

I’ve been looking at all the same things and there just isn’t an optic on the market that does what we’re looking for, but I know it’s doable.

6.5 Grendel is the optimum cartridge configuration for this, especially when you look at lighter weight projectiles for the 0-600yd ranges. Those will go really fast compared to anything else, and do it with less chamber pressure. Existing target and hunting bullets still remain supersonic and/or stable out to 1k even when shot at 2200fps from a 10.5” barrel.

With a lighter bullet, you can even break over 3050fps from an 8.5” barrel with Grendel and not exceed 50ksi.

Subsonic loads already exist for Grendel shooting 140-160gr bullets, that cycle the action, especially on 10.5” carbines.

Look for more things to come along in this space.
For your offset, check out www.athenaprecision.com they have an offset that adjusts in 15 deg increments. The owner also sells March Optics so you could probably get a screaming deal. I run a similar setup to what you are proposing but in 5.56. Having a little experience with both the 6.5Gr and the 6 arc. I'd go arc with a 12.5 " barrel and the 1-10. I think it'll get you where you want to go.
Big problem with the 1-10 Shorty is how huge the parallax/illumination and windage knobs are sticking out the the sides.

I’ve been looking at all the same things and there just isn’t an optic on the market that does what we’re looking for, but I know it’s doable.

6.5 Grendel is the optimum cartridge configuration for this, especially when you look at lighter weight projectiles for the 0-600yd ranges. Those will go really fast compared to anything else, and do it with less chamber pressure. Existing target and hunting bullets still remain supersonic and/or stable out to 1k even when shot at 2200fps from a 10.5” barrel.

With a lighter bullet, you can even break over 3050fps from an 8.5” barrel with Grendel and not exceed 50ksi.

Subsonic loads already exist for Grendel shooting 140-160gr bullets, that cycle the action, especially on 10.5” carbines.

Look for more things to come along in this space.
I’m not averse to playing with high pressure ratings, even if it means machining my own barrel extension and thicker wall style bolt out of Aermet. I think I may just have to accept that I’ll be doing a lot of hand loading for anything not plinking with factory FMJ.

Speaking of bolts, what is the best high-pressure bolt option currently on market for 6.5G?

barrel of 11.5-12” is about as long as I want to go, since the URX4 hand guard lengths are either 10.75” or 14.5” and the AEM5-30K adds about 4.5” to the end of the barrel

I’m not too worried about handguard heating as I’ll be using grip panels or something similar as a barricade/bag rider or grip, and I don’t plan to do anything approaching a full auto firing schedule except in the most dire of circumstance.
Grendel and ARC don’t run at higher pressures, and you can get higher mv with more ideal powders without even breaking over 50ksi with Grendel since it has more bore volume, very efficient cartridge with the short power column and 30˚ shoulder.

I’ve never had a Grendel bolt fail, and I have been shooting them since 2009.

My 12” Grendel that I run suppressed has been using one of the Monster group buy bolts and barrels. That bolt was improved with the Rexus Ultrabolt.

I’ve been shooting the 12” almost every range trip since 2017, and I’m shooting all-day at UKD steel, not just riding a bench for 100yd groups. I loan it out if people have problems with their DIY ARs in DM courses, so it has a good round count on it.

I’m taming the gas system with a Bootleg Adjustable Carrier and extra power action spring, standard 2.9oz carbine buffer. Bootleg runs on the fully-suppressed position #4, easily adjustable through the ejection port. TBAC Ultra 5 can.

I do like what I’m seeing from Geissele and KAC now on bolts in their 6 ARCs, as well as SOLGW AerMet, but as I said, I just haven’t had problems with bolts or extractors.
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Grendel and ARC don’t run at higher pressures, and you can get higher mv with more ideal powders without even breaking over 50ksi with Grendel since it has more bore volume, very efficient cartridge with the short power column and 30˚ shoulder.

I’ve never had a Grendel bolt fail, and I have been shooting them since 2009.

My 12” Grendel that I run suppressed has been using one of the Monster group buy bolts and barrels. That bolt was improved with the Rexus Ultrabolt.

I’ve been shooting the 12” almost every range trip since 2017, and I’m shooting all-day at UKD steel, not just riding a bench for 100yd groups. I loan it out if people have problems with their DIY ARs in DM courses, so it has a good round count on it.

I’m taming the gas system with a Bootleg Adjustable Carrier and extra power action spring, standard 2.9oz carbine buffer. Bootleg runs on the fully-suppressed position #4, easily adjustable through the ejection port. TBAC Ultra 5 can.

I do like what I’m seeing from Geissele and KAC now on bolts in their 6 ARCs, as well as SOLGW AerMet, but as I said, I just haven’t had problems with bolts or extractors.

I'm thinking of doing a 13.7"- 13.9" 22ARC, should be fun.
I'm thinking of doing a 13.7"- 13.9" 22ARC, should be fun.
Do you have a ton of .224” projectiles in the weight/length classes that would benefit from that?

I was looking at the new Black Arc Munitions 80.5gr Berger Full Bore 5.56 in the high quality steel case, running at 2840fps from 18” pipes and thinking that really takes 5.56 into an interesting place. Can’t mag-feed 88-95gr though in 5.56 AR.

My buddy built a cool little training rifle in .221 Fireball 40 Improved in a Howa Mini. It was surprisingly-good out to 1k with 88gr ELD-M and impacts could be heard under 7mph full value wind. No real recoil to speak of. That Fireball case is way more efficient than .223 Rem for sure. You get full burn in .221, especially improved.

224 AR has been a thing for a long time, so formalizing it with SAAMI factory ammo from Hornady makes a lot of sense.

I’ve kinda lost interest in .224 bores though, even though I’ve been a big 5.56 guy for decades. If I could go back and edit all of the draft work and prototypes at ArmaLite in 1957-1959, there would be .25 bore based on the 25 Remington cartridge with 34gr usable case capacity, maybe 2.400” COL, 30˚ shoulder, engineer the magazines for it first, then the lower. Slightly larger bolt and extension, done.
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I looked at 22 ARC when I was first contemplating this idea, since it would have allowed use of long ogive bullets for longer ranges and pulled M855A1 for general use, but ended up liking the grendel and 6 Arc more because of the short barrel performance being more favorable. squeezing a lot of powder behind a .224 just makes for a barrel-burner and increases the fussiness of SBR-specific loadings

the fact I now have proof and load data for a cycling subsonic 6.5G loading just sealed that cartridge as the winner.

My only hope is the new bullets they're using for the M110 family in 6.5 Creed become available on the surplus market at some stage, because those are supposedly the same construction as M80A1 and M855A1

Currently playing around with barrel/suppressor/hand guard configurations, ditched the URX4/AEM5-30K idea because there is so little room the suppressor is likely to contact the hand guard under harmonics, so now I'm looking at different options to keep things compact without sacrificing too much rail for a reflex suppressor.
Do you have a ton of .224” projectiles in the weight/length classes that would benefit from that?

I was looking at the new Black Arc Munitions 80.5gr Berger Full Bore 5.56 in the high quality steel case, running at 2840fps from 18” pipes and thinking that really takes 5.56 into an interesting place. Can’t mag-feed 88-95gr though in 5.56 AR.

My buddy built a cool little training rifle in .221 Fireball 40 Improved in a Howa Mini. It was surprisingly-good out to 1k with 88gr ELD-M and impacts could be heard under 7mph full value wind. No real recoil to speak of. That Fireball case is way more efficient than .223 Rem for sure. You get full burn in .221, especially improved.

224 AR has been a thing for a long time, so formalizing it with SAAMI factory ammo from Hornady makes a lot of sense.

I’ve kinda lost interest in .224 bores though, even though I’ve been a big 5.56 guy for decades. If I could go back and edit all of the draft work and prototypes at ArmaLite in 1957-1959, there would be .25 bore based on the 25 Remington cartridge with 34gr usable case capacity, maybe 2.400” COL, 30˚ shoulder, engineer the magazines for it first, then the lower. Slightly larger bolt and extension, done.

Yeah I've got the Hornady 75, 80 and 88 ELD's

The 88's fit perfect in the Geissele Mags with plenty of room to spare.

Most likely I'll start with the 75's to see how fast i can push them in a Sub 14" barrel.

After testing the Factory ammo I'll start load development with TAC and XBR.
