I’m laughing because it’s true. I know and knew how it sounded typing it up but still felt like just being honest and divulging , you’re not wrong it’s stupid, your comment was funny and I can laugh at myself.
Does help make for a stronger argument for whisper pickles being deregulated.
lol whisper pickles!?
Probably a good thing we don't make a competition of it....
The cumulative team just scored a point, but the scorer has lost count and the score board has just been updated to have LESS points than they had before.
Unfortunately, no one can remember what the score was.... so officials went to the referees to get the actual score only to find the secondary ref has been spotted in his car speeding the wrong way on the freeway to pick his kids up from school, made all the more inconvenient by the fact both his kids are now in their 30s now.
Officials are going to have to call a time out whilst they address the point, as it turns out, the cumulative teams quarter back forgot what team he was on and scored a touch down in his own end zone and has started fighting his own team mates.
Unfortunately it does look like the game is going to be forfeited as the officials discussion has now turned to whether straight spaghetti or spiral spaghetti is better in bolognaise and even though the game is in it's 3rd quarter, the spectators are starting to riot, wondering when the game is going to start.
This is not what you want to see at a memorial game for the inventor of the TBI games who, sadly, passed away by dehydration after forgetting what cupboard in the kitchen the glasses are in.
Thanks for tuning in to the TBI games, I'm.... uh....... uh...... What are YOU looking at!? I'LL KILL YOUR MOTHER!!!! *Strangles Boom Mic Operator*