So here is how this went down.
- Kyle Rittenhouse (Kenosha Hero who I have a standing open invite for to come and learn how to wreck people in the dark) gets out on bail.
- Lawyers and/or friends take pictures of him and he just randomly happens to be wearing a Black Rifle Coffee Company shirt that day.
- Whiny bitches on twitter and whatever start trolling BRCC, who has no affiliantion with Kyle about how they are 'sponsoring' him, which is not true.
- BRCC responds with some lawyeresque bullshit statement as to how they are not involved with Kyle. Fair enough.
- BRCC then immediately kills its commercial sponsorship with Blaze Media because they showed a picture (possibly the same one?) of Kyle in their shirt.
So all in all, nothing big happened on the surface outside of the sponsorship renegging. However, not only did they miss out on a giant opportunity to actually support Kyle and the 2nd Amendment as well as tell all of the domestic terrorists to go and suck a dick; they instead made it VERY clear that they like money over standing up for someone as well as showing that the 'youre welcome for my service' tactical bro club is deathly afraid of a bunch of faggots on the internet.
They could have easily just have said and done nothing. They weren't involved as this was just a coincidence as to what shirt the kid was wearing in the picture. I get that. However, the fact that they did a backflip and then went out of their way to seperate themselves and go even further by pulling sponsorship for simply showing a photo, especially in a time when 'dont get involved' is EXACTLY the reason we are where we currently are, is just absolute shitbird level for a company touting overpriced coffee under the guise of being a cool operator or some shit.
Kyle did work. These guys want to just sell shit and not support the 'culture' they gear their overpriced fobbit coffee towards.
On a coffee snob note: Even if they weren't such sandy vaginas, their coffee is crap, especially for the cost. If you think it was good, you need to just PM me and Ill tell you where you can get batches directly imported and roasted from Guatamala that was grown in volcanic soil and will make anything they put out seem like a trip to the Speedway.
Fuck those guys.
Ok, I have had over 50 people PM me for coffee details, so here goes:
I drink this almost every day. It's beyond fantastic and has a whole other level of flavor when adding a bit of cream as the acid reacts with it somehow. Volcanic soil grown.
If you're not familiar, the rarer volcanic coffee is Geisha. This is what you'll drink and not share with anyone else.
And if you haven't done so, vote for my meme, post # 38
- Kyle Rittenhouse (Kenosha Hero who I have a standing open invite for to come and learn how to wreck people in the dark) gets out on bail.
- Lawyers and/or friends take pictures of him and he just randomly happens to be wearing a Black Rifle Coffee Company shirt that day.
- Whiny bitches on twitter and whatever start trolling BRCC, who has no affiliantion with Kyle about how they are 'sponsoring' him, which is not true.
- BRCC responds with some lawyeresque bullshit statement as to how they are not involved with Kyle. Fair enough.
- BRCC then immediately kills its commercial sponsorship with Blaze Media because they showed a picture (possibly the same one?) of Kyle in their shirt.
So all in all, nothing big happened on the surface outside of the sponsorship renegging. However, not only did they miss out on a giant opportunity to actually support Kyle and the 2nd Amendment as well as tell all of the domestic terrorists to go and suck a dick; they instead made it VERY clear that they like money over standing up for someone as well as showing that the 'youre welcome for my service' tactical bro club is deathly afraid of a bunch of faggots on the internet.
They could have easily just have said and done nothing. They weren't involved as this was just a coincidence as to what shirt the kid was wearing in the picture. I get that. However, the fact that they did a backflip and then went out of their way to seperate themselves and go even further by pulling sponsorship for simply showing a photo, especially in a time when 'dont get involved' is EXACTLY the reason we are where we currently are, is just absolute shitbird level for a company touting overpriced coffee under the guise of being a cool operator or some shit.
Kyle did work. These guys want to just sell shit and not support the 'culture' they gear their overpriced fobbit coffee towards.
On a coffee snob note: Even if they weren't such sandy vaginas, their coffee is crap, especially for the cost. If you think it was good, you need to just PM me and Ill tell you where you can get batches directly imported and roasted from Guatamala that was grown in volcanic soil and will make anything they put out seem like a trip to the Speedway.
Fuck those guys.
Ok, I have had over 50 people PM me for coffee details, so here goes:

Guatemala Santa Rosa
Coffee is grown in western edge of department of Jalapa, eastern Guatemala. Farm is between 1700 -1900 masl. Chocolate notes throughout with some light citric and roasted caramel -nutty flavor. It has a good body and brightness, making it a well balanced complex cup. Origin: Guatemala Region...

I drink this almost every day. It's beyond fantastic and has a whole other level of flavor when adding a bit of cream as the acid reacts with it somehow. Volcanic soil grown.
If you're not familiar, the rarer volcanic coffee is Geisha. This is what you'll drink and not share with anyone else.

Guatemala Geisha Coffee, Finca El Pinal
Guatemala Geisha Coffee from Volcanica Coffee, a leading retailer of gourmet coffee. Our fresh roasted gourmet coffee beans are from volcanic mountain regions which give our fine gourmet coffee a remarkable smooth and rich taste.

And if you haven't done so, vote for my meme, post # 38

🚨 Best Meme Contest Starts Now! 🚨
Hey guys! Just wanted to announce a contest for Best Meme that starts now! Just upload your best sniper related meme and the 3 memes with the highest reaction scores will get prizes. Users with a supporter or commercial sales upgrade will receive 5 additional votes for their meme. The contest...
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