Utah, huh? Did you guys stumble upon a huge buried pile of Conquistador gold in the sand hills or something? Because going woke, even partially woke, means you go broke... What is so hard to understand? In a time when real Patriots need to stand together for the country they love, you are going to pull a LOLcow stunt like this? LOL...
Do you realize that a PILLOW company has got more balls than you? And look at you there, bending the knee to some freaks on Twitter whose opinions should be worth less to you than the rancid sludge that I scraped from a ceiling conduit in preparation for a commercial fryer installation yesterday.
Utah company objects after Blaze Media reporter ties its coffee to alleged Kenosha shooter
A Salt Lake City coffee company said it objected to a tweet posted by a Blaze Media reporter who tied its coffee to Kyle Rittenhouse, accused of killing two people during an August protest in Wisconsin.
A Salt Lake City coffee company said it objected to a tweet posted by a Blaze Media reporter who tied its coffee to Kyle Rittenhouse, accused of killing two people during an August protest in Wisconsin.
Elijah Schaffer tweeted a since-removed photo of the 17-year-old wearing a Black Rifle Coffee Company shirt with the caption, “Kyle Rittenhouse drinks the best coffee in America.” The teenager was released Friday after supporters raised his $2 million bail.
Schaffer posted a discount code for the coffee under the post with the photo. And online, commenters questioned whether the coffee company had a sponsorship deal with Rittenhouse and accused it of supporting murder and hate.
A spokesperson for the coffee company told The Salt Lake Tribune on Saturday afternoon that the company was terminating its sponsorship of Slightly Offens*ve, but late Saturday, she said she had misunderstood.
“We are not fluctuating our ad spend,” she said in a text message. “We did have a conversation with Schaffer, and he understands that the post was a mistake.”
Blaze employees “make decisions about how to allocate ad dollars within the Blaze,” she said, but she did not clarify whether Black Rifle would request to end its placement as a podcast sponsor. She said the company and Blaze are discussing “how to move forward with the allocation of ad dollars.”
The company is focused on making coffee and supporting the military community, she said, and will not comment on an ongoing legal matter.
“We don’t traffic in national tragedy and to us, that’s what this is,” she said. “We are not legal experts or members of law enforcement. We fully support all law enforcement officials and believe in the integrity of the legal system.”
Black Rifle Coffee is a Salt Lake City-based roaster that brands itself as a gun-loving, conservative company started by veterans. In a statementSaturday afternoon, co-founder Evan Hafer said, “We do not support legal advocacy efforts. We do not sponsor nor do we have a relationship with the 17-year-old facing charges in Kenosha, WI.”
Rittenhouse faces charges that he allegedly shot and killed two people and injured a third during an August protest that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis.
The photo of Rittenhouse in the Black Rifle Coffee shirt was posted by attorney Lin Wood, who represents Rittenhouse and is assisting President Donald Trump in challenging the presidential election outcome in Georgia. Wood identified the two men standing with Rittenhouse as attorney John Pierce, at left, and actor Ricky Schroder.
Twitter users criticized Black Rifle on Saturday for not explicitly condemning Rittenhouse’s alleged actions.
...co-founder Evan Hafer said, “We do not support legal advocacy efforts. We do not sponsor nor do we have a relationship with the 17-year-old facing charges in Kenosha, WI.”
Hey, I hope you were wearing a mask when you said that... No, it's not the Wuhan Flu I am concerned about, but the stupidity in your statement that is present in such high concentrations that I am concerned it might infect ME as I read it over the Web...

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