does anyone have any experience with the dead air odessa
will let you know when mine clears…LOL
should be any time now. The Wolfman 9mm can I ordered a couple weeks prior to that one cleared a couple weeks ago; right at 10-months wait. Have that Odessa and a Rugged Obsidian 45 in jail… waiting for them to join the rest of the stamp collection:
AAC SD (.308)
AAC SD-N6 (.308)
AAC TiRant 45
AAC Element-II (.22LR)
Radical RF-22 (like the Silencerco Sparrow, but without the clam shells…spend the extra $50 for the Sparrow)
Crux Axe-6 (dedicated 5.56 can for my daughter’s SBR; company no longer around..too bad, great can)
Bower’s 458 vers-adapt (huge can for my 450 BM SBR; works well on all of my current AR platforms too)
Dead Air Wolfman in raw titanium (9mm)
In the queue for Ecco Machine to re-core my TiRant 45…literally 10’s of thousands of rounds through that can and the aluminum baffles are pretty heavily pitted; the stainless steel baffles, including the blast baffle are holding up just fine. Also having them cut off the 51T mounts on my two AAC .308 cans and convert them to direct thread. My mounts are still good to go for now, but will eventually fail…and with AAC no longer around thanks to Remington’s mismanagement, I want to have a standardized mount to future proof those cans.
Fun fact: my TiRant was actually in for a factory recoring when they went tits up…that was an agonizing few weeks while I waited to find out what happened to my can. Finally took me contacting the Law office overseeing their side of the bankruptcy to get them moving. Got my can back intact…but no new baffles.

I mean, it literally would have taken them less than a minute to open it up, dump out the old stack, and slide a new one in. I know I can order very similar baffles as part of a ‘solvent trap’ kit and drill them out myself (the tube is the serialized suppressor), but as a member of the federal pension check of the month club, I’m not taking any chances.