Recent content by northern50

  1. N

    7mm short magnums.

    In this industry everyone is an expert. Just ask them 🤣
  2. N

    7mm short magnums.

    Funny I’ve been shooting my 7wsm all summer with 190 atips seated to mag length in a short action. No doughnuts, no neck turning, bertram brass with no weight sorting. Must be defying physics over here….
  3. N

    Garmin Xero C1 Pro chronograph

    Im a fan.
  4. N

    Wisconsin Democrat Gov. Tony Evers’ Dept. of Public Instruction Told White People to Wear Wristbands as ‘Reminder of Your Privilege’

    Every day I strap on my white privilege and go to work and support deadbeat fucks in milwaukee. You can be sure I won’t be voting for the pencil necked geek Tony Evers come November. FTE!
  5. N

    50 BMG brake

    Ken’s number is on the website. He has the brakes running again and is producing them. (New mill and programming) Call him, it’s the best option.
  6. N

    50 BMG brake

    K&P clam shell IS the best. The armalite brake is next and a FCA suppressor with indexable muzzle brake is easy on the ears and recoil at the same time.
  7. N

    School me on the "best 6mm"

    I second this. Xc runs out of a 308 mag with zero modifications and it just works. From 105-115 bullets are easy to load and tune, slow or fast. Peterson makes brass and Tubb always has it in stock. Cant go wrong there.
  8. N

    Shooting 50bmg/other braked rifles, TBI and tinnitus

    Sounds like a lot of 50 haters around here... I though this was snipers hide, not diapershide. Ive been shooting 50’s for over 10 years now. 1000yd completion where you lay on the line next to your buddy and fire during a match, to elr, to playing around busting pumpkins with my 20” 50...
  9. N

    I’m juggling three jobs, and need help.

    Hell I’m an engineer and loved when I was on second shift. No management after 4ish pm, keep the plant running, fix the problems and keep production happy. Some of the nicest years of my career. Now I’m on first again and deal with management drama and day shift b.s.
  10. N

    NF ELR 2022

    As long as you can quickly pull ammo from a binder and feed the rifle it wouldn’t be too big of a deal. Managing dust might be the bigger factor trying to keep ammo going into the rifle somewhat clean. I ran a brake the first year I shot it, that was rough. 10lbs of dirt in my eyes at the end...
  11. N

    Swarovski STR-80 Cover

    Sadly I haven’t found one yet. But.. the front rubber cap is very durable. For the Eyepiece cap I always put a can coozie over it all to hold the small rubber cap on. I’ve had mine for 5 years now and it gets tossed around often, no issues.
  12. N

    NF ELR 2022

    I shot the last two years, loved every second of it. I’ll be shooting it as a team this year (2 man). Prone shooting. Last year you stared standing with gun in hand. Load, find, shoot. Went fast. A match book with critter/sizes of targets with compass headings, yardages and pictures is...
  13. N

    Nice big boomer out of Australia

    Me too. No better way to carry a rifle than upside down so you can set it on the scope.