Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Bullshit flag is thrown into the ring.

Sounds like a big fat made up lie

I saw the Marines in Warpaint and the big fat bloody tampon myself. Do you want to see it, too?

And this is not the best story either. Where to start?

There was a 30 something E7 on two different occasions in two different structures in two consecutive weeks with two different 18 year old males setting off motion alarms late at night. The MPs could hear her wailing outside the building. Turns out she'd been bonking a new kid every few days for over a year. They thought it was a cat stuck somewhere. She got busted good for giving herself access that was not authorized, among other things.

Several blue falcons sneaking around deployed buddies' wives on base housing. Woe to the officer in one of these when the base QRF rolled up with a dog.

Lots of visitors at night. A perv light Colonel held at gunpoint behind a female barracks at 2am. He'd been sneaking around at night and even into rooms before he got caught.

Rape was a regular problem. The weirdest was a male MSGT busted for drugging male soldiers and raping them. Its amazing what a sick call for "hemorrhoids" will lead to being found.

Your garden variety loss of control. Two people getting heat stroke in a hummer while fornicating. They almost died. The jokes wrote themselves.

And then general bullshit. Getting called out to guard field showers at night while females showered and got clean because some units NCOs could not protect their own and other units' NCOs could not help themselves.

Which story do you want to believe? Because a lot of people are pigs and have no self control especially when alcohol, lack of sleep, and high stress is applied. And women can be far worse than most men.
They may not be practical in a stiff breeze, but I sure like the way your drapes hang.

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Scotland Yard and British archeologists have jointly lunched an inquiry into the whereabouts of the famed sword 'Excalibur'.
If you know the whereabouts of a water nymph fitting the description depicted above, kindly contact your local constabulary at 077 2399 3862 .
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