Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1


At a large joint training base about 30 years ago…

A company first sergeant found two half dressed males at 3 am with blood all over them. He called a medical emergency. Medevac, MPs, and senior command all descended on the location.

The bloody males were Marines and they’d partied with one of the enlisted Army NCO females who just happened to be having her period.
Bullshit flag is thrown into the ring.

Sounds like a big fat made up lie
You gotta grade on a curve. Went to a school in northern California back in the 80s. Small army post so remote civilians used the post office as it was the only one in the area. They somehow had access to the E club as they showed up every Friday and Saturday night. The local guys called them Bufforillas. A ten there wouldn't make a three in civilization.

One guy picked up two the first weekend there. At the end of the school we sitting through the out-brief, "This went well, SSgt Joe was the bestest," etc. The school commandant walked on stage and called the playboy's name. By the look on his face as he walked forward you would have thought he got caught with the commandant's daughter. Front and center and he is presented with a paper bag. Face drawn on one side and instructions on the other.

Would probably end both careers in today's military.
I did a WM in Delmar that was nicknamed green teeth.
Oh man the ribbing was brutal...
Great thinking... fk that's a lot of digging.. !! Did they use a spade?

Yeah nah.

Anyone who has ever dug themselves out with one of those finds a way to carry a proper shovel in the vehicle for next time. I think the aluminium plate I had was better at moving dirt than that fucking thing.