Maggie’s Socially UNacceptable Humor

This made me think of a recent interview between Tucker Max & Tucker Carlson. My expectations were so low for the conversation but I ended up being completely enthralled with their discussion. To each their own, but if anyone would be interested, I'll post the link below...

That was actually pretty fucking outstanding. Thanks for sharing… Hell, I may need to spend more time in Dripping Springs!
That was actually pretty fucking outstanding. Thanks for sharing… Hell, I may need to spend more time in Dripping Springs!
Happy to be of service, to be honest, I likely came across that conversation here on the Hide anyway so just sharing the wealth. But yep- I was rather taken into that interview despite my initial thoughts going into it...

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By "real clubs" what you actually mean is "criminal gangs"...

As bad as the Uniform Hangers can be, most folks are glad to have them around to at least deal with the "real clubs" that like to threaten the local citizenry.
As much as I dislike the Waco uniform hangers, they sure did a rather stellar job some years back of making sure the "real clubs" understood they weren't welcome around those parts...
About ten years ago I went to a rat-rod show in NW NJ. Was having a good time walking around looking at the vehicles and listening to the band playing. Then I noticed there was a rather large contingent of Hells Angels and either Pagans or Warlocks. Grabbed my daughter and GF and made our way out quick...wasn't taking any chances things may become "unfriendly".