The only people that will erupt will be false flag/ANTIFA in Maga hat crowd. Why do you think they are still pursuing J6ers - now people that just where there without entering, (breaking laws in the) treatment of the prisoners worse than gulag, and publicizing all of it?


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All this is going to do is energize is base and voters even more.

Anyone that has an IQ above room temperature knows what this was really about.

And what exactly will that accomplish? If it mattered, the RNC would have spent the 20M raised in Jan. 2021 for J6er defense. Instead Romney's neice spent it on flowers and limo rides. This Republic already had a death sentence.
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Government will not let Trump take office again because to many sheep are following him and thats a danger to their rule of law. "They run shit here you just live here, that's right you better walk away"
SCOTUS will stand down just like they did on election fraud. If they take it up, it will be well after November 4 (or whenever they decide the results are in this go around).
I hope you’re incorrect…and truly hope they actually expedite the hearing. This has serious constitutional ramifications.
Sentencing is set for (4) days before the GOP convention. The sentencing guidelines shluld be interesting.
Judge will say and you are remanded to the State Department of Corrections for 20 years. It will keep him out of the GOP convention and running for office. Appeal process will take years from his jail cell, GOP will put up Nicki Haley in his place. Landslide for FJB..........
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All this is going to do is energize is base and voters even more.

Anyone that has an IQ above room temperature knows what this was really about.

Face it - the whole point of this trial, all the indictments, is to justify the election results we already know.

bingo, ma'am. well said.

this helps justify the steal.
Conservatism dies at the hands of marxism. The last 2 countries who truly tried to rout communism and marxism from within their borders, it didn't end well (read about what Benito and Adolf were ackshually doing in their countries after assorted marxist activities in post-WWI Europe).
"Today is a shameful day in American history," House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said in a statement. "Democrats cheered as they convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges, predicated on the testimony of a disbarred, convicted felon. This was a purely political exercise, not a legal one. The weaponization of our justice system has been a hallmark of the Biden Administration, and the decision today is further evidence that Democrats will stop at nothing to silence dissent and crush their political opponents. The American people see this as lawfare, and they know it is wrong – and dangerous. President Trump will rightfully appeal this absurd verdict – and he WILL WIN!"

Supposedly the Democrats are pushing a bill that wluld remove Secret Service protection for anyone who has been convicted of a Felony…. This could be interesting…

Which is probably why Bragg/Jack Smith tried to get a gag order on Trump talking about the warrant allowing for use of deadly force in the Mar-a-Lago raid. How can they make it less obvious lol.
Judge will say and you are remanded to the State Department of Corrections for 20 years. It will keep him out of the GOP convention and running for office. Appeal process will take years from his jail cell, GOP will put up Nicki Haley in his place. Landslide for FJB..........
I do think this is a very real opening for NH, which was my point above. But her popularity is so low that she has little probability of winning, and a lot of Trump voters may stay at home. No shenanigans will be needed. If we look at what Biden's policies have in common with her proposed policies, statements and history we can see what initiatives will continue regardless of which one gets in.

Also, if this is the catalyst that gets Biden in again, Kamala will wind up as president. This verdict should not have been a surprise; we should therefore look to what the follow-on effects are or could be. IOW, look to what Canada is doing as there is a real possibility of Supreme Court nominations, among other things.

And if Trump is not nominated at the RNC everyone can forget about anything related to closing the border. It may be talked about during the debates, but it will be a dead issue.
I do think this is a very real opening for NH, which was my point above. But her popularity is so low that she has little probability of winning, and a lot of Trump voters may stay at home. No shenanigans will be needed. If we look at what Biden's policies have in common with her proposed policies, statements and history we can see what initiatives will continue regardless of which one gets in.

RFK Jr. may enter the picture vote-wise, as if that matters, but he would be offed quickly in lieu of his globalist Soros-funded VP - which might actually be worse than Biden.
"Today is a shameful day in American history," House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said in a statement. "Democrats cheered as they convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges, predicated on the testimony of a disbarred, convicted felon. This was a purely political exercise, not a legal one. The weaponization of our justice system has been a hallmark of the Biden Administration, and the decision today is further evidence that Democrats will stop at nothing to silence dissent and crush their political opponents. The American people see this as lawfare, and they know it is wrong – and dangerous. President Trump will rightfully appeal this absurd verdict – and he WILL WIN!"

I absolutely agree and one of the most honest statements ive heard coming out of that RINOS head.
The hilarious thing is that this will only backfire exponentially on the Marxist assholes cheering it as a win.
Kind of like the angry old lefty asshole that exist in pretty much every neighborhood that gets a door bell ring one night to stomp out a paper bag full of flaming dog shit only to discover they are stomping on thier own kind.
“A striking trend”

Whoever spied out that trend will probably tell us next that ice tends to melt above 32F
I hope you’re incorrect…and truly hope they actually expedite the hearing. This has serious constitutional ramifications.
It doesn’t matter. There are politicians, many on both sides, that do not want President Trump in DC. The politicians will not attack each other for fear of being caught in their own crimes.
I see trump as the traitor, and his followers are the stupid fucks . :ROFLMAO:
Weird. After all that I’ve had to endure behind the scenes for a lifetime in DoD and places I’ve been, I’ve watched traitors in multiple White Houses and Congress walk free and never even get indicted (at least not openly).

Meanwhile, Trump didn’t even do what he was accused of here, his defense was ordered to go first by the Judge before they even knew the charges or specific crimes.....for their closing arguments.

Trump is the only President we’ve had that couldn’t be bribed because he had more money than any of these politician sell-outs, which is why they fear him.

Meanwhile pedophiles like Biden sell out the Nation since 1972 and nothing. Documents just keep stacking near the Corvette, Hunter and James launder the money, and nothing skips a beat.
as many opined before today, this was a win-win for trump, and he may gain more support than he loses because of this.
in particular, anyone that believes they have been treated unjustly will instantly identify with trump.
nobody actually believes he's guilty.

people like haney were going to vote for the pedo again either way.
It doesn’t matter. There are politicians, many on both sides, that do not want President Trump in DC. The politicians will not attack each other for fear of being caught in their own crimes.
The antiseptic of light and truth are coming and they all know it.
Whether it's done the right way or the rite way they all know it and are shitting themselves.
These self indulged criminals will turn on each other so fucking fast to get a deal to avoid what's coming when it happens will be a blurry event.
No fucking refunds
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Way more Chicken Littles crying about the sky is falling than I thought there would be from supposed Conservatives. Just let the process play out. It most likely won't go to the SCOTUS, but rather a lower court.
So in all of America not a single DA sees any crime of Hunter or Hillary. The fix is in.
Biden has been on Russian payroll for so long, it was still the Soviet Union when they helped rig his election in Delaware in 1972.

Hillary was one of the idiots defending Black Panthers and rallying students via ACLU front to “monitor” and peacefully protest the trial of one of the Panthers who murdered one of their own, thinking he was an FBI informant:

This is from Snopes trying to defend her:
Hillary Rodham (as she was known then) wasn't a lawyer then, either: She was a Yale law student, and like many of her politically-minded fellow law students who saw the latest "trial of the century" taking place just outside the main gate of their school, she took advantage of an opportunity to be involved in the case in a minor, peripheral way by organizing other students to help the American Civil Liberties Union monitor the trials for civil rights violations. Her tangential participation in the trial in no way helped "free" Black Panthers tried for the murder of Alex Rackley

She came a little late after Biden’s treason with Council For a Livable World.

Once she was in Arkansas, she landed a case with the Rose Law Firm that involved the NSA’s Bank Surveillance and Asset Seizure program, formerly called PROMIS (as it was originally made for the DOJ). The Soviets, Chinese, Iranians, Israelis, and any foreign intel agency looking to hide its illicit overseas funds had to pay millions for the NSA’s PROMIS code updates, otherwise their money would be seized.

One of the Senior Rose Law Firm partners (who got her the job there after Bill was made AG in 1977) became the bag man for running the PROMIS software codes to Switzerland to place in safe deposit boxes for these various foreign governments who were not authorized to have access. He would fly to Switzerland 12-20x per year from the 1980s-1993. In change for the PROMIS codes, he would receive large cash payments and serviced 3 accounts with them for himself, Bill and Hillary.

They brought him with them to the WH as Deputy White House Counsel in 1993. He was still making bag runs and keeping the NSA code binders in his WH office safe. In early July, 1993, he called the bank in Chiasso to check on the accounts, which had all been zeroed out, money seized. This is when he began to panic/couldn’t sleep. He approached Hillary to let her know, to which she responded that she knew about it, and there were 2 sealed indictments for espionage against them, but not to worry, they would take care of him as long as he played along.

2 weeks later, Bill fired FBI Director William Sessions (Reagan Appointee Distinguished Boy Scout) on July 19, 1993.

The next day, the Deputy WH Counsel’s body was found in a nearby Civil War park called.....Fort Marcy Park. His death was immediately ruled a suicide. His name was......


Vince Foster

But yeah, this whole Trump NDA he never even initiated with Stormy Daniels is a pretty big deal I’m told.
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Seeing how this idea came out long before the trial and verdict kinda makes you think they knew what was coming right? Kinda like a Presidential candidate hiding in his basement for a year before the election because they knew the winner so no effort was necessary. Na couldnt be.

I know this will be overturned on appeal, but how did it get to this point.

And how long until this becomes a black flag? 🙁

How did it get to this point? Decades not minutes. It didn’t happen in Venezuela overnight, not China, etc. it’s not fear hyperbole, this is the middle step to civil war or collapse depending on the will of the opposition. We at least had the sense collectively to letting the Nixon issues go even though he was guilty as hell of real crimes, because of what it would have done for the country. We have gone from that to making up laws to convict political adversaries, which is exactly what every communist regime has done for a century.
"Today is a shameful day in American history," House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said in a statement. "Democrats cheered as they convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges, predicated on the testimony of a disbarred, convicted felon. This was a purely political exercise, not a legal one. The weaponization of our justice system has been a hallmark of the Biden Administration, and the decision today is further evidence that Democrats will stop at nothing to silence dissent and crush their political opponents. The American people see this as lawfare, and they know it is wrong – and dangerous. President Trump will rightfully appeal this absurd verdict – and he WILL WIN!"

Yeah and you Mike Arnold Johnson will cut another deal with the Dems to hold onto your head.Cocksucker.
Another thing as long as we are on the topic, let’s go ahead and take this shining example of justice to heart, so tomorrow morning every politician with a non disclosure agreement in their past should be indicted for election fraud, I hate to break it to people but that’s conservatively half of all governors, presidents, senators, judges, congressmen, etc. since the precedent is now there a non disclosure agreement is corporate fraud if it wasn’t disclosed to investors, so we should indict 80% of CEO’s, all for entering into a contract which is legal under U.S. law.