Expected, but sad. It will be now easier to go after anyone who doesn't walk in the direction of communism and or those who believe in the greatness of what was once called, the United States of America.:(
Another thing as long as we are on the topic, let’s go ahead and take this shining example of justice to heart, so tomorrow morning every politician with a non disclosure agreement in their past should be indicted for election fraud, I hate to break it to people but that’s conservatively half of all governors, presidents, senators, judges, congressmen, etc. since the precedent is now there a non disclosure agreement is corporate fraud if it wasn’t disclosed to investors, so we should indict 80% of CEO’s, all for entering into a contract which is legal under U.S. law.

If we followed the same laws and punishment pertaining to treason that existed during the time of our Founding Fathers, all of congress would be empty.
Seeing how this idea came out long before the trial and verdict kinda makes you think they knew what was coming right? Kinda like a Presidential candidate hiding in his basement for a year before the election because they knew the winner so no effort was necessary. Na couldnt be.
And it also tells what the minimum sentence has a good chance of being. IOW, it has a real chance of knocking him off the RNC ticket.

If he is in jail awaiting the next steps it prevents a debate with Biden and cools off the Trump fervor, so that even if he is on the ticket he is an abstract memory running. And Biden doesn’t have to get out in public and have real pressure put upon him.
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If anyone was wondering if Biden is an actual pedophile, here’s the evidence:

1. His college roommate at Syracuse said that Biden told him if he ever walked in on him and he was choking the chicken, it’s because he needs to do that before he goes out in public around kids, because he can’t keep his hands off them otherwise. Same thing if he got “just one sip” of alcohol in him. He had to refrain from alcohol or else he’d lose control of himself around kids.

2. Hunter Biden’s name for his dad in his Apple account contacts list and iMessaging is “Pedo Peter”. This is a verified screen shot of Hunter’s contacts list:



3. In Ashley Biden’s diary, she said she was hyper-sexualized at an early age, probably because of the inappropriate showers she took with her dad. There’s no such thing as an appropriate shower you take with your dad. Even Snopes had to correct their “Unproven” to “True” on this one, but focuses mainly on the prosecution of the people who dared to find the diary. They were prosecuted and convicted to the full extent of “the law”.

4. Vice President Joe Biden conducted himself inappropriately around Senators’ families when swearing them in, fondling, groping, touching, and sniffing their wives and children as his standard practice with each ceremony.


Forget about partisan bias or anything like that and just look at the facts. Biden is a serial pedophile as described by his college roommate, his own son, his own daughter in her written diary, and by his brazen conduct in public settings with cameras all around.

Russians are poor and the KGB was cheap when they selected comrade Biden, who was already so compromised he could be played like a fiddle, and fiddle-diddle he did.
If anyone was wondering if Biden is an actual pedophile, here’s the evidence:

1. His college roommate at Syracuse said that Biden told him if he ever walked in on him and he was choking the chicken, it’s because he needs to do that before he goes out in public around kids, because he can’t keep his hands off them otherwise. Same thing if he got “just one sip” of alcohol in him. He had to refrain from alcohol or else he’d lose control of himself around kids.

2. Hunter Biden’s name for his dad in his Apple account contacts list and iMessaging is “Pedo Peter”. This is a verified screen shot of Hunter’s contacts list:



3. In Ashley Biden’s diary, she said she was hyper-sexualized at an early age, probably because of the inappropriate showers she took with her dad. There’s no such thing as an appropriate shower you take with your dad. Even Snopes had to correct their “Unproven” to “True” on this one, but focuses mainly on the prosecution of the people who dared to find the diary. They were prosecuted and convicted to the full extent of “the law”.

4. Vice President Joe Biden conducted himself inappropriately around Senators’ families when swearing them in, fondling, groping, touching, and sniffing their wives and children as his standard practice with each ceremony.


Forget about partisan bias or anything like that and just look at the facts. Biden is a serial pedophile as described by his college roommate, his own son, his own daughter in her written diary, and by his brazen conduct in public settings with cameras all around.

Russians are poor and the KGB was cheap when they selected comrade Biden, who was already so compromised he could be played like a fiddle, and fiddle-diddle he did.
If anyone deserved to be in general population it would be pedo peter, prison justice is holy which is surprising for the type of people in them but no matter how bad they are they still have morals when it comes to children......
If anyone was wondering if Biden is an actual pedophile, here’s the evidence:

1. His college roommate at Syracuse said that Biden told him if he ever walked in on him and he was choking the chicken, it’s because he needs to do that before he goes out in public around kids, because he can’t keep his hands off them otherwise. Same thing if he got “just one sip” of alcohol in him. He had to refrain from alcohol or else he’d lose control of himself around kids.

2. Hunter Biden’s name for his dad in his Apple account contacts list and iMessaging is “Pedo Peter”. This is a verified screen shot of Hunter’s contacts list:



3. In Ashley Biden’s diary, she said she was hyper-sexualized at an early age, probably because of the inappropriate showers she took with her dad. There’s no such thing as an appropriate shower you take with your dad. Even Snopes had to correct their “Unproven” to “True” on this one, but focuses mainly on the prosecution of the people who dared to find the diary. They were prosecuted and convicted to the full extent of “the law”.

4. Vice President Joe Biden conducted himself inappropriately around Senators’ families when swearing them in, fondling, groping, touching, and sniffing their wives and children as his standard practice with each ceremony.


Forget about partisan bias or anything like that and just look at the facts. Biden is a serial pedophile as described by his college roommate, his own son, his own daughter in her written diary, and by his brazen conduct in public settings with cameras all around.

Russians are poor and the KGB was cheap when they selected comrade Biden, who was already so compromised he could be played like a fiddle, and fiddle-diddle he did.
Being a Pedophile is not frowned upon by the liberal Dems its a fucking badge of honor to these pricks.
They did this, knowing we won't do jack shit about it.....they are having their hay days.....taking away our rights and any kind of law and order in this country knowing we are just gonna continue to go to work and pay our taxes for them to just hand it over to another country.......

I'm sure our founding fathers are proud to see what we let our country become after all the blood they shed over it......

Not a single shot fired in defense of our country......

How did it get to this point? Decades not minutes. It didn’t happen in Venezuela overnight, not China, etc. it’s not fear hyperbole, this is the middle step to civil war or collapse depending on the will of the opposition. We at least had the sense collectively to letting the Nixon issues go even though he was guilty as hell of real crimes, because of what it would have done for the country. We have gone from that to making up laws to convict political adversaries, which is exactly what every communist regime has done for a century.
Actually, there are so many parallels to this and Nixon, and Nixon was not guilty. That was the whole point. Nixon never ordered any plumbers to go seize the DNC DC call girl catalog binder. It was all done underneath him by men who wanted him out.

Then they planted an ONI/CIA hack in the Washington Post and paired him with an "actual journalist” for the Deep Throat hoax, which was all designed to get rid of Nixon.

If you want your mind blown about who Bob Woodward really was/is, watch this:

If anyone was wondering if Biden is an actual pedophile, here’s the evidence:

1. His college roommate at Syracuse said that Biden told him if he ever walked in on him and he was choking the chicken, it’s because he needs to do that before he goes out in public around kids, because he can’t keep his hands off them otherwise. Same thing if he got “just one sip” of alcohol in him. He had to refrain from alcohol or else he’d lose control of himself around kids.

2. Hunter Biden’s name for his dad in his Apple account contacts list and iMessaging is “Pedo Peter”. This is a verified screen shot of Hunter’s contacts list:



3. In Ashley Biden’s diary, she said she was hyper-sexualized at an early age, probably because of the inappropriate showers she took with her dad. There’s no such thing as an appropriate shower you take with your dad. Even Snopes had to correct their “Unproven” to “True” on this one, but focuses mainly on the prosecution of the people who dared to find the diary. They were prosecuted and convicted to the full extent of “the law”.

4. Vice President Joe Biden conducted himself inappropriately around Senators’ families when swearing them in, fondling, groping, touching, and sniffing their wives and children as his standard practice with each ceremony.


Forget about partisan bias or anything like that and just look at the facts. Biden is a serial pedophile as described by his college roommate, his own son, his own daughter in her written diary, and by his brazen conduct in public settings with cameras all around.

Russians are poor and the KGB was cheap when they selected comrade Biden, who was already so compromised he could be played like a fiddle, and fiddle-diddle he did.
I honestly think a video could come out of Biden having sex with a 7 year old and I think the left and his supporters would sweep it under the rug and still support him.
Seeing how this idea came out long before the trial and verdict kinda makes you think they knew what was coming right? Kinda like a Presidential candidate hiding in his basement for a year before the election because they knew the winner so no effort was necessary. Na couldnt be.
Trump would be best served with some high end high speed low drag types that aren't politically motivated like the examples of recent decades of the secret service.
Light em up burn the evidence and roll out, thats what he is up against.
Use the enemies tactics and don't look back.
Anyone see the movie, The Road? As long as you have neighbors you will never run out of food lol. I remember a co worker telling me to watch that movie and my daughter was like 16 I think. It freaked her out a bit, I said see honey, as long as you have neighbors, you will never go hungry lol
Rule of Law is out to lunch.
Rule of Law was setup to protect the elites similar to religion your taught from birth to respect it and follow it blindly. It's just a method to control everyone. Even though this case is flawed in a normal world all legal pudents are still saying we must let it play out in the appeal process to protect our justice system. If its a corrupt system at the beginning stage why follow it at all and just imagine how corrupt it is at the top stage.

Gov’t such as this couldn’t exist otherwise. Men will suit up tomorrow to carry the guns that force the will of tyrants onto the working man. Politicians and judges would be powerless without their statists with a badge. It’s a shame so many continue to believe otherwise.
Actually, there are so many parallels to this and Nixon, and Nixon was not guilty. That was the whole point. Nixon never ordered any plumbers to go seize the DNC DC call girl catalog binder. It was all done underneath him by men who wanted him out.

Then they planted an ONI/CIA hack in the Washington Post and paired him with an "actual journalist” for the Deep Throat hoax, which was all designed to get rid of Nixon.

If you want your mind blown about who Bob Woodward really was/is, watch this:

I would have to disagree. I can believe two things at the same time in this case, Nixon was one of the most effective presidents of his century especially considering what was dropped in his lap and he was a crooked as a country road. In all fairness that was how the game was played, LBJ being the undisputed champion and Kennedy still probably having the record for the most dead people to have ever voted in Illinois. Nixon was paranoid and rightfully so, but he undoubtedly knew about the plumbers, and actively siphoned money to them after the fact. The point being at least with Nixon we can have a spirited debate on if he was guilty or not, in the case of Trump the supposed crimes don’t even exist except in law theory that absolutely tortures the statue and even then requires a blending of other laws to create a fictitious crime.
You live in Lake Havasu as well? Let's grab a drink at Flying X Saloon!

Ha! Prescott. The happy hunting ground for every middle aged dipfuck from Orange County. At least I can shoot 1000 yard gongs 15mins from my house.

I went to havasu 30 years ago and jumped off the bridge when I was a teen.
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Rule of Law was setup to protect the elites similar to religion your taught from birth to respect it and follow it blindly. It's just a method to control everyone. Even though this case is flawed in a normal world all legal pudents are still saying we must let it play out in the appeal process to protect our justice system. If its a corrupt system at the beginning stage why follow it at all and just imagine how corrupt it is at the top stage.
That of course is true until they don't fall into that frame of thought.
I think the end game of the left is to make President Trump supporters so angry they act out in the same way as Jan. 6. Then the finger pointing back will claim Trump supporters are violent insurectionists. See we always told you...
Every Trump supporter could sit at home and ANTIFA and illegals can show up in masks and commit false flag acts like on J6, which will be broadcast for all to see. This is how commies overthrow governments. They can’t ever win on merits because they’re insufferable pieces of trash like Karl Marx. Once people see who they actually are, they want nothing to do with them. The die-hard commies kill each other for not being Stalinist or Trotskyite enough until they form a totalitarian state under a single dictator.
Every Trump supporter could sit at home and ANTIFA and illegals can show up in masks and commit false flag acts like on J6, which will be broadcast for all to see. This is how commies overthrow governments. They can’t ever win on merits because they’re insufferable pieces of trash like Karl Marx. Once people see who they actually are, they want nothing to do with them. The die-hard commies kill each other for not being Stalinist or Trotskyite enough until they form a totalitarian state under a single dictator.
Been telling my wife for sometime now that if people said fuck this shit and started dropping assholes in the Rio River crossing illegally it would stop immediately.
But who listens to reason, the border patrol likes virtue signal but what have they done ?
Just another useless government wing that we don't need and are impliscent in the problem.
Let the people deal with the problem and it will cease to exist.
Then there is the liberal resistance deal with them the same way or ship it to thier doorstep and you see the true colors.
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Every Trump supporter could sit at home and ANTIFA and illegals can show up in masks and commit false flag acts like on J6, which will be broadcast for all to see. This is how commies overthrow governments. They can’t ever win on merits because they’re insufferable pieces of trash like Karl Marx. Once people see who they actually are, they want nothing to do with them. The die-hard commies kill each other for not being Stalinist or Trotskyite enough until they form a totalitarian state under a single dictator.
Regime change tools used abroad eventually get used at home.

Trump had his chance to do anything about it but ,no he surrounded himself with the swampiest swamp creatures he could find . Remember 2016 when he was running on i am not beholden to anyone , now he is literally offering blowjobs for donations so much for not being beholden to anyone.

“When Donald Trump met some of the country’s top donors at a luxurious New York hotel earlier this month, he told the group that a businessman had recently offered $1 million to his presidential effort and wanted to have lunch.

blowjobs for donations
“Another businessman, he said, had traditionally given $2 million to $3 million to Republicans. Instead, he said he told the donor that he wanted a $25 million or $50 million contribution or he would not be ‘very happy.’
“As he closed his pitch at the Pierre Hotel, Trump explained to the group why it was in their interest to cut large checks. If he was not put back in office, taxes would go up for them under President Biden, who vows to let Trump-era tax cuts on the wealthy and corporations expire at the end of 2025.
“In one recent meeting staged by his Save America super PAC,
Trump asked oil industry executives to raise $1 billion for his campaign and said raising such a sum would be a ‘deal’ given how much money they would save if he were reelected as president.
“The meeting stretched for many hours, attendees said, and included photos with the top donors. At the fundraiser, he promised to cut taxes on corporations and give oil executives an array of policies they wanted and said he was being outraised by the Democrats and the unions, asking the crowd to ‘be generous, please.’
“‘So give me some of your money,’ he said, drawing laughs. ‘True. I’m begging for your money.’
“In Florida earlier this month, the crowd seemed stunned after Trump offered the stage to anyone who would cut a $1 million check, according to people present. He kept asking people to come forward, according to audio of the event. Then two people took him up on the offer. The limit to contributing to the RNC and the campaign — the entities hosting the event — was less than $1 million.

He is just a slightly better choice than the other inept fuck.
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Regime change tools used abroad eventually get used at home.

Trump had his chance to do anything about it but ,no he surrounded himself with the swampiest swamp creatures he could find . Remember 2016 when he was running on i am not beholden to anyone , now he is literally offering blowjobs for donations so much for not being beholden to anyone.
We have had regime change instructions for 250 years and haven't used them once, Founding Fathers didn't realize that everyone would be using tampons in the future......
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I honestly think a video could come out of Biden having sex with a 7 year old and I think the left and his supporters would sweep it under the rug and still support him.
They would try to convince you and everybody else that the seven-year-old asked for it and wanted it

Translated for the slower learners:
We stole the election right in front of you and you didn't do shit.

Trump wouldn't take a hint and go away.

And now we intend to kill your president and there isn't a fucking thing you're going to do about it.
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Remember this when 40% of you vote for fucking Biden in November.

I'll be unsurprised when the judge sets conditions for Trump that include no leaving New York state for any reason while on 4 years of seriously supervised probation and a $100,000,000 fine that must be paid in cash to the Biden campaign.
More tears in this thread than a Taylor Swift concert 😢😢. About as much intelligence as well.
The tears are coming from turds like you deep throating a cock
Remember this when 40% of you vote for fucking Biden in November.

I'll be unsurprised when the judge sets conditions for Trump that include no leaving New York state for any reason while on 4 years of seriously supervised probation and a $100,000,000 fine that must be paid in cash to the Biden campaign.
I will be surprised when any of these assholes outlive me and 40% of the other assholes have the balls to admit what they voted for.
Fuckem all with a chainsaw
Another thing as long as we are on the topic, let’s go ahead and take this shining example of justice to heart, so tomorrow morning every politician with a non disclosure agreement in their past should be indicted for election fraud, I hate to break it to people but that’s conservatively half of all governors, presidents, senators, judges, congressmen, etc. since the precedent is now there a non disclosure agreement is corporate fraud if it wasn’t disclosed to investors, so we should indict 80% of CEO’s, all for entering into a contract which is legal under U.S. law.
Why not JUST go Salem style, burn the house down while they are sleeping in it.
If they survive they are evil if they perish they are innocent.
Win win and the trash Is taken out either way.
That's how our guberment works now isn't it, or always has.
Way more Chicken Littles crying about the sky is falling than I thought there would be from supposed Conservatives. Just let the process play out. It most likely won't go to the SCOTUS, but rather a lower court.
I wish this would be the case. Trump has had piss poor legal counsel for years. It was weaponized openly against him when his 2020 PA election legal team quit because they were intimidated by other lawyers, threat of losing their bar card, etc. None of the prestigious legal firms will work for Trump. They don't want the "taint". He is saddled with 2nd and 3rd rate lawyers.
I wish this would be the case. Trump has had piss poor legal counsel for years. It was weaponized openly against him when his 2020 PA election legal team quit because they were intimidated by other lawyers, threat of losing their bar card, etc. None of the prestigious legal firms will work for Trump. They don't want the "taint". He is saddled with 2nd and 3rd rate lawyers.
Meh, burn shit to the ground and the bullshit stops.
I hope he has learned something in all of this.
Go all in or fuck off