Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

They make "coffee" drinks for people who don't like coffee.

It's like the hard lemonade is to beer or the ACID to cigars.
Funny you should mention ACID cigars, had my first one the other day after gardening all day. Must have been on sale somewhere. Wow, the taste of that wrapper was completely distracting in a shitty way!
I finished it but will pass in the future and go right on loving my Padrons.
Dude just go commando like the real men did. The commies won't know if you want to kill them or fuck them.
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We might loaf around the hill like that because it was “DAMN HOT.” But we Never EVER went out in the bush dressed like that…. The Elephant grass would have a fellow bled out in the first hundred yards. Plus, why give the leeches a head start on their way to a fellow’s more important parts.

Elephant Grass

The original green furniture gotta count for at least *something*, right?

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Please do something about that brown scope mount. Dude you are our resident fashionista, you have a rep to protect. You can't go out in public not color coordinated.

BTW: Nice rifle.

They also sell coffee beans that I enjoy. Don't question my taste in coffee. When it comes to what I like, I am the world's most renowned expert. :cool:

I like their Italian and espresso beans.

I don't have any problem with some of their roasts, it's the unholy abominations they create with the squeezins.
Problem lies in this

David Jeffries, Minority leader of the House of Representatives, spoke on national television …”WE are a Democracy

When the supposedly educated “leaders” of our nation do not even know the type of government of our nation, I think the ship has pretty much broke in half and the bow is long gone heading for the bottom 18 thousand feet below the surface and the stern is not long to follow.

It’s a Constitutional Republic…Stupid.
You did mean Hakeem?
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