Maggie’s Socially UNacceptable Humor


That's abuse. (Clearly mom in angry and raging at kid, not that he doesn't deserve it, but that won't install discipline)

My parents never swore or used foul language (well ok maybe a little--but not when disciplining). They just whooped your ass and you KNEW you were gonna get your ass whooped so you didn't do it.

And not to harsh the buzz in here but a unacceptable humor story from my mother for you on anti-bullying.

My mom punched a kid in school who was teasing her, broke his nose. Called to Superintendent office. Her father, said "Good, I told her to"
This ends my ted talk on bullying.

I have a feeling quite a few of us had things along these lines happen. Personally I made it a hard and fast rule to never spank my kid when I was pissed at him. I also tried to stay cool, I failed at that some of the time, but never smacked him mad. What did you do, why did you do it, are you suppose to do it, you knew what would happen if you did it, well that is going to happen, and it will be worse then you thought it would be because you knew what would happen and you did it anyway.

A 5yr old can follow this line of thought, and can understand it.

I spanked my kid once, and the reason it was only once is because he did not want it to happen twice.

I was not going to be my mother in this area, at 58, soon to be 59 I still have scars on my legs. It was not till I was roughly 13 when she smacked my face sent my glasses flying flying all for questioning her mating habits and the endless train of new men to her bedroom. I just stood there and looked at her, I guess the look was enough to cause her some worry. Her tactics changed after that and she never lifted a finger against me again.

Rot in hell cunt.
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Was this abuse.... I don't think so. We don't know the full story with the teacher, mother, or child. The mother should have used more tact and handled the situation at home.

I fully believe that poor kids should be spanked as much as white kids. My mother had wider shoulders than that mom and realized that you generate all your power from your hips. Probably explains why I still have a problem sitting on wooden chairs?
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Growing up in a situation where dad was abusive, I made my own rule when it comes to spanking: Only one swat, but make it count.

Unfortunately my brothers and I were subjected to discipline according to how mad dad was...and it didn't matter if you were the guilty party or not. You might get off with a front kick, or you might get plowed into a wall and have to cover from a windmill attack.

I learned later in life to forgive, but when I was 18, I snuck out to go to recruit training for the Marines, and only came home once in 9 years. As I grew older I realized that dad had it way, way worse than us from the shit family he grew up in. He was hospitalized more than once from his stepfather. My middle brother and I are close with dad again, but my oldest brother never will be.

So with this lady in the video, I agree with her actions for the most part...I just think you can usually calm yourself down a little before you administer judgment and punishment. I definitely agree with spanking though...and sometimes publicly as the added embarrassment is an additional motivational factor against the act occurring again.
Growing up in a situation where dad was abusive, I made my own rule when it comes to spanking: Only one swat, but make it count.

Unfortunately my brothers and I were subjected to discipline according to how mad dad was...and it didn't matter if you were the guilty party or not. You might get off with a front kick, or you might get plowed into a wall and have to cover from a windmill attack.

I learned later in life to forgive, but when I was 18, I snuck out to go to recruit training for the Marines, and only came home once in 9 years. As I grew older I realized that dad had it way, way worse than us from the shit family he grew up in. He was hospitalized more than once from his stepfather. My middle brother and I are close with dad again, but my oldest brother never will be.

So with this lady in the video, I agree with her actions for the most part...I just think you can usually calm yourself down a little before you administer judgment and punishment. I definitely agree with spanking though...and sometimes publicly as the added embarrassment is an additional motivational factor against the act occurring again.
Yeah cuss words and all that are a little harsh, but a mom only has to do this once or twice and a child learns the boundry. I dont think she was as mad as she lead on to be because she was able to pause for the teacher she briefly offended. She was just making a very strong point.

Today, who knows what home life is???? I just know a lot of kids today need a mom like this, or some vesion of this.

.. .just like some adults need punched in the face without DOJ involvement.
My mother never raised her voice or used profanity. In order to humiliate me, she first announced to the world (although we were alone) how disappointed she was in my conduct. Then she put me on a guilt trip regarding her public embarrassment from failing to teach me proper discipline and self-control, probably resulting from my mutated genomes. Then she explained that she would wait until my father got home and they would decide the severity of my punishment. But rarely did she report me to my father. I fearfully listened for the disquieting sound of a belt slowly being drawn and echoes of leather being loudly snapped. So, for the next week I would fearfully peek around corners and making a cautious exit, search for at least one alternative exit. Soon, the 'Sword of Damocles' would befall me. :cry:

Yeah, a bunch of BS. My ass-whooping was almost immediate with whatever was handy.
Yes, my ass got whipped by the feared leather belt. But only my ass. It hurt like hell and made me think twice next time before I broke the rules. Also, got a reminder what the limits are everytime I sat down for a few days afterwards.

Indiscriminate slashes with whatever is handy anywhere that is available is abuse and does more harm than good. It teaches kids that lashing out in a disproportionate manner is acceptable behaviour. Screaming, shouting and swearing also does not instil constructive ways of displaying your displeasure.

What kids learn from their parents they apply in their own lives. Some food for thought.
My BIL and SIL would threaten my nephews with me, both would scream at their kids but wouldn’t do anything else. I would spank their ass and let them know that they couldn’t act that way and if they did that would get an ass whipping. They acted fine around me and assholes around their parents. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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I made my kids, boys and girls, do pushups. They hated them. No one was hurt.

Everyone had time to think about what happens next.

Got that from a Colonel I’d worked for. Then I had implemented it in all of the commands I held. I’m told it’s still a tradition in one of them.
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All those having PTSD resulting from the sound of a leather belt slipping through belt loops on a pair of pants, raise your hands? 🙋‍♂️

I remember my dad removing his belt twice. The last time was close to 60 years ago and I still remember details. My younger brother never felt the leather. He’ll tell you he learned a lot from me.

Mom handed out switchings almost daily.

When I grew up uncles, aunts, grandparents, adult cousins even close family friends would provide “correction.” I still remember my grandmother picking up a fly swatter and whipping my ass in Mack’s dime store. I’m sure every adult in the store was nodding and thinking, he deserved that. I was five or six.