Trump VP


Major Hide Member
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Mar 27, 2022
There are a few threads with some names but want to hear who The Hide thinks can get it done with Don.Me I like the Lt. Gov from Virginia Winsome Sears.She seems to be no nonsense and she has three things that can help. Shes black, a woman and ex-military. They tried to get at her in the very beginning but she shut the shit down right away and they have left her alone since.Any Virginia members want to add anything good or bad about her?Thats my pick.
I like Lt. Gov. Winnie Sears, U.S. Congressman Byron Donalds, N.C. Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, Candace Owens, Kari Lake, S.D. Gov Kristi Noem, Congressman Elise Stefanik, Alan Keyes, Larry Elder, Dr. Ben Carson, Alveda King, John McWhorter, Lt. Col. Alan West, Charles Payne, Lynn Swan ...
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I think he will pick Burghum. Hate to say it - I know I will take heat for it - but I favor Mike Flynn, or someone with a better understanding of the military and deep state, knowing what they are planning to do. He probably underestimated 1. How are they would fight back in 2016 once Trump took office and 2. How far they would take it in 2020. Hopefully he learned.

There will be massive coverup - obviously - of the actual vote count for 2024. Momentum, energy/will of the people, will be highest at that point. Where they failed before is not organizing centrally, not have central funding, and not being willing to fight dirty and shed blood on both sides. Trump genuinely planned a peaceful protest, they knew it, which is why they imported Antifa as agitators. Peaceful protests have never accomplished anything other than provide identification of whom they need to persecute first. The other side doesn't mind violence and bloodshed- remember the summer of 2020 and dozens dead over a felon that died of a fentanyl OD and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy from years of drug abuse. And look where we are now and where we are going - rapidly. They are still encouraging the death jab. They psy-op your kids into sterility and indoctrinate them against you. They have imported individuals they KNOW will molest and rape your wives, sisters, and children without accountability, and they WILL provide them with arms to use against you when they deem necessary. And now they just blatantly kill individuals whom they really despise with paramilitary teams, again without remorse or accountability. Not only did Congress just completely destroy the Fourth Amendment, but have forgone the right to LIFE. (BTW, I am not, and never have been suicidal if something "happens" to me). And we have an Executive branch using the Judicial branch to destroy the First Amendment after they got caught already doing it, in part thanks to Elon.

There is a reason CISA was involved in 17 states midterms at the level of pollplaces. It will be all 50 states in 2024. There needs to be a plan beyond the election. I would love if Trump had someone on the inside to f*ck with their shenanigans electronically - I would pray for that above anything else. I would love to avoid what I know is necessary to re-direct this country. He counted on the traitor Pence, and the judicial system and intelligence agency (Barr) to do their job with integrity in 2020, hope he has learned. Trump is watched too carefully for him to be directly involved now; I just hope someone is thinking about it. Then again I foolishly thought our Tier 1 guys would rapidly remedy 2020 when the legal system failed and was wrong about that.

I also believe the Word of my God, and the one world government with ten heads is coming despite Trump. The AC spirit is already among us. I know things have to get much worse in terms of famine, social unrest and wars for the AC and his Treaty to be accepted. The end of this year will just determine how quickly the principality of evil assumes its role.
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Neither Robinson nor Sears are even a twinkle in Trump's eye. Think Senator from Ohio or Governor from North Dakota.

He doesn't need the black male vote - I think he has much more than the 23 or 27% they say he has. The black women - meh, they will vote Biden regardless of whom he picks.
Not that votes matter.
The person he does pick has to be able to do three different things, all at once:

1) Help DJT win in Nov. 2024;
2) Be DJT's "Insurance Policy" so that no one will try to assassinate him while in office (a la Kamala);
3) Be ready to run in 2028 and succeed him (unless they can get someone like DeSantis up and running).
I like Lt. Gov. Winnie Sears, U.S. Congressman Byron Donalds, N.C. Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, Candace Owens, Kari Lake, S.D. Gov Kristi Noem, Congressman Elise Stefanik, Alan Keyes, Larry Elder, Dr. Ben Carson, Alveda King, John McWhorter, Lt. Col. Alan West, Charles Payne, Lynn Swan ...

I think there is something to be said for those in government willing to risk their lives for the Oath they took - add to that list Sarah Huckabee Sanders, WY Congresswoman Harriet Hageman, Senator Kennedy, Chip Roy, Troy Nehls...
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I would just love to see Sears and Headboard Harris square up in the debate.Two homegirls goin at it like on that show cheaters.LOL. Whatch you mean you been messin with my man Mala.?
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I live in Va and like Sears a lot…and she is smart, articulate and very good on her feet in public.

But a key attribute is electability for Pres in 28…and she may be too unknown. Conversely, she can cover a lot of ground in 4 years and peak at the right time. So perhaps.

The Va Gov, Younkin is solid. I am just to concerned he is just at the wrong time to be a nice guy, successful WASP to be on the short list.

It does appear this is one of the more important VP picks. Whoever it is, and if Trump gets elected I hope they really leverage to VP to really get after some issues and close some deals. Not just visit schools and have titles….seems we have gone a long time since we had a solid VP.

Dare to dream….

I'd love to see Dr. Thomas Sowell, but he's #1 too smart to do it, and #2, too old.
age problem,yes. my perfect ticket would be ron paul and thomas sowell. either for either job. in fact,crazy as it sounds,i would support a shot of the old roman system. time limited but absolute dictatorship. could they debase the people's liberty and destroy the society any more than what the deep state has been and is doing? just a pipe dream having leaders that can be hugely supported and trusted.
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How about Kristi Noem? She got a bad wrap with the dog killing. Her publicist/agent needs to be fired. I met her at a SD ceremony in Pierre, what a nice and beautiful woman.
That will be an albatross around her neck for a long time to come. I like her, but picking her for a VP would be a media disaster.

"A CONVICTED FELON AND A DOG MURDERER" would be how the msm would play it.
a woman or a black needed? who cares about that shit? can/will they do right by our society? unfortunately the american sheeple concern themselves with such shit. see the roaring popularity of swift,kardashian,penn,etc,etc to understand the problem.
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a woman or a black needed? who cares about that shit? can/will they do right by our society? unfortunately the american sheeple concern themselves with such shit. see the roaring popularity of swift,kardashian,penn,etc,etc to understand the problem.
And that says it all.
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a woman or a black needed? who cares about that shit? can/will they do right by our society? unfortunately the american sheeple concern themselves with such shit. see the roaring popularity of swift,kardashian,penn,etc,etc to understand the problem.
Personally, I don't care one way or the other. But, a person has to know "how to play a room".........
With the most important factor being a team with popularity so HUUUGE and overwhelming that Trump & VP can't lose- the obvious choice is a black, hispanic, or female patriot.

I don't care what a person's Race or Ethnicity is as long as they're a true "America First Patriot". That obviously would preclude any dems, rinos, mooslims.
I kind feel she may turn out to be a Sarah Palin.

She'd have been a decent choice, except now the dog thing ruined that.

Normal folk recognize her having to put the dog down, lots a folk don't.

Then the folks who don't understand she did it herself (the "hire out" hard things in life mentality).

The ticket doesn't need any extra hurdles.

I think he will pick Burghum. Hate to say it - I know I will take heat for it - but I favor Mike Flynn, or someone with a better understanding of the military and deep state, knowing what they are planning to do. He probably underestimated 1. How are they would fight back in 2016 once Trump took office and 2. How far they would take it in 2020. Hopefully he learned.

There will be massive coverup - obviously - of the actual vote count for 2024. Momentum, energy/will of the people, will be highest at that point. Where they failed before is not organizing centrally, not have central funding, and not being willing to fight dirty and shed blood on both sides. Trump genuinely planned a peaceful protest, they knew it, which is why they imported Antifa as agitators. Peaceful protests have never accomplished anything other than provide identification of whom they need to persecute first. The other side doesn't mind violence and bloodshed- remember the summer of 2020 and dozens dead over a felon that died of a fentanyl OD and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy from years of drug abuse. And look where we are now and where we are going - rapidly. They are still encouraging the death jab. They psy-op your kids into sterility and indoctrinate them against you. They have imported individuals they KNOW will molest and rape your wives, sisters, and children without accountability, and they WILL provide them with arms to use against you when they deem necessary. And now they just blatantly kill individuals whom they really despise with paramilitary teams, again without remorse or accountability. Not only did Congress just completely destroy the Fourth Amendment, but have forgone the right to LIFE. (BTW, I am not, and never have been suicidal if something "happens" to me). And we have an Executive branch using the Judicial branch to destroy the First Amendment after they got caught already doing it, in part thanks to Elon.

There is a reason CISA was involved in 17 states midterms at the level of pollplaces. It will be all 50 states in 2024. There needs to be a plan beyond the election. I would love if Trump had someone on the inside to f*ck with their shenanigans electronically - I would pray for that above anything else. I would love to avoid what I know is necessary to re-direct this country. He counted on the traitor Pence, and the judicial system and intelligence agency (Barr) to do their job with integrity in 2020, hope he has learned. Trump is watched too carefully for him to be directly involved now; I just hope someone is thinking about it. Then again I foolishly thought our Tier 1 guys would rapidly remedy 2020 when the legal system failed and was wrong about that.

I also believe the Word of my God, and the one world government with ten heads is coming despite Trump. The AC spirit is already among us. I know things have to get much worse in terms of famine, social unrest and wars for the AC and his Treaty to be accepted. The end of this year will just determine how quickly the prinicipality of evil assumes its role.
While I will freely admit to being one of Mike Flynn's biggest fans, his talents would be much better served in a different role. He's literally the one guy those in charge are scared of.
W. Sears would be awsome VP pick.
She'd have been a decent choice, except now the dog thing ruined that.

Normal folk recognize her having to put the dog down, lots a folk don't.

Then the folks who don't understand she did it herself (the "hire out" hard things in life mentality).

The ticket doesn't need any extra hurdles.

I like her, the dog thing notwithstanding. And, I love Dogs.

Yes, the msm would have a feeding frenzy (doesn't matter about all the unborn human babies aborted every hour, day, week, month, year. They won't talk about that. But.....kill one Dog ? :eek: :rolleyes:).

The msm would focus in on her like a laser beam. And, you know what ? Some significant percentage of the us population would buy into the msm's bullshit. Same thing happened with Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle.

Another aspect that hasn' been discussed is that Noem should have known better than to ever make the details of that situation public. In my estimation, for that, she gets an award for being tone deaf. To me, the fact that she couldn't anticipate what was going to happen is enough of a disqualifier that I hope Trump doesn't pick her.

Again, I like her and I understand why she did what she did with the dog. If I had been her next door neighbor, I would have said "Sorry that you had to deal with that problem in that fashion, but you did what you had to do and I hope that you feel better". And, I think that was the point that she was trying to get across. But.....she misread the room/her audience. that's not a positive attribute when one is about to jump into the shark tank called american politics.