Something kicking off in Israel

Not all but the majority of Palestinians support Hamas. And by judging from the jubilant celebrations post October 7 with the bodies of innocent Israelis being paraded around the streets as some sort of trophy, I would say what is being carried out is justified.

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Ok think for a second how if ever this poll was conducted in this time of war. With considerable certainty, i would call BS on the poll.
No one has any special or divine right to the land, other than those families who still have keys to houses they were forced to leave in the 40/50s. And also the palestinians who are being forced out of the west bank TODAY by jewish settlers, of which the united states is on record as being blatantly against international law.

And by your same logic Native Americans should be coming into our homes in the United States and forcing us to leave since they have an obviously historical presence in North America.

Difference is Israel was founded after the WW2/Geneva Convention/UN, where "we all agreed" to not do colonial shit anymore.
Normally I read and don't respond, but when someone posts utter rubbish, I am going to call you on it for being either absolutely ignorant or intentionally obtuse because feelings and such.

Those families that still have keys to their homes and whatnot voluntarily left, were NOT forced out. Syria and Egypt told them what was going to go down and leave for now so they would not be in the middle of the slaughter of the jews and after the Arab victory, not only could they return to their homes, but they would be given the homes and lands of the Jews. Problem is, the jews had other ideas and the Arabs now call the events "the Catastrophe". So those people with the "keys" put their chips on red but the ball landed in black. They gambled, they lost. Fuck them and the camel they rode in on. That's the way it goes.
I have no fucks to give
Ok think for a second how if ever this poll was conducted in this time of war. With considerable certainty, i would call BS on the poll.
Matches the previous polls. I think it’s valid and there isn’t another to refute those results. Much like the the New York Times article with the prisoner conduct. They swore Trump colluded with the Russians for years. This poll matches their previous ones and their conduct.
Matches the previous polls. I think it’s valid and there isn’t another to refute those results. Much like the the New York Times article with the prisoner conduct. They swore Trump colluded with the Russians for years. This poll matches their previous ones and their conduct.
How do you imagine poll being conducted while literally the whole population is displaced from their homes? Israeli call center dialing sorry for the bomb we just dropped but , please let us know do you support Hamas A- strongly support, B-somewhat support, C- suport a little .

Given a barrage of lies and BS Israel has been dolling out for months , take it with a grain of salt.
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How do you imagine poll being conducted while literally the whole population is displaced from their homes? Israeli call center dialing sorry for the bomb we just dropped but , please let us know do you support Hamas A- strongly support, B-somewhat support, C- suport a little .

Given a barrage of lies and BS Israel has been dolling out for months , take it with a grain of salt.
The propaganda goes both ways. Palestine releases just as much if not more than Israel. But basically you got nothing. And no poll includes the entire population but just a sample size. A poll is entirely possible even given the current circumstances.
Normally I read and don't respond, but when someone posts utter rubbish, I am going to call you on it for being either absolutely ignorant or intentionally obtuse because feelings and such.

Those families that still have keys to their homes and whatnot voluntarily left, were NOT forced out. Syria and Egypt told them what was going to go down and leave for now so they would not be in the middle of the slaughter of the jews and after the Arab victory, not only could they return to their homes, but they would be given the homes and lands of the Jews. Problem is, the jews had other ideas and the Arabs now call the events "the Catastrophe". So those people with the "keys" put their chips on red but the ball landed in black. They gambled, they lost. Fuck them and the camel they rode in on. That's the way it goes.
I have no fucks to give
Your position is all the residents that were there in the mid/late 40s, and then post UK/Britain/UN declaration, voluntarily left? All of them?
Right, so because not ALL Germans were Nazis and not all Japanese were emperor worshiping fanatics we shouldn’t have utterly destroyed them. What kind of weak, woke shit is that thinking? Is that a fucking joke?

Something like 70% of Palis support Hamas STILL!!! Only a woman would believe we should have never ending terrorism and perpetual warfare because 30% of their society is not satanic. Wake the fuck up. They are an evil society weaned on hatred and violence. I find NOTHING redeeming or in them, and neither do any of the Arabs around Israel.

Pretending to be deep thinking and ever so concerned for the welfare of the “Palestinians” is why this conflict has gone on our entire lives. Now is the chance to end it, and Israel must end it. If I was a the dictator of Israel I would wipe them out Old Testament style. They won’t, but that’s what ought to be done.

Sounds pretty genocidal to me. Good luck with that.
No one local country has to take them all. How many Arab countries are there? Divide them up. It could and should be done if they really were all about "Oh, the humanity." They really don't give a shit about the Palestinians, other than for political reasons to bash Israel.

They won't do it, not because of economic reasons. They won't do it because the Palestinians are a PIA to everyone they have lived among and the Arabs like it that they are a thorn in Israel's side, at the moment. They don't want them to be a thorn in theirs.

Ask the Kuwaitis about the Palestinians.

Because all arab countries are a monolith with the same cultures, customs, traditions. We see no segregation between the various sects of islam today.


But atleast I think we agree, that no one single country can take them, even a combination of the local countries would impose massive economic hardship.
Not all but the majority of Palestinians support Hamas. And by judging from the jubilant celebrations post October 7 with the bodies of innocent Israelis being paraded around the streets as some sort of trophy, I would say what is being carried out is justified.

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Could be true and accurate, agreed. Also could be completely corrupt election back in the early 2000s, and the strongest street gang has held onto power.

Was that poll analyzing both the civil and military wings/divisions of hamas or just the entity?
Could be true and accurate, agreed. Also could be completely corrupt election back in the early 2000s, and the strongest street gang has held onto power.

Was that poll analyzing both the civil and military wings/divisions of hamas or just the entity?

Because all arab countries are a monolith with the same cultures, customs, traditions. We see no segregation between the various sects of islam today.


But atleast I think we agree, that no one single country can take them, even a combination of the local countries would impose massive economic hardship.
At least you are consistent.

Stubbornly ignoring the fact that Palestinians are pariahs in their own "culture." You continue to to evade, parse, "circle back" to your wrong premise that it's mostly economics.

The Palestinians have become unwelcome "guests" wherever they have gone.

Because you seem to be reading comprehension impaired, I'm going to include this link (again) and some quotes from it in the low hopes it might just sink in:

For example, in 1991, the Kuwaiti government actually expelled nearly 300,000 Palestinians in the aftermath of the first Gulf War. And this represented an astonishing 18% of Kuwait’s entire population. So what was the reason? Well, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) had actually supported Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait a year earlier. And this support only grew after Iraq began attacking Israel with rockets throughout the war. After Kuwait’s liberation, the government considered much of the Palestinian community to be complicit in the Iraqi occupation of their country. And in response, nearly all Palestinians were deported in just a few months. And this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.
Wait, there's more:

Decades earlier, the Palestinian groups operating in Jordan had come to openly call for the overthrow of Jordan’s monarchy in the aftermath of the Six Day War. At the time the PLO maintained its own separate army on Jordanian soil and used that armed force to sow chaos. Armed gangs of PLO militants drove around the capital of Amman, robbing families and businesses in the name of collecting “financial assistance” for the ongoing War of Attrition against Israel. When members of the Jordanian police and army tried to defend their citizens from these attacks, they were attacked and killed. The Palestinian political network operated as a state within a state, with militants repeatedly using Jordan to launch rockets into Israel. The Marxist Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine even with so far as to hijack multiple planes, diverting the flights to a Palestinian controlled airfield in Jordan, where the passengers were held hostage. By September 1970, the Jordanian army had finally had enough. A full scale war with the PLO broke out, and after 10 months of fighting, the Palestinians were driven out of the country. Yet as a parting gift, a Palestinian terrorist group known as Black September assassinated the Jordanian Prime Minister.

Sadly, the story doesn’t end there. Because the PLO then moved into Lebanon, where they allied themselves with Marxist and Socialist movements that were seeking to overthrow Lebanon’s conservative Maronite Christian government. The presence of thousands of Palestinian militants flooding into the country completely destabilized Lebanon and plunged the entire nation into chaos. Less than four years after the PLO was expelled from Jordan, Lebanon found itself in the middle of one of the most bloody and chaotic civil wars in Middle Eastern history from which it is never fully recovered.

It seems that the "poor" Palestinians are in the habit of being complete assholes wherever they have sufficient numbers to cause problems.
Now they are reaping what they have sown and, apparently, are very slow learners, They continue to FA and FO. They deserve no sympathy or excuses for their current predicament.
At least you are consistent.

Stubbornly ignoring the fact that Palestinians are pariahs in their own "culture." You continue to to evade, parse, "circle back" to your wrong premise that it's mostly economics.

The Palestinians have become unwelcome "guests" wherever they have gone.

Because you seem to be reading comprehension impaired, I'm going to include this link (again) and some quotes from it in the low hopes it might just sink in:

You could use exact same logic for Jews , been kicked out and about for 2000+years basically over repeating pattern of greed ,, hunger for power and the promotion of decadent ideas

Before they took over US politics, banking and hollypedowood from where they have been brainwashing you ,they were about as welcome in US as the pest.

Seriously try to think of of one action that would make Israel US ally , its just a lie hammered over and over till it sticks , there is no facts to support it, Israel is most aspects a parasite , it doesn't just drain US resources,but much on Europes as well on account of holocaust.
Its industrial espionage is second only to China.

When it comes to bad ideas they have some serious hardon for communism tryin to enact if on every host they take over
*who do you think is driving all the stupid ideas that are fracturing societies today woke ,DEI,LGBTQ+ ,communism .... WEF

And that one time they have the numbers funding and arms, they turn it last outpost of the Third Reich. That is probably along the lines abused becomes the abuser.

Crux of the problem remains , foreign powers intervened (question why did they not settle jews in US? remember welcome as a Pest even post WW2) kicked out the locals and brought in the immigrants,and that continues to this day , Israeli population is growing because of continued immigration, which in turn fuels dispossession and settlements in west bank which will always continue to fuel the hate and fighting.

*note for the folks that say there is not such thing as Palestine - well it seems to be a thing on that map ole geezer is pointing to
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Look deeper into the "Free Palestine" protests today. You will find Marxist/Communist organizers. It's not just the Jews who have a hard on for Communism. Just like the core of the PLO in the incidents listed in my previous. Communists will use any cause to divide. The manipulation of the naive and gullible follows.

They continue their "intifada," backed by their population. They made their choice and continue to do so, no matter the consequences.

There should be no sympathy for the Palestinians, none.
Broader question: whats everyone's thoughts on the US being in the middle of this? Why do we have to be funding and arming a country who is completely capable of waging war against terrorists?
Broader question: whats everyone's thoughts on the US being in the middle of this? Why do we have to be funding and arming a country who is completely capable of waging war against terrorists?
maybe it's just a way for us to give them money they can give back to the politicians that support their agendas? kind of like ukraine.
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Broader question: whats everyone's thoughts on the US being in the middle of this? Why do we have to be funding and arming a country who is completely capable of waging war against terrorists?
Maybe you should study history.

I'll make it easier for you:

Start with the Camp David Accords.

Therein lies the "Palestinian Problem" as well as guaranteeing billions in annual military aid to Egypt and Israel. Educate yourself.

But, hey, you do you.
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Broader question: whats everyone's thoughts on the US being in the middle of this? Why do we have to be funding and arming a country who is completely capable of waging war against terrorists?
My two cents: 1) The U.S. has historically been the main broker in Israel-Palestine deals. The WH does not want China or Russia or any other country to overstep them and take on the Middle East Peace process. "It is ours," they say. Qatar being a mediator is one thing. Saudi Arabia recognizing Israel would have been great. But another country backing Israel more than U.S. would be road to losing the Middle East/North Africa. Look at Russia in North Africa, China in Sub-Saharan Africa. The U.S. doesn't want to lose influence there, and being the major player in Israel helps keep presence. 2) The funding is a booster to the U.S. economy. Those dollars make their way back to home states with defense industries. Raytheon and BAE Systems, for example, bring in sales for equipment, and contracts to train, maintain, and service for years to come.
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How are those fine politicians supposed to get their kick-backs if we stay out of it?
Same with Ukraine. I get it and we should just stay out of foreign conflicts that don’t directly involve us unless there is a very important strategic reason. Still doesn’t change the fact that Israel is in the right and we should just let them do what they feel is necessary but without our help. Tired of funding every one else’s wars.
Maybe you should study history.

I'll make it easier for you:

Start with the Camp David Accords.

Therein lies the "Palestinian Problem" as well as guaranteeing billions in annual military aid to Egypt and Israel. Educate yourself.

But, hey, you do you.

Whats your thoughts on the actual deeper why?
My two cents: 1) The U.S. has historically been the main broker in Israel-Palestine deals. The WH does not want China or Russia or any other country to overstep them and take on the Middle East Peace process. "It is ours," they say. Qatar being a mediator is one thing. Saudi Arabia recognizing Israel would have been great. But another country backing Israel more than U.S. would be road to losing the Middle East/North Africa. Look at Russia in North Africa, China in Sub-Saharan Africa. The U.S. doesn't want to lose influence there, and being the major player in Israel helps keep presence. 2) The funding is a booster to the U.S. economy. Those dollars make their way back to home states with defense industries. Raytheon and BAE Systems, for example, bring in sales for equipment, and contracts to train, maintain, and service for years to come.

Thoughtful answer, appreciate it.

#2 is painful to read outloud though. If we carried that same logic, we could justify war, war, and more war.
Whats your thoughts on the actual deeper why?
Jerusalem, and not just the geography of controlling it.

A real state of Palestine is a state that has been liberated. There is no alternative to a fully sovereign Palestinian State on the entire national Palestinian soil, with Jerusalem as its capital.

Only one side has written in their foundation to kill/remove the other totally from the land. According to their founding articles Hamas will never accept any peace initiative until that goal is realized. Israel, which they refer to as "the Zionist" entity, should no longer exist.
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The propaganda goes both ways. Palestine releases just as much if not more than Israel. But basically you got nothing. And no poll includes the entire population but just a sample size. A poll is entirely possible even given the current circumstances.
Well, apprarently NPR, MSNBC and the entirety of the leftist media report everything Hamas says as truth, but suddenly they think a poll by Hamas is false and propaganda?
Well, apprarently NPR, MSNBC and the entirety of the leftist media report everything Hamas says as truth, but suddenly they think a poll by Hamas is false and propaganda?
I am judging it by the past polls, the jubilant post October 7 celebration, and the housing of hostages with almost secret society secrecy amongst its very own population. On its own, no the poll doesn’t hold much water but when viewed from its entirety then i think it does. Just look at X, and the shear number of fanatical Hamas supporters is pretty evident amongst the Muslim crowd as well. So no, I just don’t see if anyone else conducted the poll that the results would be any different.
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