
Miserable incompetent black lesbians have been given the keys to the city. If anyone that looks up to them does not speak against this, then they are happy to be represented by them.
No doubt. Like using a driver to putt. Wonder what his parallax bottomed out at, and if his zero stop gave him half a mil of under.

Also, I'd have to cuff that motherfucker acting as a rest. Could dude move any more? Did he have to pee or did he have fire ants crawling up his legs? WTF

I guess they must practice rifle at extremely close range like that, because that's closer than NRL22. Honestly, I don't have dope at 50' for centerfire and would be guessing.

I shoot Field Target air rifle comps and we often shoot through very small holes at 10Y to 20Y. Also I was using the SHOOTER app since it came out for holds or dialing for FT, 22rf, and centerfire. It's actually quite easy to keep a 177 pellet inside a 1/2" kill zone inside of 15Y off shooting sticks while seated.

15 years ago there was a unique stage at a centerfire precision rifle match in Phoenix. I tied for 1st in points with one other guy on this stage by hitting the 1/4" dot at 11Y. It was also easy because I had been doing similar for many years previous to this day with my airgun. Basically everyone else but the two of us were afraid to even try their centerfires at 11Y.
After this day I decided I'd set my sights on buying a S&B 5-25 because it focused down to 10M.
When I bought it I'd switch it back and forth between my centerfire and my airgun and won matches in centerfire and airgun.

But for me not knowing how far off a centerfire bullet would deflect from shooting through that monitor would be terrifying.
Ha a blade of grass will deflect a pellet enough to miss a small kill zone on a FT target which has happened to me plenty of times.
Federal prosecutors have taken on a case regarding the 2021 murder of a National Guardsman in Chicago after Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s office refused to charge a gang member in the killing.

The victim in the case is identified as 19-year-old National Guardsman Chrys Carvajal, who was spending time with his family in 2021 for Fourth of July celebrations on the city’s Northwest Side, CWB Chicago reported Saturday.
does this cunt still have a job?

Trump said they were emptying out their prisons and mental asylums...

Who is arming them?
this should be no surprise. castro did same during mariel. he emptied out insane asylums and prisons. sent 100s of violent felons. our 3rd worst pres did nothing but encourage it. movie "scarface" was pretty accurate.
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