
It’s also female educators pushing that as well.

Wait till someone invents a pill for angry women who are delusional.

Oh but wait a minute. Silly me. They’ve already invented a pill for that malady. They call it an anti-depressant.

They can’t face reality but want to force their world view on everyone else, including little boys.

They can go back to drinking their boxed wine, talking to their cats and playing with their vibrators.
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My #2 son's 3rd grade teacher told us that he needed meds for adhd. I asked if she was a medical doctor?
She said no. But, she was trained what to look for.
I laughed in her face .. Told her that her opinion was worthless and he isn't going to be taking any meds for being a boy!
That was the worst teacher he ever had in school. Her class was always chaotic. She would tell us he is missing assignments. I would ask her for a list of the missing ones. Never once did she provide a list. Could never get a straight answer from her on anything.
Next year he had a teacher who was very good and hard ass as hell about holding him responsible for his work.
If he was missing work . She would give me the exact assignments that were missing and if I asked a question she gave me a real answer. He did very well that year! Her class was orderly and calm.
Too many teachers want sedated boys who sit still and zone out on meds. There is war on boys in the public schools!
My #2 son's 3rd grade teacher told us that he needed meds for adhd. I asked if she was a medical doctor?
She said no. But, she was trained what to look for.
I laughed in her face .. Told her that her opinion was worthless and he isn't going to be taking any meds for being a boy!
That was the worst teacher he ever had in school. Her class was always chaotic. She would tell us he is missing assignments. I would ask her for a list of the missing ones. Never once did she provide a list. Could never get a straight answer from her on anything.
Next year he had a teacher who was very good and hard ass as hell about holding him responsible for his work.
If he was missing work . She would give me the exact assignments that were missing and if I asked a question she gave me a real answer. He did very well that year! Her class was orderly and calm.
Too many teachers want sedated boys who sit still and zone out on meds. There is war on boys in the public schools!
Yup. The women who refuse to be held accountable for any of their actions, and live day to day by how they “feel” at any single point in time are destroying our society. It happens because us men often abdicate our responsibility to lead in favour of attempting to get some pussy, instead of cutting the crazy ones out of our lives.

Will his own DOJ arrest him? Another wasted day in Congress...

My question is will they show up at 3am with a no knock warrants with 10 car loads of agents armed to the teeth.....

Asking for a friend....

I hope Lucky Ducky is done with his meme rant in our news thread.
I have been pondering a question in my mind the last few days especially in relation to him.

What is the difference between an autistic patriot and a Glowie? Especially when they join 2 days before an election.

His motivational video thread is what brought the question up. Also wasn't he the one that started the dildo thread?
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Keeping Caitlin off the Olympic team is another reason why "go woke go broke" is real. Imagine if she tears it up at the Olympics what that would do for WNBA sales/sport popularity at home. Idiots.
Just proves that the furtherance of their agenda is more important to them than simply doing their jobs and promoting the sport that they derive their paycheck from.

If I were Clark, I'd ride the wave of endorsements, continue to run over my opponents, set as many records as possible, look to sign with another team, squirrel away my paychecks until I had a big, fat pile of cash, then walk away.

Having said that, I'll never spend one dime on women's basketball. I've never been interested in it, but after seeing the shit they are pulling, my wallet is shut.

And, I think most people can see it for what it is. Well, maybe some people........

"A top doctor has spoken out to warn the public that bird flu has been weaponized in bioweapon labs to make the virus more transmissible between humans.

Dr. Kelly Victory, a leading emergency medicine and disaster specialist, says her studies have uncovered such conclusive evidence that she can “guarantee” that avian influenza was “manipulated in a laboratory.”

During a new interview on the podcast show “Redacted,” Dr. Victory explains that bird flu should not be able to be transmitted between humans.

However, she warns that scientists have “manipulated” the virus using gain-of-function research in biolabs.

This gain-of-function manipulation of the virus would create “significant human-to-human transmission with this most recent outbreak,” she asserts."
🤣 ............ Nothing on the Internet is "secure".

Microsoft will evaluate its employees’ cybersecurity contributions in reviews that will factor into their compensation, Brad Smith, the company’s vice chair and president, said ahead of a Thursday U.S. House committee hearing on the software maker’s security practices.
The changes represent part of Microsoft’s efforts to address concerns about how much it’s doing to protect its clients’ data.
In April, the Department of Homeland Security issued a report based on an independent review of China’s breach of U.S. government officials’ email accounts, an incident that Microsoft disclosed last year. Microsoft committed to changing some practices in response to shortcomings identified in the report.

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Will his own DOJ arrest him? Another wasted day in Congress...
Yep !
to quote Barney Fife ….” Nip it , Nip it in the bud “
See if He/She wants to be a she so bad !!🥴
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Shark attack season: Two attacks in Destin/Walton County leaves a teen without a hand, lost most of a leg, and 2/3 bood volume. Another serious attack in Del Mar in the past week too. We are in their house! Be aware.

Always pack marshmallows for trips to the beach.

Spread them on the water before and during swimming.

There has never been a single documented shark attack where marshmallows were floating in the water.
