Died Suddenly Documentary World Is Live On Rumble

This was a very real fear for my wife and I. Our relatives would have certainly turned us in if they were told to do so. We moved in Oct 2021 without notifying any friends or relatives. Relatives and acquaintances now pretend this stuff never happened and say I am acting “like a victim” for remembering what they avoided by kneeling for Trudeau instead of showing faith in their supposed saviour.
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nothing is going to happen...but we can hope.

Nothing is going to happen as long as there is order in society.

If law and order breaks down then there will be no consequences for those who will seek to right the wrongs these genocidal maniacs committed.

At some point… turbo cancers and other effects will also eliminate the “concern over consequences” in the minds of victims. Sooner or later some of the folks who were just given weeks or months to live will decide to spend those remaining days… hunting.

In a lot of ways, I am surprised it has not happened yet. Guess the “I got triple vaxxed” set will die as they lived. Sheep bred for the slaughter.

Sitting in the chair at my barber last evening. Barber; we lost Roy. Me ; what happened? Barber; he had an Aneurysm in the head and passed away. Me; very sorry to hear that, was he vaxed? Barber; Yes and two boosters, his 28y old daughter made him do it. Roy was 56, not overweight and healthy…..
Depopulation is a slow process. “Useless eaters” are their target.
I call bullshit, she is obviously crawfishing because she knows it's going to come back and bite her in the ass big time.
No refunds bitch
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https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/lifes...cer-more-often-than-their-parents-generation/ :unsure:

"They are outpacing both baby boomers and the Silent Generation in the incidence of leading cancers combined.”

"They said it seems likely that some of the growth is attributable to rising obesity rates and increasingly sedentary lifestyles. They also acknowledged that more cancer cases may be recorded these days thanks to improvements in medical imaging and changes in cancer registry policies."

“cancer incidence in the US could
remain unacceptably high for decades to come.”

I'll save you the reading. It's cause of sedentary lifestyles and better detection. L-o-fucking-l.
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https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/lifes...cer-more-often-than-their-parents-generation/ :unsure:

"They are outpacing both baby boomers and the Silent Generation in the incidence of leading cancers combined.”

"They said it seems likely that some of the growth is attributable to rising obesity rates and increasingly sedentary lifestyles. They also acknowledged that more cancer cases may be recorded these days thanks to improvements in medical imaging and changes in cancer registry policies."

“cancer incidence in the US could
remain unacceptably high for decades to come.”

I'll save you the reading. It's cause of sedentary lifestyles and better detection. L-o-fucking-l.

I’d argue as well that processed food. Endless narcotics (legal and not). Chemical exposure. And myriad other things is adding to cancers.

And vaxx’s. No doubt.

But the world we live in now is a toxic cesspool compared to the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Yes… we breathed coal smoke and had acid rain. But the “environmental movement” has created a world so toxic with modern materials, plastics, insulation, sealed buildings, processed food and seed oils… tons of stuff. That it “looks” all clean and neat.

But isn’t.

Well, no refunds!

https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/lifes...cer-more-often-than-their-parents-generation/ :unsure:

"They are outpacing both baby boomers and the Silent Generation in the incidence of leading cancers combined.”

"They said it seems likely that some of the growth is attributable to rising obesity rates and increasingly sedentary lifestyles. They also acknowledged that more cancer cases may be recorded these days thanks to improvements in medical imaging and changes in cancer registry policies."

“cancer incidence in the US could
remain unacceptably high for decades to come.”

I'll save you the reading. It's cause of sedentary lifestyles and better detection. L-o-fucking-l.
Well, regardless of what supposedly innocuous causes they blame, the goal of killing off a lot people is continuing to be met.
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That is a terrible tragedy. Almost never happens that way to a kid. “Inconclusive results” from the autopsy. The question is, are the parents responsible for a risky medical treatment she may have had?
That is a terrible tragedy. Almost never happens that way to a kid. “Inconclusive results” from the autopsy. The question is, are the parents responsible for a risky medical treatment she may have had?

Like trying to turn her into a dude… or forcing her to endure 6 vaccines?
Sometimes I get confused and think I'm some sort of hardass, and I know no refunds, but this one got to me a little bit. Fuck.

The ones who were truly forced into it… and didn’t hop in the bandwagon of “you will get vaxxed, too…” I feel bad for.

But they chose a paycheck. Or a career. Or free fries. Or “something” over their doubts.

And few had the conviction and moral compass to say “no… fire me.” “No, I am speaking out.” “No, I am suing you.” “No, you will not commit medical experiments on me.”

In the end… even if they cry crocodile tears and say “I was coerced…”. No refunds.

But redemption if you inspire resistance or foment retribution.

ASGH only goes so far. And only applies to rule of (corrupt) law these days.

If that dam breaks, SGH!

The AHA has been corrupt for decades… pushing statens and pharma while taking g in billions… that they spend to enact socialized healthcare. Total BS organization.

Now here is their “air cover” to protect the vaxx companies that fund them.

Yeah…. Big spike in heart disease. Despite their decades of “research” and “education.” And “Outreach.”

Has nothing to do with the massive increase in Vaxx deaths from myocarditis. Nope… it’s all from obesity. And climate change.

They are all just fronts to redistribute wealth and take over your life by controlling your access to health.

The ones who were truly forced into it… and didn’t hop in the bandwagon of “you will get vaxxed, too…” I feel bad for.

But they chose a paycheck. Or a career. Or free fries. Or “something” over their doubts.

And few had the conviction and moral compass to say “no… fire me.” “No, I am speaking out.” “No, I am suing you.” “No, you will not commit medical experiments on me.”

In the end… even if they cry crocodile tears and say “I was coerced…”. No refunds.

But redemption if you inspire resistance or foment retribution.

ASGH only goes so far. And only applies to rule of (corrupt) law these days.

If that dam breaks, SGH!

I’m especially irked by those who said they took the shots relying on faith in god to protect them. Actual faith would have been relying on god to deal with fallout from ignoring the mandates, instead of relying on their own compliance with WEF mandates.
The ones who were truly forced into it… and didn’t hop in the bandwagon of “you will get vaxxed, too…” I feel bad for.

But they chose a paycheck. Or a career. Or free fries. Or “something” over their doubts.

And few had the conviction and moral compass to say “no… fire me.” “No, I am speaking out.” “No, I am suing you.” “No, you will not commit medical experiments on me.”

In the end… even if they cry crocodile tears and say “I was coerced…”. No refunds.

But redemption if you inspire resistance or foment retribution.

ASGH only goes so far. And only applies to rule of (corrupt) law these days.

If that dam breaks, SGH!

I don’t feel bad for anyone who didn’t fight for themselves, because it made it harder for me to fight for myself and family. No fucking refunds.
I don’t feel bad for anyone who didn’t fight for themselves, because it made it harder for me to fight for myself and family. No fucking refunds.
Standing against the covid mandates worked out to be the best thing that had ever happened to my little family. Rough journey though. Lost interaction with all the relatives except 1.
Looks like they are planning their next pendemic and famine in one fell swoop. Someone that rides half naked bareback could do us a solid with a tactical nukes or something similar to Davos or a Bilderberg.
The Gov. filling order of hundreds of millions of ' Preventative ' doses of vaccine does not necessarily have to be for media sensationalize over exaggerated future planed bird flu Pandemic . But simply, It is for a Fact just a perfect way to move BIG MONEY -$$$$ .
Yeah…. Big spike in heart disease. Despite their decades of “research” and “education.” And “Outreach.”

Has nothing to do with the massive increase in Vaxx deaths from myocarditis. Nope… it’s all from obesity. And climate change.

They are all just fronts to redistribute wealth and take over your life by controlling your access to health.


I agree with use of fronts for redistribution of wealth, and gaining controlling domination of US health care .
( imho ) but I think people need to just consider looking at it from another angle that engineered vaccine death (depopulation) is not the desired goal, but just the uncomfortable byproduct of the 'plan'demic . Look at it differently with the main purpose of it is just simply unchallenged parasitic greed moving and distribution of wealth from the public's Treasury-$ . The main goal is to move and distribute as much wealth as fast as possible into the orchestrators hands, simply a mad scramble to secure safe positioning in a upcoming power change of a wanted singular unified global Party of control that is a WEF openly discussed desire.
Standing against the covid mandates worked out to be the best thing that had ever happened to my little family. Rough journey though. Lost interaction with all the relatives except 1.
Same here...
Except the side of the family that supposedly broke contact with us has somehow managed to still notify us of the frequent funerals. I do not refer to them as “Celebrations of Life” because they are a bunch of miserable SOBs that simply existed. They were fucked up liberals that weren’t “living” much anyway.
Depopulation is a slow process. “Useless eaters” are their target.
It has to be done gently and humanely so as to avoid panic. They have planned the process.

There is a WEF dude on record saying this in a manner such that we should be happy with how thoughtful they are.

Of course their thoughts never considered themselves part of this plan.
No amnesty.

On its mere existence it was wrong and she participated and enabled it.

Complicit to her eyeballs.


Yes we did know.

That was the language.

Thing was the shot card had some 8 or a dozen entry slots on it.

Rest of life was calculated for you and the shot was intended to be more than once a year so was “for rest of life” based on a annual, biannual or quarterly basis?
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That is a terrible tragedy. Almost never happens that way to a kid. “Inconclusive results” from the autopsy. The question is, are the parents responsible for a risky medical treatment she may have had?
I’ve posted this before…..

My daughters high school is offering subsidized testing for any child to get an EKG/Stress Test.

When has this ever happened before?


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