Perfect Pit Topc: Divorce, GF, debt, poors

I'm confused here... That other thread said the woman always destroys the man in divorce.

However, there may be a disclaimer I missed for women married to a guy with warrants in three states.
Recently started seeing a woman who was divorced a few months ago. Her ex has a truck in her name and won't assume the loan per the decree, left the state ect. Court and loan company told her GFY. She's broke as a joke and can't afford the payment or an attorney, what are her options?

I'm just there for the crazy poon but she's kind of a sweetheart so I figured I'd feed the topic to you fuckers for discussion.
My dear departed Mom laid down some sound advice when I was 15-16 ?
Didn’t listen , could have saved beucoup $$ and heart break if I had. 😖

She said “ NEVER get involved with a woman that has more problems than you !!👍
She's spayed.
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I know a guy that got locked into paying his ex-wife's mortgage in the divorce decree until the kid's are 18. She's remarried and the kids are all very young still. He's had several lawyers look at it and they've all informed him that there's nothing he can do to get out of it.
I know a guy that got locked into paying his ex-wife's mortgage in the divorce decree until the kid's are 18. She's remarried and the kids are all very young still. He's had several lawyers look at it and they've all informed him that there's nothing he can do to get out of it.
The first lawyer you use in a divorce matters most. Once you agree to something and a judge signs off on it, it’s next to impossible to roll it back.
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The first lawyer you use in a divorce matters most. Once you agree to something and a judge signs off on it, it’s next to impossible to roll it back.
Yeah that's pretty much where he's at. Her lawyer was sneaky and his sucked. He's paying for two mortgages for at least the next 10 years or so, no matter what.
Yeah that's pretty much where he's at. Her lawyer was sneaky and his sucked. He's paying for two mortgages for at least the next 10 years or so, no matter what.
That’s not just the other lawyer being sneaky, shit like that is pretty plain text in the agreement paperwork. He can try to pass that buck on his shitty lawyer, but it’s 100% on him.

You can’t treat it like the EULA for an iOS update and click agree without actually reading and understanding it.
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Yeah that's pretty much where he's at. Her lawyer was sneaky and his sucked. He's paying for two mortgages for at least the next 10 years or so, no matter what.
There is a lesson here for all! Your Princess, Love of your Life, even those of Polish descent will make sure to clean house with your ass. Add some kids, and there goes 24 years of your life. It's not about choosing wisely, it is about not choosing at all! I'm a broken record on this topic, but it's something I feel strong about.

Can we please hurry up with the AI sex dolls, with the on/off switch!!! I promise, if the cost is $100K, you will come out on the better end! You can get a newer version every three years and still be money ahead!

Just FYI, if you take any woman with a couple of kids to the urologist with you at any young age, let them know that is you wife, they will snip you with no questions. It's usually little out of pocket and the discomfort is less that a tooth filling.
so I got married when I turned 18 for "love".
was fun for a few years, had a baby girl around 23 and she went crazy and turned into an alcoholic and cheater. she was from a broken, absolutely fucked up home life.
lessons learned.
next time didn't give 2 shits about love, wanted a stable Christian gal, from a stable Christian 2 parent home, who had work ethic and the temperment to deal with my fiesty ass.
we have 2 boys together, couldn't be more happy. turned out she is the love of my life.
moral of the story, find a gal with morals from a solid background and don't fuck it up.
eta I'm still a poor so I have no advice there.
Recently started seeing a woman who was divorced a few months ago. Her ex has a truck in her name and won't assume the loan per the decree, left the state ect. Court and loan company told her GFY. She's broke as a joke and can't afford the payment or an attorney, what are her options?

I'm just there for the crazy poon but she's kind of a sweetheart so I figured I'd feed the topic to you fuckers for discussion.
Hello there, fellow excellent decision maker!! How do you do?

I'm doing swell!

I too have dabbled in the Danger Zone outlined in the Hot/Crazy Matrix 🥰

I'm looking forward to seeing your amazing progress in digging this hole for yourself 😍
At least she is not red headed.

Run my friend. It will get worser. No that is poor grammar, it is the truth.

I dated red headed crazy shortly after an ugly divorce. After being married 33 years, it was an enlightening experience. Not worth the drama vs wild cat sex ratio
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Fuck the shit outta her then tell her she's ugly and make her cry

somehow this always works. always.


Are you kidding? There’s more lights going off than the cops showing up at a rave and he isn’t seeing them.

ive rode around in high mileage junk for years with lights on. it can be done. but in all cases you have to be prepared to crash that peice of shit and then step away...