Price Check in the Gas and Diesel Aisle...

WTI Crude • 82.06 +0.52+0.64%
Brent Crude • 85.61 +0.61+0.72%

WTI Crude • 82.47 +0.93+1.14%
Brent Crude • 85.95 +0.95+1.12%
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Reactions: babyguppy
another change
Circle K (low Octane) PHX (87 octane)
3.39 - 2/28/24
3.69 - 3/14/24
3.89 - 3/17/24
4.19 - 4/3/24
4.49 - 4/9/24
4.59 - 4/15/24
4.39 - 4/25/24
4.19 - 4/28/24 Diesel 4.13
4.15 - 5/11/24 Diesel 4.05
4.09 - 5/14/24
4.07 - 5/22/24
3.97 - 5/29/24
3.79 - 6/4/24
3.79 6/13/24 at circle K --3.49 - 6/13/24 - sams
3.69 - 6/19/24 circle K
3.29 - 7/19 at Sams
3.59 - 7/21 at Cricle K ---3.39 - 7/21 at Sams (dropped and bounced back up)