Big White Gal w/knife charges at 3 Knoxville Police in Fatal Shooting

The comment was made above that the average "trained" guy could take her down without lethal force.


I have had a few different forms of chop sockey training. Formal training in Kenpo Karate starting in 1977. In the 80's, formal training in Tae Kwon Do and Aiki-jujutsu.

Informal training in Kung Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Tai Chi (which is really more for balance.)

But here is the thing I learned from my Tae Kwon Do instructor. In a fight with a knife, you will get cut. Choose where you can take a cut. So, the next best option is force that will neutralize the knife.

Hence, the Clint Smith quote in my footer. You do what it takes to stop the threat from moving.

Yes, this was suicide by cop. The cops are not bad. The psycho woman charging at them with a knife trying to kill them is bad. I should not have to say this.

Okay, so, take some tissue from the roll and fold neatly. Then reach behind to your butthole .....
I think you're indirectly addressing my comment, so I'll play. None of the "martial arts" listed above are real. MMA has proven that everything on that list is a joke other than Tai Kwan do at the highest levels. A Brazilian jiu jitsu blue belt (2 years of training) would absolutely demolish all but the most elite athletes (not based on training), in any of those "martial arts". I think that every cop should be trained to at least that level as a grappler. If you doubt anything I've said here, then you don't follow martial arts. We've learned more about what works in a fight in the last 30 years than humans learned in the last 3,000 years, and in summary, almost nothing from any of those styles are effective in a real fight. They are absolutely garbage against a trained fighter. These aren't opinions, they are facts.
That was bad. Choosing suicide by cop, people that are notoriously bad shots, looks like a slow way to go.
It made me think of a gutshot Cheyenne's last words in Once Upon a Time in the West.

"Hey, Harmonica, when they do you in, pray it's somebody who knows where to shoot."
My .02 is they didn't have to shoot her in the first place, and they certainly didn't have to mag dump on her once she was down.

This was not some 6' 6" 220lb athletic dude ready to get it on.

If you think this fat bitch was life threating you might want to reevaluate yourself......JMO
I'm not criticizing them, good shoot, they have the right to protect themselves from armed Karens too, but I think a police officer should be able to handle a fat Karen with a knife from 50' away without bullets. Spray, tazer, baton etc.. I don't care about the Karen either, good riddance, but I think the average American man would have disarmed and incapacitated her without injury.
this but what do you expect when they are walking down the street with guns drawn? cops are way too trigger happy today, this was unnecessary imho
this but what do you expect when they are walking down the street with guns drawn? cops are way too trigger happy today, this was unnecessary imho
She was making a move. Cops had to get it on.

I always like how they go into 'urgent life saving attempt' mode right after they hose someone down.
Thats part of the act, like 'Stop resisting!' when they're beating someone down.
The common sense me: Took out some trash. NEXT!

The compassion side of me: Why are bullets always the first go to option for LEO.

The reality side of me: These guys have to live with killing an overweight chick with a knife for the rest of their life! They will endure as much pain doing that as anyone that has ever killed a person. It is not something you just file away and move on from, no matter the personality. I bet the next time, should they not quit, the gun will not be the first option. If they are just douchebags, then the next time will be even easier.

The Snipershide side of me: This fucking Hecouldgoalltheway guy is the most fucking one-upper person I have ever seen on a forum. Top PRS shooter, top Coyote hunter, $50K right out of high school, and now 30 year MMA guy. You know most here could agree with your words and even find you a decent guy, but you just can't leave the ego at the door. It's ok to walk away from a response, the only person that cares is you. Tell me one debate on this forum, not related to you, that left a good lasting impression on you. Doesn't happen, no one cares!! However, debating to the point of stroking your ego to look a fool, makes a lasting negative impression on us all. It's ok to walk away.......
The common sense me: Took out some trash. NEXT!

The compassion side of me: Why are bullets always the first go to option for LEO.

The reality side of me: These guys have to live with killing an overweight chick with a knife for the rest of their life! They will endure as much pain doing that as anyone that has ever killed a person. It is not something you just file away and move on from, no matter the personality. I bet the next time, should they not quit, the gun will not be the first option. If they are just douchebags, then the next time will be even easier.

The Snipershide side of me: This fucking Hecouldgoalltheway guy is the most fucking one-upper person I have ever seen on a forum. Top PRS shooter, top Coyote hunter, $50K right out of high school, and now 30 year MMA guy. You know most here could agree with your words and even find you a decent guy, but you just can't leave the ego at the door. It's ok to walk away from a response, the only person that cares is you. Tell me one debate on this forum, not related to you, that left a good lasting impression on you. Doesn't happen, no one cares!! However, debating to the point of stroking your ego to look a fool, makes a lasting negative impression on us all. It's ok to walk away.......
Wow, I never claimed to even be a good prs shooter. I was mediocre on my good days. 30 year mma guy? You're so disingenuous that it's hard to respond to this seriously. Here's the thing bucko, some of us have lived very interesting and exciting lives. Some of us grab life by the horns and fuck it into submission. Then there are guys like you who think that my experiences must be lies because your life has been so pathetic that you can't even understand how these things are possible. You're whining attack is pretty pathetic..

Or, is the truth of it: you're one of those fat middle aged karate teachers in a strip mall down by the navy recruiting center giving 8 year old kids black belts because they learned your choreographed dances and can break perforated 3/4" boards? Did I hit too close to home sport?
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I'm not criticizing them, good shoot, they have the right to protect themselves from armed Karens too, but I think a police officer should be able to handle a fat Karen with a knife from 50' away without bullets. Spray, tazer, baton etc.. I don't care about the Karen either, good riddance, but I think the average American man would have disarmed and incapacitated her without injury.

The average American would have vacated the area and let her be crazy on someone else. You're a fool if you think you would do anything else

Doesn't matter that she's fat and incapable. The very first thing they teach you in knife combat is that everyone is getting cut. You avoid getting anywhere close because there's zero chance you get out without a cut. Fighting someone with a knife is always a bad idea.

Pepper spray doesn't have great effective distance. It's better used to convince people to cooperate when they're fighting the cuffs.
Most officers don't carry batons because they're not trained with them.
Lots of departments still don't have tasers because they're expensive and require training.
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The average American would have vacated the area and let her be crazy on someone else. You're a fool if you think you would do anything else

Doesn't matter that she's fat and incapable. The very first thing they teach you in knife combat is that everyone is getting cut. You avoid getting anywhere close because there's zero chance you get out without a cut. Fighting someone with a knife is always a bad idea.

Pepper spray doesn't have great effective distance. It's better used to convince people to cooperate when they're fighting the cuffs.
Most officers don't carry batons because they're not trained with them.
Lots of departments still don't have tasers because they're expensive and require training.
That's what they taught you in knife combat? Where do all of you knife fighting experts learn these amazing laws of knife fighting?

Just stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Physicality is everything in a situation. Sure, if you're being attacked without warning by a knife, you're fucked. If you're fighting a physically capable human with a weapon, especially if their physicality is superior to yours and you don't train constantly and for decades in a real combat sport, you're probably fucked, but a 300lb huffing Karen with a knife isn't cutting anyone who isn't a lump of shit. I could have backpeddled faster than she can run. She had maybe another 30y in her until her forward progress was going to be stopped by thr gravy in her veins. I realize that many of you are frail and pathetic, terrified of physical altercations, (even with Karen's with KFC rewards cards in their pockets), but we aren't all like you. Some of us are still actually men, and we are capable, and we wouldn't "vacate the area" like a bitch, and avoid confrontation, so she could kill someone else's kid. You sound like one of those people who call the cops from behind your curtains when something goes wrong. My dad taught me to call them after the situation was under control and everyone had their stories straight. We are not the same..
She was making a move. Cops had to get it on.

I always like how they go into 'urgent life saving attempt' mode right after they hose someone down.
Thats part of the act, like 'Stop resisting!' when they're beating someone down.
I get it but when I see them walking guns drawn before a threat and then just unloading with no real attempt to de escalate at all (mind you, we don't know the before) I just think the whole thing is wrong. I'ts like kicking in doors late night and shit goes sideways. we need a total reevaluation of how police handle stuff. I mean they could have tazed as they all carry them now and what did we see there at least 3 cops? you taze that charging bitch and she drops
I think you're indirectly addressing my comment, so I'll play. None of the "martial arts" listed above are real. MMA has proven that everything on that list is a joke other than Tai Kwan do at the highest levels. A Brazilian jiu jitsu blue belt (2 years of training) would absolutely demolish all but the most elite athletes (not based on training), in any of those "martial arts". I think that every cop should be trained to at least that level as a grappler. If you doubt anything I've said here, then you don't follow martial arts. We've learned more about what works in a fight in the last 30 years than humans learned in the last 3,000 years, and in summary, almost nothing from any of those styles are effective in a real fight. They are absolutely garbage against a trained fighter. These aren't opinions, they are facts.
WTF? I was not planning a debate on whether my martial arts dick is bigger than yours. I am just saying that in spite of some fighter training, there are situations where using deadly force, such as a firearm, is needed. Now, I invite you to FOAD.
WTF? I was not planning a debate on whether my martial arts dick is bigger than yours. I am just saying that in spite of some fighter training, there are situations where using deadly force, such as a firearm, is needed. Now, I invite you to FOAD.
Sorry, I have no idea what "FOAD" means, nor do I give a shit, so I'm going to ignore that. And to be clear, your martial arts dick is what they call a "micro-penis". You're the one who spit out your mall ninja resume as evidence of your ability to determine the danger level of engaging knife welding land whales. Remember killer, you engaged me on this topic.
Sorry, I have no idea what "FOAD" means, nor do I give a shit, so I'm going to ignore that. And to be clear, your martial arts dick is what they call a "micro-penis". You're the one who spit out your mall ninja resume as evidence of your ability to determine the danger level of engaging knife welding land whales. Remember killer, you engaged me on this topic.
You won! We are mailing you a trophy right now that you can add to all your others. What name to you want on it?
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You won! We are mailing you a trophy right now that you can add to all your others. What name to you want on it?
Just put your mother's name on it. It will make her feel appreciated the next time she visits. I wish I could properly articulate how disgusting weak men are, but you probably already know. You're softer than a butterfly fart.
The pay.

My excuse has always been the pay. I was making more thank $50k/ year in 1998 when I graduated high school. If it started at $150k/ year like it should, I'd be a chief of police somewhere. I don't work for poverty rates and neither do most high performing individuals. This is a fact, and why there are so many in blue who shouldn't be there. I'm not a cop hater, but when the financial difference between asking "do you want fries with that" or screaming "Put down your weapon!" is negligible, you're getting what you pay for. Humans are financially motivated, and the people who do that job for fast food money are sometimes motivated by other desires, power being primary, and that's a bad thing.
Agree with this. We want people choosing to be cops for the right reason, not for the money. However while many officers do the job because they want to help people (and consequently aren't in it for the money) the fact remains that lower paying jobs many times attracts lower skilled people.

To be fair, an officer could never be paid what they are truly worth every time they save a life or risk their own. But it needs to be a decent living or you eliminate many of the best and brightest individuals right from the start. Seems like something in the 75-100k range would be appropriate, depending on where you live.
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Agree with this. We want people choosing to be cops for the right reason, not for the money. However while many officers do the job because they want to help people (and consequently aren't in it for the money) the fact remains that lower paying jobs many times attracts lower skilled people.

To be fair, an officer could never be paid what they are truly worth every time they save a life or risk their own. But it needs to be a decent living or you eliminate many of the best and brightest individuals right from the start. Seems like something in the 75-100k range would be appropriate, depending on where you live.

The issue isn't that we couldn't pay police officers a competitive wage to attract the correct class of applicants, but rather that we refuse to enforce standards of competency and behavior. Education level is NOT that important in figuring out if someone would be a good police officer. Having been part of the military at one point is NOT a good excuse for automatic acceptance.

Police work requires people who understand and will respect civil rights and the lives, safety and welfare of others. It also requires people who have a lot of street smarts and people skills. It requires people who have a calm disposition and are not easily offended.

Just think of how much the taxpayers have to fork out to cover for the evil that police do and get away with because of "the few bad apples", I'll bet that money would cover a lot of higher salaries if the ranks were purged.
Gee, another mag dump. Maybe he should have stopped and got his taser out. . .

If you are attempting to make the comparison of use of force on an able bodied man beating someone with a sub gun at point blank range to a land whale with a knife 100 feet away, you've lost all credibility. I can't even imagine the mental gymnastics required to compare these two situations. The cognitive dissonance required to think that the video you posted somehow validates them mag dumping repeatedly on a 300lb woman while she's rolling around on the ground escapes me. This is a level of disingenuous that is rarely seen among people not working for the Democrat controlled media. You sir should be a shoo in at CNN.
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Police work requires people who understand and will respect civil rights and the lives, safety and welfare of others. It also requires people who have a lot of street smarts and people skills. It requires people who have a calm disposition and are not easily offended.

This is 100 percent true. For some of us, the coolest class at the Academy was Constitutional Law. It was soooo... much more interesting than doing it in HS Civics class decades earlier. Instructor was brilliant and showed how the Constitution actually 'worked' on the streets. It was awesome!

For others, hitting people in red man suits was the best part of the academy.

Guess who I'd rather see on the streets?

Well, some people join the Army to learn computers. Some join it to kill people legally. Some to elevate their lives and get a GI Bill.. some because it legalizes their need to blow shit up.

But there ya go...


PS. Also requires a sense of humor. Albiet a sick sense of humor in most cases. Because you have to be able to laugh at some of the shit you see... Like the guy in the car wreck who cleved his left ear off on the A-piller because he was not wearing a seat belt... and it turned he was a PhD Art history professor whose specialty was Dutch Masters. That was some fucking funny shit right there. You know how hard it was to not break out laughing?
If you are attempting to make the comparison of use of force on an able bodied man beating someone with a sub gun at point blank range to a land whale with a knife 100 feet away, you've lost all credibility. I can't even imagine the mental gymnastics required to compare these two situations. The cognitive dissonance required to think that the video you posted somehow validates them mag dumping repeatedly on a 300lb woman while she's rolling around on the ground escapes me. This is a level of disingenuous that is rarely seen among people not working for the Democrat controlled media. You sir should be a shoo in at CNN.
Apparently there's a lot that escapes you.
Are you idiots high, or just immature??? They dumped two magazines in/at her and had her on the ground. They never tried to maneuver to evaluate their next move, just reload and keep firing. Forget the "baton to a knife fight" bs. This wasn't a backwoods redneck white supremist or a jacked up ghetto thug. as I stated in my post above, "It’s easy to spout macho bs, but it should be harder for a person to actually pull the trigger that many times on that type of person and live with themselves." Quit showing your immaturity and actually think about things before say it, or even worse, put it in print. Your older self will appreciate it in the future.
Are you idiots high, or just immature??? They dumped two magazines in/at her and had her on the ground. They never tried to maneuver to evaluate their next move, just reload and keep firing. Forget the "baton to a knife fight" bs. This wasn't a backwoods redneck white supremist or a jacked up ghetto thug. as I stated in my post above, "It’s easy to spout macho bs, but it should be harder for a person to actually pull the trigger that many times on that type of person and live with themselves." Quit showing your immaturity and actually think about things before say it, or even worse, put it in print. Your older self will appreciate it in the future.
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I like all of the strawman arguements presented here:

"If I have a knife and you have a baton"
"The 21 foot rule"
"Bring a knife to a gun fight"

Bla bla bla, I get it. I'll say it again, they didn't do anything wrong legally, and I'm not trying to dogpile them, and I'm not your average guy, I've been training in Brazilian jiu jitsu for over 20 years, had a lengthy MMA career, and am a strong and capable man, but that fat cow with a knife 100 feet away and slowly losing speed due to cardio respiratory failure is not a threat to my safety. I'd handle her without a weapon very easily. I'm not expecting every cop to be a fighter, but I'd think that in this case, (given the pathetic attacker) and three cops, and the attack started over 100 feet away, that they could have stopped her without bullets. Fuck her corpse, I don't care about her, and I understand the sentiment that she got what she deserved, sure, unless that's your sister, and she's having a bad reaction to a new prescription and it's just the worst day of her life. Or insert any of a thousand plausible scenarios to explain how she could be redeemed.
I think you're indirectly addressing my comment, so I'll play. None of the "martial arts" listed above are real. MMA has proven that everything on that list is a joke other than Tai Kwan do at the highest levels. A Brazilian jiu jitsu blue belt (2 years of training) would absolutely demolish all but the most elite athletes (not based on training), in any of those "martial arts". I think that every cop should be trained to at least that level as a grappler. If you doubt anything I've said here, then you don't follow martial arts. We've learned more about what works in a fight in the last 30 years than humans learned in the last 3,000 years, and in summary, almost nothing from any of those styles are effective in a real fight. They are absolutely garbage against a trained fighter. These aren't opinions, they are facts.

I am certainly no karate master, nor have I had much training outside of H2, but I have been in some fights, and I know a few "moves". The prospect of fighting only one person is really appealing to me. It usually seems like I had to fight half a dozen attackers at once. But, I also haven't been in a fight in a VERY long time. I ain't what I was. At 25 or 30? Sheeet!

Its gaslighting to pretend that who the knife is attached to is irrelevant. I said that if it looked like a passably fit young man (little guys CAN be badass for sure) moving like he had some fighting spirit I'd shoot. Knives are fucking deadly for sure. When it's a completely out of shape woman, or a child, or an invalid it is absolutely pertinent to my decision making loop. The fast waddling I see coming at me is going to effect my level of fear for my life, and I can tell you that one look and I know that is an out of shape woman who I can throttle without breaking a sweat. I am not panicking because I see a knife, because I see someone who is so slow I can fast walk faster than she can "sprint". Yea, if I was asleep she's a serious threat, but awake not so much. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to be paying attention to the staby thing in her hand, but I give myself high odds of not getting a scratch on me when I take it away administer the beat down. I'd be pretty confident my left hook would take every ounce of fight out of her if she managed to somehow retain consciousness.
I totally get if she terrifies you and you were in fear for your life, but as others have said, if I (me personally) open fire and mag dumped on her it would only be because it was a legal, good shoot, and not because of fear for my life or the lives of others. I am going to avoid killing someone if I can, period. If I can decide to use lethal force in a split second I can also decide I don't need to to stop the attack. Why take the chance? Because I choose to take a chance. Saving a human life is worth it to me.

Shooting because you can and it's legal just doesn't track for me. Killing that fat bitch would haunt me till my last day when I know I didn't have to do it. Those cops did nothing wrong, and it was a good shoot, but for me it would have been a bad one. I know my judgement is better than all the rote training in the world. I am huge advocate of both the po-lice and the use of deadly force, but for me it's the totality of the circumstances, and not just conditions that meet the legal definitions for use of lethal force.
I am certainly no karate master, nor have I had much training outside of H2, but I have been in some fights, and I know a few "moves". The prospect of fighting only one person is really appealing to me. It usually seems like I had to fight half a dozen attackers at once. But, I also haven't been in a fight in a VERY long time. I ain't what I was. At 25 or 30? Sheeet!

Its gaslighting to pretend that who the knife is attached to is irrelevant. I said that if it looked like a passably fit young man (little guys CAN be badass for sure) moving like he had some fighting spirit I'd shoot. Knives are fucking deadly for sure. When it's a completely out of shape woman, or a child, or an invalid it is absolutely pertinent to my decision making loop. The fast waddling I see coming at me is going to effect my level of fear for my life, and I can tell you that one look and I know that is an out of shape woman who I can throttle without breaking a sweat. I am not panicking because I see a knife, because I see someone who is so slow I can fast walk faster than she can "sprint". Yea, if I was asleep she's a serious threat, but awake not so much. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to be paying attention to the staby thing in her hand, but I give myself high odds of not getting a scratch on me when I take it away administer the beat down. I'd be pretty confident my left hook would take every ounce of fight out of her if she managed to somehow retain consciousness.
I totally get if she terrifies you and you were in fear for your life, but as others have said, if I (me personally) open fire and mag dumped on her it would only be because it was a legal, good shoot, and not because of fear for my life or the lives of others. I am going to avoid killing someone if I can, period. If I can decide to use lethal force in a split second I can also decide I don't need to to stop the attack. Why take the chance? Because I choose to take a chance. Saving a human life is worth it to me.

Shooting because you can and it's legal just doesn't track for me. Killing that fat bitch would haunt me till my last day when I know I didn't have to do it. Those cops did nothing wrong, and it was a good shoot, but for me it would have been a bad one. I know my judgement is better than all the rote training in the world. I am huge advocate of both the po-lice and the use of deadly force, but for me it's the totality of the circumstances, and not just conditions that meet the legal definitions for use of lethal force.
Sounds like we agree on every level.
That's what they taught you in knife combat? Where do all of you knife fighting experts learn these amazing laws of knife fighting?

Just stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Physicality is everything in a situation. Sure, if you're being attacked without warning by a knife, you're fucked. If you're fighting a physically capable human with a weapon, especially if their physicality is superior to yours and you don't train constantly and for decades in a real combat sport, you're probably fucked, but a 300lb huffing Karen with a knife isn't cutting anyone who isn't a lump of shit. I could have backpeddled faster than she can run. She had maybe another 30y in her until her forward progress was going to be stopped by thr gravy in her veins. I realize that many of you are frail and pathetic, terrified of physical altercations, (even with Karen's with KFC rewards cards in their pockets), but we aren't all like you. Some of us are still actually men, and we are capable, and we wouldn't "vacate the area" like a bitch, and avoid confrontation, so she could kill someone else's kid. You sound like one of those people who call the cops from behind your curtains when something goes wrong. My dad taught me to call them after the situation was under control and everyone had their stories straight. We are not the same..

I'm saying I would dump rounds into her long before I tried to take the knife away.

I don't give one shit about an attackers life to try and save them. They made their choice and I'll inform them they brought the wrong weapon while they're plenty far away.

A knife may not be a huge threat to you, but you catch one wrong and you'll be able to think about your errors as you bleed out in seconds.
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I'm not criticizing them, good shoot, they have the right to protect themselves from armed Karens too, but I think a police officer should be able to handle a fat Karen with a knife from 50' away without bullets. Spray, tazer, baton etc.. I don't care about the Karen either, good riddance, but I think the average American man would have disarmed and incapacitated her without injury.
I would have shot her dead and not thought twice about it. I'm not playing games when a knife is involved.
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One of my best friends on the PD faced a suicide by cop...

Dark night. Raining. Parking lot. Indigent/unknown agitated individual. As my buddy pulled in on the call he got out of the cruiser and started to approach the individual. Who raised an object with a big-round shotgun-like muzzle at him and said he was ready to die.

As he drew his firearm, my buddy noticed a funny glint off the 'gun" that looked just like a shotgun muzzle from the front and recognized it for what it was. A beer bottle held at arms length. And an attempted 'suicide by cop.

He talked the guy down and by the time backup got there (from a long way off in a rural area) the guy was subdued peacefully and went to mental health that night, not jail. He was batshit crazy. Off his meds. Out from State mental institute. And had a bad night. He wanted to die.

Not everyone is trigger happy. Not everyone just looks to blast folks. And fortunately, not all suicide by cop candidates are committed.

But my buddy had the shakes for days. He knew he was dead. And said time slowed down to such an incredible degree that after he recognized that it was not a gun... he could even remember the label on the bottle... in retrospect. Could have come out very differently.

Suicide by Cop is real. And doesn't always end up the way people think it does. With a dead fat chick or a dead officer. But it does often enough.

By all means... call these three names. Second guess them. Call them homicidal. Bullshit. Unless you have been there (or talked to your buddy an hour after he thought he was leaving a widow and three kids behind)... STFU.

This was a good shoot. Fuck that bitch. She wanted to die and didn't have the balls to do it herself. So she tried to take others with her.

It's too bad that "Suicide" candidates feel they need to take people with them. These days, usually schools full of kids. Want to kak yourself? Go behind a dumpster and be a man. Slit your wrists. Take a pile of fentanyl. Jump off a bridge. Whatever. Show some courage, spine and creativity. These shitwads who want someone else to 'do' them or who take others with them are extra mentally-ill.

Oh and want better officers? Go become one. They're recruiting every day. You don't have to be 18... I was 41 and had a masters degree and about 3/4's of a foot and a hole in my spine when I did it. The runs sucked. What's your excuse?


I’m going with this guy.

She was making a move. Cops had to get it on.

I always like how they go into 'urgent life saving attempt' mode right after they hose someone down.
Thats part of the act, like 'Stop resisting!' when they're beating someone down.

Why did the cops keep shooting?

It could have been a bear under that human skin. You never know.

Think about it. Wimmerns chose bears over men because they feel safer. A bear, hiding as a woman in public, with a knife...

Could explain why it was so large and why it didn't follow direction from the PoPo.

We've all read after the fact bear stories. The golden rule is to keep shooting until it stops.
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Why did the cops keep shooting?

It could have been a bear under that human skin. You never know.

Think about it. Wimmerns chose bears over men because they feel safer. A bear, hiding as a woman in public, with a knife...

Could explain why it was so large and why it didn't follow direction from the PoPo.

We've all read after the fact bear stories. The golden rule is to keep shooting until it stops.

And what if the bear identified as Chuck Norris?

Fatty went looking for a bullet, and found a couple. Would we feel differently if she was a bikini model?

We unwrapped a couple of issues here. We can go home and be friends. Some of us:)
Fatty went looking for a bullet, and found a couple. Would we feel differently if she was a bikini model?

We unwrapped a couple of issues here. We can go home and be friends. Some of us:)
I'll admit that I would feel differently if she was a bikini model. Jogging slowly towards the cops would been much more enjoyable. The squirming more seductive.
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