Me an another guy (everyone called him bull, he was a boncer, i had helped him bounce people there before. Lol) disarmed a guy who just stabbed someone and was yelling swinging his knife threatning everyone in the parking lot of a bar. Bull said we will get close and grab his hand and we will both jump on him. When I got close enough to grab the guy and the dude looked at me. "Bull" speared him from the side so hard the knife went flying in the air. If I had actually had ahold of the guys hand already. It might have ripped his arm off. I may have been sprayed with some drool and snot. That was two men vs one man. Not three men with body Armour batons, tazers, guns and backup vs one fat barely Mobil woman.
OMG. You might get cut!!!

I have had many cuts. Generally speaking non fatal.
That chick was a threat with a gun. Witha knife

. I would have had made her chase me around the squad car until she collapsed. Might have been fatal too depending on her level of determination and agitation.
Sure she had knife. Technically she was a deadly threat. I would nod disapprovingly while i aquited them of any charges if i was on a jury judgeing their case. It still looks more kin to the acorn drop to me then some brave men in blue defending their lives and serving and protecting and being the thin blue line and all that. I don't give a fuck what SCOTUS says. We hire and pay for cops. We want and expect them to serve and protect.
Should they make 150k.

maybe if we pay the congress critters more it will cut back on the corruption.

Should we pay teachers more? What if we get rid of licensing requirements and make the job easier to get, and quit hanging 80k in student loan debt around everyone's neck who wants to and can do it and quit making them recertify every 5 years with another 25 credit hours. And let their administrator and the parents and school board decide if they can do it.