Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)


It opens up a whole new perspective to be able to view some land formations from a higher elevation. Makes you wonder just how many lakes, inlets, and natural harbors today are the result of titanic asteroid and planetoid impacts that occurred while the Earth was still cooling down from it's formation...
Bespoke, I'm sure.

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49 years ago... people were lining up around the block for the first time in movie history... and seeing this multiple times.

Jaws changed everything. Sad what the movie industry has become in just two generations.


Rocky 23, back to the future 12, ghost buster trannies 15, star wars 58, top gun 5, frozen 6....... Now add in all the woke Disney bullshit.
I was thinking of that thread earlier. I still think that first post commentary is masterful.