Poll says that a Clinton - Harris ticket would beat Trump

From apple news/politico...

Fact checker ^^^.

It does not matter who runs for the Dems as the powers that be will install anyone that they want.

By now we should all know the essential process being deployed. This is the reason for the open border policies.
The Biden administration (DHS) is not “importing democrat voters.” Instead, DHS is importing people, names, that allows the state fraud process to generate ballots. This is an important distinction.
The migrants will not use the ballots. The DNC harvesters will collect them, fill them out (Team Obama), then the Precinct workers will scan them and count them (Team Clyburn). Illegals don’t need to vote. They only need to exist to create a ballot.
When people say the voter fraud issue has not been proven in the courts, there is another important distinction. Typical EXAMPLE of court cases:
♦ Were the 400,000 ballots accurately counted?
♦ Were the 400,000 ballots accurately matched to 400,000 voter registration rolls?
♦ Were the 400,000 voter registrations legal?
COUNTY: Um, that’s not our job.
That’s the game. The game is rigged.
The people in charge of making sure voter registration rolls are legal and accurate, have a vested interest in making sure the voter registration rolls are not legal and accurate.
Biden Administration Promises to Veto any Legislative Effort That Blocks Vote or Ballot Fraud
Doesn't really matter who the Dems put on the ticket. Dominion software, mail-in ballots and ballot box stuffers will ensure a Dem "victory".
Sounds like it's time for everyone to drop multiple ballots. We'll see how far it will get us. Seems kinda treasonous for those that stuff those boxes. If caught they should be dealt with accordingly by the justice system. Lol
One should regularly check the pulse of the opponent. Apple News, Politico, CNN, The Atlantic, Wapo, etc.

Can you really say you’re aware of things if you only partake of the echo chamber where you’re comfortable?
Not what I said.
Just said it was biased.
I check, occasionally, they spew the same scheet all the time, just as the site I look at does.
Same scheet, different day.
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Sounds like it's time for everyone to drop multiple ballots. We'll see how far it will get us. Seems kinda treasonous for those that stuff those boxes. If caught they should be dealt with accordingly by the justice system. Lol

What do you want to bet any conservatives stuffing ballot boxes would be instantly found out, arrested and prosecuted to the max?

Let's say we were able to match the democrats in ballot box stuffing, as long as their buddies can still rig the vote counting software and modify the election machines and counting machines on the fly, it wouldn't matter.
Yeah, the same MSM polling libtards said that Hidabeast would win in 2016. And we know how that went.

It pleases me every single day to contemplate how losing to Trump still burns her ass. I think I actually hate her more than Hanoi Jane...who I despise.
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If they ran a Clinton/Harris campaign, it would ensure Trump's win. Clinton pisses off everyone. Remember in 2016 when they already had enough ballots from citizens who fought in the Civil War? And it still was not enough because not enough real folks voted for her? They went with the pussy grabber.
The only way they could honestly beat him is get his head in a 'lesbo scissor lock.'

I don't underestimate the Left though. The comments posted on Nextdoor against an upcoming Trump boat floatilla show half the people living here on the lakes west of Austin are absolute Trump hating, degenerate scum.
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