Kamala Harris Agrees to Debate Donald Trump: ‘I’m Ready’

Ok, then I'll re-phrase as "Formally educated" and along with that indoctrinated.

All of my former high school classmates who have reunited as Facebook "friends" list a university they attended after graduation. And everyone are Democrats. I'm going to block them as fast as they reappeared. Fuck them.

You can tell how libtarded they are by the look on their face. Liberals have a fake-happy kinda look with wide eyes whereas conservatives are well, more conservative appearing.
Yeah but I don't know if the argument of being a woman of color would be enough for this hyena. The Biden/Harris duo was a complete desaster and even the democrats voters are now agreeing. Plus nobody likes Kamala, even the sound of her voice is irritating. That's why I was thinking about Michelle Obama (a real black woman, well not so sure for the latter) because her husband was a "success" for the dummies, the first black President etc and she was pretty well liked.
Her nomination at the democrate convention would be a relief for all the dem voters as they would finally have a "viable" candidate. The propaganda machine would go full steam with headlines like "Just on time to save the day" and BS like that. She wouldn't have to debate and talk about her program and would arrive fresh, basically like pedo Joe in his cave.
Whether from mental-illness or low IQ, half the country are democrats. And half of those would just as easily and naturally live in a 3rd World shithole such as Angola where starving dogs feed on decomposing bodies in the street next to burning tires.

Those fuckers don't care about the economy and interest rates, only that their warlord dictator is the same color as them. Kamala Harris isn't black but close enough.
Whether from mental-illness or low IQ, half the country are democrats. And half of those would just as easily and naturally live in a 3rd World shithole such as Angola where starving dogs feed on decomposing bodies in the street next to burning tires.

Those fuckers don't care about the economy and interest rates, only that their warlord dictator is the same color as them. Kamala Harris isn't black but close enough.
Unfortunately accurate...
Whether from mental-illness or low IQ, half the country are democrats. And half of those would just as easily and naturally live in a 3rd World shithole such as Angola where starving dogs feed on decomposing bodies in the street next to burning tires.

Those fuckers don't care about the economy and interest rates, only that their warlord dictator is the same color as them. Kamala Harris isn't black but close enough.
Unfortunately it might be more than half now.
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I believe that a lot of it is opposition research, trying to figure out how many fake ballots they need. Best not feed them the Intel imo.

They don't need "fake ballots". They've got enough stupid people to vote, who actually believe Socialism is the way to go. This is precisely why they don't need "fake ballots"....

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They don't need "fake ballots". They've got enough stupid people to vote, who actually believe Socialism is the way to go. This is precisely why they don't need "fake ballots"....

Project Veritas busted Omar paying for ballot harvesting. Have you been in a coma since 2020? More fake ballots than Kamala has given blowjobs.
Project Veritas busted Omar paying for ballot harvesting. Have you been in a coma since 2020? More fake ballots than Kamala has given blowjobs.
So what? You're the one who is being naive. The Democrats have had that district PACKED with Somali immigrants, since both she, (Omar), and the rest of them first set foot here. Barack Obama engineered the whole thing politically for Christ's sake. Do you think they all found Minnesota on their own, because they love cold weather so much?

They have illegal Somali immigrants working in their police departments. That's how that Australian woman was murdered by one of them. And the asswipe cop who did it received 12-1/2 years in prison as a direct result. And you're worried about them, "harvesting votes" in elections? Spare me.

Again, they don't need to "cheat" at the polls. Not when they have idiots standing in line to vote for them. How do you think AOC got elected in the first place, let alone reelected?

It's called the "dumb vote" for a reason. Because when the followers of your party are that fucking stupid, and have all been taught to love socialism so damn much, because they don't have a pot to piss in, let alone a window to throw it from, you don't have to, "cheat".

And it's not just Somalians. Watch some of Charlie Kirk's videos, that show just how ignorant and stupid these college kids are today at these so called. "premier universities". That the bulk of them are borrowing hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend...... All on the Government's dime.

For the last 30+ years, these kids have had their heads packed solid with progressive bullshit. And taught day in and day out how horrible capitalism, along with the United States is, and how all of its citizens are all nothing but a bunch of "racists".

"Cheating" isn't necessary in the least when you turn K-12 schools and colleges into nothing more than communist indoctrination camps.
